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Posts posted by CrazyAce

  1. Added: MFCTI Money Division System. (Commander receives all money, but allocates a percentage of the income to players).

    Is this meant for the AI commander?

    Human Commanders. Good point, I had not looked into how the AI commander may handle this. crazy_o.gif

    Who uses AI commanders anyhow..  tounge2.gif .

    True this, except uhh... what about us (LAN) singleplayers, the other side will have an AI commander?

    What I mean by it is does it affect how the other AI quads receive their funding, or do they even use it, like do the other AI squads just automatically spawn without the need for anything? I’m still unsure how they work towards that so I just thought I would ask away here given this particular add on function.

  2. Added: MFCTI Money Division System. (Commander receives all money, but allocates a percentage of the income to players).

    Is this meant for the AI commander?

    Added: Buyable Tank Barriers.

    Sweet dude, are we talking about headhogs here?

    Added: Javelin to OPFOR.

    Ehh… mmm… confused_o.gif

    Changed: Camo Net Price (Lowered, its not Silk Netting.)

    Oh wow cammo nets can be bought?

    Maybe: Trade In Function.

    Oh dude, does this mean that we will be able to sell misplaced walls?

    Maybe: Buyable Minefields (maximum three per side if at all.)

    Now we’re talking, too bad we couldn’t also have AP mines also.

  3. I can truly say that I don't like not having the supply trucks, the salvage trucks I can do without, but them supply trucks are vital for LAN (SP). It takes forever to build up a respectable base, especially when positioned to the far northern part of north Sarhani.

  4. Dude that's awesome and it works, though it still is a batch file I have no idea how this one works while the original doesn't... But in anyways it works and now I can get to try it in all its glory.

    Thanx DeadFast.


    Modesta in flames; just to show how much fun I have been having with this mod.

    Ok who dropped the nuke? The only thing I can think of is that someone dropped a nuke or shot a hell of a lot of heat rounds at Modesta to cause this 3-5fps collateral damage screen shot. And I mean the whole city was burning, an hour later it still was burning and a few buildings have collapsed wow_o.gif it was awsome.


  5. Yes CrazyAce i have the file for OFP (and in the Readme you found the method for the blood mod all the time activated)

    sorry for my english i'm french smile_o.gif

    Regards ExA

    I can understand you just fine. Now you say you have the file, I wonder if it would be alright to re-post the file as I would like to have it...

  6. The bat is just alternative way to launch the mod, just as I told you.

    Simply use the modfolder method.

    Right the mod folder is just for launching the mod, this I use ArmA Launcher, but what about the others?

    Install_SLX_CA.bat ;Technically I don't need this one with LAN on Warfare.


    Install_SLX_Muzzle_Flashes.bat  ;This mod would be cool to have with.

    In notepad there is more code in there than the start batch file.

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">To install extra content:

    Run the .bat files after extracting SLX to the ArmA folder. CA installer installs the Kegetys MP spectator script starter. Weapons installer installs SLX muzzle flashes.

    And I'm sorry, but what is the deal with the cpbo.exe?


  7. It's already there as an option when you start the server.

    No the options you get are night-only or day-only, not including fast time tounge2.gif I don’t like fast time.

    How do you make the mission last so long? When I play even North+South games, they only last at most 6 hours. Well, that's against AI, but once I fnd the base, I crush it with all possible force using my own personal squad.

    That's the problem. What i like to do is just sit back and contain them for as long as I can, most of the time by my self. Except for when the occasional BMP2 takes to the waters and circles around to capture a city, then thats when I get a leak and have to call in the troops.

    I guess its a good thing the AI is stupid... confused_o.gif

  8. I have been playing this mod for over 32 hours straight and I am tired goodnight.gif nonetheless, I have not seen the night fall, it renders the NVG pointless...

    Since this is a new mod I doubt there is a modification for this. I guess what I’m asking is to have an option from the options menu for a day/night transition, or maybe someone can make a script and post it up for us that would like to have this done please?

  9. I do wink_o.gif

    I don't remember what it does. Never used it.

    If you want to know simply right-click on it and select edit.

    Yeah for viruses and replications whistle.gif

    Anywho, why all the trouble to get this mod to work with everything on Vista..? Isn't it just easy enough to pack everything in one folder and call it done? I know it is for me.

  10. <span style='color:red'>WARNING!!!</span> This script seriously increases the gore factor in ArmA.

    It is not recommended for use by children under the age of 15 years.

    Sick man, that is what I need more of wink_o.gif To bad the link is dead:

    =Diese Seite ist leider nicht verfügbar=

    =This site is not available unfortunately=

    In OFP version you have give a mean to activated for all the game the Blood effect. It's possible to have the same for ArmA ?

    Not like what this mod reproduces. And bumping a year old topic… knotty knotty band.gif

    Exaercase do you have this file?

  11. Vista can't work with bat files properly (thanks to messed up account privileges).

    Try to right-click and Run as administrator.

    If it won't help you'll have to use the standard -mod=@SLX method.

    Yea it didn't work either...

    So the only thing the start.bat file does is place the “mod†shortcut to the desktop? Then what about the other stuff... Who the heck uses *.bat files anymore biggrin_o.gif

  12. ...but there is no radio option in any vehicle.

    Now thats the idea, jump in a humve or civilian car and select play radio from the list of options and have it pop up then select which "radio station" and hit play.

    That would be cool to have it set as a 3D sound (so others hear the music at a set distance), that way your crusin along the street booming your music then all of a sudden you get shot at  rofl.gif
