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Posts posted by CrazyAce

  1. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6031

    Try this latest Arma 2 radio silent (of sorts) mod.

    Works good it narrows your spoken wording down to the target ... instead of "1 .. go to .. that . tree ... at .... " etc it simply says "tree". Well basically the ending target of everything is spoken only.

    Until the game ships in the US... I have to wait... :cry2: Well that’s a bummer that the game is choppy as it was, what about the other regional versions, do they do the same thing?

  2. I've got to know why America is getting the last shipment date on July 7th. :butbut: Is there any difference besides the local language and writing changes..? Well I guess voices would need to be changed to English, (I just hope its not the same crappy edited voices as have been in ArmA), but it shouldn't take a whole month to progress this. I mean come on this game is based on the US military, only makes sense to release it in America first...


    You know what forget it, I just found out that the game has already been ready for US shipment; they are just taking their time... Darn International laws.

  3. Becuase he is Armaholic site admin and just tells the author that there is a download mirror available. And what are you talking about messy, its the cleanist site around I can find anything I want for Arma there easier than anyother site.

    Anyways, thanx W0lle and I look forward to an updated CWR, can't wait to try the new weapons out. I still can't find any eastereggs... At least not in the campaigns.

  4. Sounds promising, looking forward to it.

    zWarfare 1.2.G

    Oh I almost forgot to mention that the M1A1 does not spawn when bought empty, I don't know if it still doesn't spawn when bought full, I only had enough funds for that. I haven't had a chance yet to see if any of the helicopters or planes are having the same none spawn after being bought issue also.


    Oh and the m107 has the M109 ammo so when buying that weapon it doesn't come with any ammo, luckily some of the 5ton trucks has ammo for it. the weired thing is that the AI has the ammo , so thats good news.

    I have one concern about the enemy spawning out of no were within a few meters of the player, like I was in Parasio and the whole town was quite then all of a sudden the enemy just started spawning all around me.

  5. Also I have replaced IED insurgents with PG-7VL equipped grenadiers, expect next release as soon as the Warfare vs. ACE incompatibilities get fixed.

    Right on, I'm glad that IED gets replaced, that error message pop would sometimes lag me out of the game. I will miss them as they are sneaky lil butt heads. When I was driving a tank this one time one of them would sneak behind me and lay down a satchel charge, then run off... Sort of like the good ol BF2 days, except I still haven't seen them set one off yet.

    Looking forward to the ACE EH fix, should make the game even funner.

  6. I know but when i release something and people find things to bitch about it stays under my skin until i can fix them.....

    Ahh hell bud, like was mentioned, enjoy your time off and have some fun, summer only comes once a year.

    I've been cracking away also trying to align the sights, I'll admit its no easy task and takes more time than it should, I probably won't be able to fix it perfectly or even at all, but just know your not alone.

    See ya when you get back.

  7. Uhh nothing to major, I would like to have the ACE_M249Para_M145, I think this is the SAW with the aimdot. Uhh a very important feature that would probably be asking to much is more commander buildings, like a minefeild... Some other commander build options that I can't think of.


    Another thing that I'm noticing is after I purchase a weapon with ammo and go back into the buy menu that the ammo and sometimes the weapon are gone and if the player buys an AT and goes back into the buy menu it also disappears.

    Sometimes when in game I get this error message:

    Error: creating magazine ACE_IEDMED with scope=private

    I guess it referring to the IED RACK troops. I also can't mount my weapons to anything, like a humve hood, top of sandbag walls, ect...

    Thats about all I can think of at the moment, if I find anything along the way I'll drop a line.


    Found another annoying lil bugger, when starting on OpFor side, I got 2 error messages, unfortunately I'm unable to screen cap the first message, but the second message is really annoying. Every 5 seconds this error message pops up in the upper left hand corner of the screen, covering the fire mode:

    _positionSlot = _slots |#|Select _count'
    Error Zero divisor

    Probably has something to do with the amount of troops on start up or something.

    Parasio is abandon, I got all straped up thinking I'll be fighting tanks and such, not 1 soul in the entire city.

    This is why I love zWarfare, the AI knows what to do.


  8. Hu... thats Crazy, when I'm sitting in either of the left or right gunner positions I see that it has 0 ammo count in the top left corner of the screen. I know I installed it right... but I wonder if ACE has anything to do with it. The deck guns work fine and has ammo, just not the machine gunners.


    I guess if ACE is deleting the ammo out of the guns then I would need to go into the config file of the ship and change out the ammo used with ACE compatible ammo... Uhh which class name is the machine gunners is it the M61A1?


    Found it... looks like it was using a different ammo type than ACE uses. Changed it out now I'm getting an error on start up that is preventing the game from starting:

    File uses_navy\config.cpp. line 451:

    '/LHA_DCCConsole/BayRepairButton.Bay1':""encountered instead of '='

    Oh well I guess I'll have to make due without the M61A1 guns until someone makes an ACE compatible version.

  9. ok cool, looking forward to what you come up with in ArmA 2.

    I did notice a problem with the M40A3, it has the wrong ammo assigned to it. I would go in a fix it on my end, but I have no idea how your mod is set up for these things. Most Warfare mods (at least ones that I mess with) are MPMissions.


    Heh never mind I just couldn't resist. Found the issue located in:

    C:\Program Files\Atari\ArmA\@ACE_2\Addons\ZGB_Warfare\MPMissions\zWarfare_32_ACE.SaraLite\Common\Config\Config_Loadouts.sqs

    In there the ammo is assighned to the M40A3 as "ACE_5Rnd_25x59_HEDP_Barrett", instead of "ACE_5Rnd_762x51_SB".


    Hu... Well this is weird, I get an error message on startup that says Size: 'requiredAddons/' not an array... I only changed the ammo... Guess thats not the correct ammo to use for the M40 or something.

  10. Not bad Guba I'm having fun. I would like to see alot more of the ACE weapons integrated into the pooling system though and maybe a few more vehicles, but I can do with what there is, but the weapons are a must.

  11. thanks , but i have already installed this pack in my cwr directory

    edit:new error in cwc campaign / rescue mission ;

    Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.cwr2_editor, cwr_units_guer

    my pc was locked , and whole save game file has been lost :(

    Right uninstall every thing CWR and just install everything again, but not the: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2558, try that and see if that helps, it did for me... Also try and don't install the Winter addons without testing every other update first... I didn't install the Winter addons yet.

    Hi, that was an ArmA's thing, i reloaded the mission and everything was good; after pass

    that mission, i get an script error on the mission of find and destroy the ZSUs... Seems that it haves some problem with the alarm script. Let's C ya

    Just poping smoke here, but see if this helps any..?

    Capitalize the I in - orderGetIn

    I haven't made it to mission 30 yet, so further testing on my part is unavailable.
