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Everything posted by CrazyAce

  1. CrazyAce

    RTS - Farm Wars

    Where are the mission files stored on my computer when I connect to a server with the latest test version? :edit: Nevermind I found it under: C:\Users\PCNAME\AppData\Local\ArmA 2\MPMissionsCache
  2. CrazyAce

    RTS - Farm Wars

    Is there a way to run a script on the tractor that detects when the tractor stops, but is set to do an action (none idle, but stopped) and have it restart automatically? I can say that after testing for many hours that when the tractor stops it’s not set in idle, but is trying to do something, but can’t for some odd reason and the best way that I have found to clear the cache, as I call it; is to manually get it moving again, by commanding the tractor in the administration menu to take that action. Say for example it’s trying to deliver a cow, but is stopped, I go into the administration menu and select deliver cow to factory from shed and push that button under that option from the drop down in the semi automatic section and then it works again, that is until it stalls out again. Same principle applies to the tractor delivering a meat crate to a super market… It might be difficult to have such a detectable script with all the different parameters set up, like the town’s super market and the pastures. I don’t know how a script like this would be written or even called from; just an observation.
  3. CrazyAce

    RTS - Farm Wars

    I wonder if the clipping also affects the crates. I'm just now having a problem with the tractor being stalled by the base super market with a crate on its roof… And unlike the cow, I can’t grab the nearest crate to manually deliver it. :edit: Well after killing the driver I got in the tractor as the driver and drove closer to the base market, I couldn’t deliver the crate while being as the driver, so I got out and the tractor auto self destructed. After the tractor died out and disappeared, the crate was left in mid air, I was then able to get the "grab nearest crate" option (I had to get very close to the crate to it to get that option), then I was able to sell it and start again with another AI tractor. :edit2: I'm starting to think it’s more along the lines of timing. When the player messes with the administration menu when teh AI tractor is set in motion, the AI tractor doesn't track back, either in time or properly.
  4. CrazyAce

    RTS - Farm Wars

    I spoke to soon about the tractor working great. I notice that it stalls when trying to transport a cow to the factory and messing with the Administration menu didn't help any. I walked over to the tractor and grabbed the nearest cow option form the tractor, walked the cow to the meat factory and grinded the cow into hamburger. Then the tractor started working again. I bet that the semi and full auto functions are conflicting with one another causing this problem to happen. If I knew how I would eliminate the semi option and test to see if the tractor worked in full auto mode... :edit: Err, well... Maybe its just a problem with transporting the cow from the shed to the factory... so far this is the problem that I have seen with 0.2F, I have to keep grabbing the nearest cow to take to the factory from the stalled tractor. And what I have seen is when I do this, the tractor heads to the factory, as if it’s still transporting the cow... Then goes back to its original routine and yet again after a few minutes gets stalled again transporting a cow back to the factory...
  5. CrazyAce

    RTS - Farm Wars

    Nature of the beast… That’s why I like playing offline just for those reasons. Then again I can see some dumb ass build structures in the most annoying and inconvenient ways... Tractors work great in version F. What I do is set up the automatic feature and then build 1 AI tractor, then to get him moving I select transport to cow shed and transport to cow factory, this usually gets him going and keeps him going. Also have a nice clear open area for the tractor to move around. BI didn’t do too good of a job with the AI pathfinding. I would like to know that also, I can’t get that far sometimes as it takes me a while to get going…
  6. With the 8800 GTX cards (I don't know about the GTS cards) that the temps will climb very high, I've seen my 8800 go above 90 degrees Celsius without Riva Tuner. I switched my one 8800GTX with too 250GTS and my temps are around 40 to 50 degrees Celsius and this is without Riva Tuner, I bet with Riva tuner that the 250's will drop to 20 or 30 degrees Celsius.
  7. CrazyAce

    RTS - Farm Wars

    Sorry for asking this question again, but we didn't get a response. What about a way to remove placed buildings and structures from the command interface window? Sometimes I’ll make a mistake and place a defense structure that the AI can’t get to, or when I place a building that it is to lopsided to access, it would be nice to have a way to fix these issues. And the only thing I can think of to fix these issues is to remove the buildings; maybe get a refund :D and try placing again.
  8. CrazyAce

    D3 WeaponFX

    Hey thanx bud, this sounds great. Anymore additions you have plan?
  9. CrazyAce

    D3 WeaponFX

    does the D/L timeout for anyone else? I keep trying and FileFront keeps hanging to a time out. Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage
  10. CrazyAce

    RTS - Farm Wars

    I see what is going on here with the AI tractor in LAN games. If I suspend the game it auto saves (by BIS default standard), when I reload the save the AI tractor that was in action goes inactive, sometimes it will move a little bit, but then just stalls again. I have to buy another one to get the function working again. Then I just destroy the old tractor and let the new one work.
  11. Crapp happy Vista 32! Hadn't had a problem like this in ArmA 1.
  12. Thanx Kremator, hopefully this will allow me to take in game screen shots using XFire. :edit: Nope, still doesn't let me take screen shots in game... :( Oh well worth a try.
  13. CrazyAce

    RTS - Farm Wars

    This was with 0.2c on LAN I first start by building the HQ, cow shed, meat factory and market. Then upgrade the Staff and the secretary. After a few meat sells I then build the vehicle factory and upgrade to manufacturing. I look at the last 2 items in the construction menu and it’s the AT tower and the MG tower. When I single click on them I get the message <null> at the bottom of the screen where the price should be. I can’t place them as that <null> is preventing me from doing so. I like the tech tree; it’s pretty neat and adds to the role of the mission.:) With 0.2d it seems to work no problem. :confused: Heh go figure. :D :edit: I guess the only bug I have seen thus far is the tractor stalling; wish I knew how to help fix that.
  14. CrazyAce

    RTS - Farm Wars

    That would have to be done with another mod, I remember that there was one made for ACE in ArmA 1. Oops I meant single click, the price says <null> I tried taking a screen shot to show ya, but the picture is coming in blank… Still trying to fix that issue. Oh and I just thought of another thing, is there a way to delete buildings and structures? I place a spot light in a position that the AI can’t get to and was wondering if there was a way to undo or delete that object. Other than these little issues, the mission is quite enjoyable and I enjoy all the work you have done thus far.
  15. CrazyAce

    Taking screenshots? How? What utility?

    Thats the reason why I reinstalled CS3, I was getting the same results in MSPaint. Xfire sucks as all hell, I press the screen shot button hot key that is linked to XFire and it doesn't even take the screen shot... This shouldn't be that difficult at all; I’m starting to get frustrated. Ya know I bet its that stupid protection system BI put in to its game.
  16. CrazyAce

    Taking screenshots? How? What utility?

    Other threads were locked. When I use the print screen button and paste it into Photoshop it comes up blank... :butbut: Besides using screen shot programs (which I will not install any of), how can I get these screen shots to appear? And why does it come up as blank?
  17. CrazyAce

    RTS - Farm Wars

    In 0.2C the AT tower and the MG Tower comes up for me as <null> when I double click on them in the construction menu, which prevents me from purchasing and placing them. :edit: Stupid request I have is another means of moving the map around, I use 2 monitors and when I move the mouse to the left edge of the screen to move the overhead view around, I tend to go to the other screen. I was just wondering if its possible to add the numpad to move the screen around?
  18. CrazyAce

    RTS - Farm Wars

    As for LAN, I reloaded my last save from Version 0.1 to 0.2, I had a tractor in auto mode and after I updated the tractor just stopped. After a while of messing around with the auto control function the tractor started working again, in fact it started working better than before :) Yet again regarding LAN games, does the AI CEO do anything? I started a new LAN game as farmer 1 and left the CEO as an AI, but a few minutes in game nothing started to build.
  19. CrazyAce

    RTS - Farm Wars

    Cool, thank you.
  20. CrazyAce

    RTS - Farm Wars

    It’s a MP game not a SP game, put the glt_t34_farmwars.pbo & glt_t34_farmwars.pbo.fArmA.bisign into a mods folder and load as you would with any mod. Then put the farm_wars_02.Chernarus.pbo into the MPMissions.
  21. CrazyAce

    RTS - Farm Wars

    Yeah this mod is definitely my choice for Moo of the Year. I'm having such a blast. Thank you again TiGGa, it makes this game that much more fun.
  22. CrazyAce

    RTS - Farm Wars

    Oh that’s right, duh I forgot about the different languages for all sides, ok that make sense. Full auto you say, that could be the reason why they were not moving after 1 cycle and yeah you’re right about the ArmA pathfinding thingy not working properly, I noticed that the tractors will become stalled on the train tracks. TeHe to bad a train doesn't come by every now and then to clear the way lol... Hamburger express lol. I sure hope that BI fixes or preferably includes the option to turn off that autosave on exit, I noticed while playing a LAN game that if I exit and come back I lose control of my recruited squad and their pictures are replaced with blue boxes and I can see the AI farmers marker on screen up to 1000's of meters away. I don’t get many commands with the Ai farmers when this happens… It's kind of odd. And speaking of the AI farmers, what else do they do, I mean how can I control them? As soon as they hit the ground they go off on their own and I never see them again. Oh hey I almost forgot to ask for a watch tower, I've seen these wooden structures and thought that would be a good place to station a few snipers.
  23. CrazyAce

    RTS - Farm Wars

    I can only play this on LAN, my internet connection speed is very slow and connecting to a European server just breaks the game for me with pings running at around 600. While playing on LAN the AI Tractor doesn’t seem to finish his job, he’ll pick up a cow and then drive to the meat factory, but then the cow disappears and the tractor doesn’t do anything else afterwards. I just hope that if you do update this with more addons TiGGa that you post it up for us non MP gamers to get. Now I don't speak Croatian (I assume that’s the language being used by the AI), is there an option to change to get them to speak English?
  24. CrazyAce

    RTS - Farm Wars

    Is there a way to rotate buildings? I read the manual, but it doesn't get into the finer game play details.
  25. CrazyAce

    RTS - Farm Wars

    So far not bad, uhh I have no idea what I'm doing. I was able to pick a spot to jump from the plane, build an HQ and draged some cows into a pasture... Thats as far as I got... What else should I do?