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Everything posted by DanAK47

  1. saveStatus and loadStatus will work if I can figure out a way to create a unique ID string to save the persons status as every time the script is executed. I don't think I can just use _firer saveStatus "firerStatus" because that will be overwritten if the script is executed more often than once at a time. I might make another topic for that because it's not really related to the title of this one.
  2. I know that. I'm referring to his original script. It does not use _this.
  3. problem is "getpos this". what the hell is "this"? _pos = getpos pc #loop pc setpos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 1.14] ~0.01 goto "loop"
  4. I thought about that too, but don't think I could pull it off. The soldier would be given a different face/identity when he was recreated. I also wasn't able to dumb the soldier down effectively. Although I made it impossible for him to see anything, when another unit or the player reports "man, 12 oclock, 500" the guy still looks at it. The setdir thing also won't work, seeing as the vehicle uses a turret.
  5. Yes, I've tried all of the command/do watch, target, and fire commands. The soldier momentarily looks away, but stays focused on the unknown object until it is revealed. If there is a way to make an invisible and unidentifyable object that I could create and move around it would solve my problem.
  6. DanAK47

    Ammo woes

    Magazines go in cfgWeapons, not cfgAmmo. cfgAmmo is for BulletSingle and etc. Edit: You seem to have combined the ammo class and the magazine class. should be like this. class cfgAmmo { class gunBullet {}; }; class cfgWeapons { class gun { magazines[]={gunmag}; }; class gunmag: gun { ammo=gunbullet; }; };
  7. Won't work that way. It has to be handled within the unit's own scripts, and he would still watch them until they are identified.
  8. DanAK47

    On the horns of a Dilemma

    Maybe you could createVehicle and invisible H to make the heli land on the exact spot you want. If you had to you could remove the fuel to make it stay there, but that is kind of fake. There should be a way to make them stay. Maybe doStop?
  9. DanAK47

    Same old crap, different day

    M2 model is built off of "vehicle" and not "weapon", try changing that.
  10. DanAK47

    Headgear issues in views

    Did you use setobjecttexture to set the headgear textures? I had this problem a while ago because of that.
  11. DanAK47

    What do you guys think

    Forget the M4. Release the revolver. I don't mean to be rude.
  12. DanAK47

    Models being seeable through smoke

    Maybe the order that the LODs are created has something to do with it.
  13. DanAK47

    Config prob

    maybe this is your problem? class CTsniper: OfficerW { access=2 displayName="CTsniper"; weapons[]={"Throw","Put","M4a1sds"}; magazines[]={"M4a1sd","M4a1sd","M4a1sd","M4a1sd"}; }; }; "M4A1SD" is not defined as a weapon, only as ammo.
  14. DanAK47

    Models being seeable through smoke

    Edit: I guess you already tried this, but it worked for me. I created a 1.000 LOD and now everything is fine (even when the game uses the 0 LOD). http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t+smoke I was having the same problem. I knew I had seen something about it before on the forums. I searched and found that thread, did what he said, and fixed it. If you are too lazy to read it, try creating another less detailed LOD. I also added a view geometry LOD (which has nothing in it at this time) beforehand, so you might have to do both...
  15. DanAK47

    Is it possible to ...

    Not sure what you want, but I am guessing you want one that lights up the ground around it like in America's Army. I would just do what I said earlier and attach a "light" vehicle that you would have to make to it as well..
  16. DanAK47

    Is it possible to ...

    You could use the fired eventhandler to trigger a script that creates a tracer every 5th or so shot with createvehicle and sets it at the same position and velocity of the real bullet.
  17. DanAK47

    C&H Night

    Ditto, lots of fun even if we did get spanked at BF1985.
  18. DanAK47

    making of a rucksack.?

    No ammo and no magazines. I think that's what I used. edit: If you make it use regular ammo to "carry" it will end up acting like that weapon. So if you try and carry a RPG magazine in your rucksack, your ruck will fire RPGs. Use dummy mags and a script to replace the real ones with dummies.
  19. DanAK47

    M14 Pack

    Dunno what's going on with the server. Hopefully ofp.info has the updated version of the pack, in which I fixed the first mission. If not you will have to depbo it and take the danWeapons thing out of the addon part of the .sqm. The recoil is realistically way too low. I had to balance it out to make the M14 useful in the double-tap M16 at 500m world of OFP. Muzzle flash should have been removed on the suppressed weapons, if I ever release an update (probably won't) they will go.. Thanks, Dan
  20. DanAK47

    What is better for PC performance

    Don't know about that, but I made a soldier, gave him about 10 duplicate "layers" that were labeled as hiddenselections, checked the FPS, then deleted all of those "hidden layers" and tried again using setObjectTexture. The latter had better FPS. Maybe it's just me, but there was a concrete difference in framerate.
  21. DanAK47

    What is better for PC performance

    You got my post backwards. When using hiddenselections the faces and vertexes seem to be calculated even when they are "hidden" in the config. If you hide them with setObjectTexture you will get the same result. I would use one selection and use setObjectTexture to change it around.
  22. DanAK47

    M14 Pack

    First mission as in the range or toybreaker? Any error message? Edit: Think I found the problem. If you can depbo/unpbo it, just open the mission.sqm and take danweapons out of the addons part. I'll try and get another version hosted soon. Edit 2: Try DLing the pack again. I uploaded a new version. Should work. Kinda sucks that the range mission didn't work.
  23. DanAK47

    M14 Pack

    I messed with the sounds quite a bit and couldn't ever get anything that sounded right. The suppressed sound is indeed a bit different aside from just being more quiet. I probably will not release another version unless something is really screwwed up. On that note, is anyone else having problems with the first mission (or anything else)?
  24. DanAK47

    M14 Pack

    Don't know how you changed the normals. I just use the F5/Recalculate normal button. The normals being "backwards" on the scope lenses are intentional.
  25. DanAK47

    What is better for PC performance

    I don't think that is correct. I had a model that used a lot of hiddenselections and I seemed to gain some FPS by deleting them and using setobjecttexture instead. However setObjectTexture is forgotten after a save - but this is fixable with some simple scripting.