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Everything posted by deady

  1. deady

    Where are the girls?

    The answer is simple and quite obvious. They don't have girls in Czechoslovakia.
  2. deady

    Public Ban List

    Can anyone put together a list of pirate version IDs? I know 18118919 is one, are there anymore?
  3. deady

    What do you want in a co-op mission?

    I am currently looking for good quality coop missions to run on public Jolt.co.uk servers. The requirements are: No bugs - Helicopters failing to take off, scripted events going wrong etc. are instant rejection for a public server. Easy going on CPU use - Avoid heavy looping scripts.  If you use the UPS script try to limit it to only 1 or 2 uses in your mission.  I'd prefer no UPS or similar scripts at all, though. Clear and simple objectives. Robustness - people will get up to all kinds of antics.  Can the mission handle it?  Or will it break?  What happens if your extraction chopper gets blown up?  Does the mission end or just leave everyone stranded forever?  What if someone kills that friendly soldier you were supposed to speak to?  The mission needs to be able to deal with this stuff without breaking. File size:  Doesnt really matter since upload speeds are no issue, but try to keep it under 2mb. Number of players:  Were aiming for small coop servers rather than huge confusion fests of camping and DM play.  So ideally the number of players will be 6-8. No huge clan/squad graphics or advertisements - A small titletext showing your squad is fine, but please, no half screen .paa files with your squad logo on Finally, It needs to be fun  I'm not after amazing cinematics and storylines, simple, clear and fun is whats needed by me Sooo...if anyone can satisfy the above, let me know and i'd love to have your mission running on Jolt for everyone to enjoy.  I'll even host it for download. Thanks for reading
  4. I was testing out the various commands today, and a VOTED admin can use #exec ban ID to perm ban people from your server. For public server providers this is not acceptable as this kind of power to perm ban should not be given to untrusted people. Matters are made worse when you consider that to stop abuse of banning, all voting has to be disabled, which includes kick voting and mission voting. Is there time for a fix to this problem to be included in 1.05? EDIT: As a workaround set your ban.txt to readonly, and add bans manually when you need them.
  5. Also experiencing this problem in my mission Trying to moveindriver a createunit'd man into a createvehicle'd vehicle, and CTD
  6. deady

    Server Commands

    join the game, either vote yourself admin or login as admin, type #userlist get the number of the player you dont like (say 8) type #exec ban 8 they get added to ban.txt by the game.
  7. deady

    More Official Co-op Missions

    Just a note to say Jolt.co.uk are actually looking for good community made coop missions. Theres already a couple added to the rotation, but we are very picky about the quality.
  8. deady

    Voice volumes

    I have noticed when in first person view, my own voice is a lot louder on the radio than the voices of others. The difference is so large that I can't set the voice volume to a level where my voice isnt too loud and the voice of others is still audible. My guess is that you play voices from "self" too many times, because sometimes I when i say "WHERE ARE YOU" or "UNDER FIRE" I can hear the voice playing more than once, which causes the extra loudness.
  9. deady

    Voice volumes

    EAX is off, Hardware is off. OpenAL updated  And Timble, im glad someone else has noticed it! *Summons the great Suma*
  10. deady

    Easier voting

  11. While testing out the new 1.04 5121 dedi server, I encountered a bug whereby 80% of the people on the server were forefully disconnected (Said "bob is losing connection" etc). The few that did not get disconnected remained, but noticed no new players coming back. After some investigation it was discovered that the server was no longer being listed on the ingame server browser, and I had to shut down the server and restart it to make it reappear.
  12. deady

    Dedicated Server Beta available

    Awaiting 1.04 dedi server here.
  13. deady

    ArmA 505 Europe Release + US Publisher

    Arma may be full of bugs, but one thing OFP showed is that BIS stick with it and release patches way after most companies would stop supporting a game.
  14. deady

    Bar Gates (animation)

    I'd like to know this too
  15. deady

    Boat crash Bug ?

    Suma thankyou for your update and for including a little info on what the cause was. It's much appreciated. People like me are curious about these things
  16. deady

    New camera commands

    I've had trouble using things like camPrepareDive, it doesnt seem to have any effect. Anyone have any ideas?
  17. deady

    Demo Troubleshooting thread.

    Interesting, I didn't know they locked the view distance The question is, Doushite.
  18. deady

    Boat crash Bug ?

    Any progress with this bug? It's really limiting that boats can't be used in MP.
  19. Im trying to make a mission where at one point, a city is under attack, so buildings should be damaged etc. But later I need it to be fully repaired. Now, destroying is the easy part, because a nicely placed GBU bomb sorts things out nicely, but repairing is tougher. I know i can use nearestobject xxxx setdamage 0 to repair an individual building, but does anyone know a quicker way to make the game jump from object to object in some kind of scripting loop and setdamage 0 each object? Something that takes a starting point and repairs each object outwards in a radius would be perfect.
  20. I'm not convinced. Persistant means stats and ranks, and possibly subscription fees. I don't like any of those things
  21. deady

    HDR problem?

    The feature may be working as intended, but it comes down to trying to simulate what real vision does in real life. And that never works in a computer game. Firstly, real life eyes don't black out whole landscapes just because your head is facing the sun. Perhaps if you stared directly at the sun, yes. But Arma has no way of telling where your *eyes* are looking, only your character's head. There sure would be a lot of traffic accidents if looking in the sun's direction while driving blacked out the road and surrounding landscape and left only the sky visible. Perhaps in the demo you're not seeing it as bad as 1.02 retail users.
  22. deady

    Server Performance

    Thanks for the detailed explanation. Looking forward to 5117
  23. Whats all this talk about submitting missions? The UK version isn't even out and the demo doesn't include the editor. So unless 505 games are aiming to make UK customers buy a German version and lose themselves business, they are *not* asking for your missions. The site is basically a promotional site, with the chance to win prizes. So far, 3 people have won an early version of the UK Arma and somekind of meeting with the Arma devs.
  24. deady

    Any Word Yet about the CTI???

    Gamespy also have the power to delist your server from the server browser, if BIS request it.