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Everything posted by CrazyAce

  1. CrazyAce

    Jones's Mortar script

    Yeap never used it before, where is a good place to start besides random to unrelated searches on the Internet?
  2. CrazyAce

    Russian Tank Pack

    Back at it again I see, thanx for the addons B and here is looking for the final release :D
  3. yeah this sounds great, I can't wait to get this added to like FarmWars or something.
  4. Excuse my ignorance but sometimes the blind needs directions also. What 3D editor?
  5. CrazyAce

    PvPvAI Gamemode CROOKS for ArmA 2

    Sure ya can, just start a LAN game and host, although it wouldn't be as much fun as it is in MP. Thanx IceB for not having any other required downloads for this mission; I'll give it a try.
  6. CrazyAce

    RTS - Farm Wars

    Thanx Schawb, I'll take look here in a few. Besides bug squashing do you have any other plans to add to this?
  7. CrazyAce

    RTS - Farm Wars

    Oh, just like what the ingame instructions say :) I'm sorry to say this Schwab, but the tractor worked better in 0.2i... At the start of the game the Ural did move to the cow shed and loaded a cow on, but didn't do anything after that... Shot him, then the cow... and well the Ural was still alive :confused: Acted like it was still in action, but not doing anything with a dead driver and a dead cow.
  8. CrazyAce

    RTS - Farm Wars

    Automatic placed stationary defenses around towns? Might be kind of hard to script, if at all. I wouldn’t mind seeing new stationary defenses (templates) added to the build menu. Yeap same here, I just avoid getting planes due to this reason and the fact that they are useless, I still have yet to see a plane do some damage expect for crashing into my base, like my HQ and the factory.
  9. CrazyAce

    Chernarus Life (RPG)

    This is the problem that I have; the ONLY server to host this mod is based out of Germany and living in the mid US makes playing on that server un-enjoyable and very laggy. My ping spikes to the high 300 to 400 :butbut: Needless to say I wouldn’t join for that.
  10. CrazyAce

    CRcti@Angry@sge "MOD"

    mmm... For LAN games these items are not that bad, but I played on MP just a few minutes ago and noticed that the animals are killing my FPS, I'm not too sure about the Civilians yet, I only see like 1 or maybe 2 at the most in any given town.
  11. CrazyAce

    CRcti@Angry@sge "MOD"

    Thanx Muecke I'll give it a test try. :edit: I wonder if there is an unflip vehicle script that can be added to this mission. The problem I am having at least in the last 2 games I started, the support BMP, MHQ and the 5ton truck will flip over onto their side. So far I have only noticed this problem when the game starts spawned on the north side of the map.
  12. CrazyAce

    RTS - Farm Wars

    I can only think of one solution; auto kill every AI belonging to that player when the player quits. I noticed (at least with the last version 0.2i) that once a player left, like a CEO, I took that spot and upon restarting #11 AI would not stfu. I then killed it and restarted as the CEO. That fixed my problem with the never-ending loop JIP bug if that is what we’re talking about here?
  13. CrazyAce

    CRcti@Angry@sge "MOD"

    ok or perhaps you can advise me on what to do to make this work on my personal LAN game?
  14. CrazyAce

    CRcti@Angry@sge "MOD"

    I just noticed from the map view that the towns Cherno and Elektro needs to be added as an essential role into the mission, they also have to be the most heavily populated towns by the enemy AI on the map.
  15. CrazyAce

    CRcti@Angry@sge "MOD"

    Wow... Great job, I look forward to playing this on LAN. :edit:
  16. CrazyAce

    Chernarus Life (RPG)

    You're all planning on charging a membership fee later in release?
  17. Phew, instead of feeling like I got ripped off I feel like an idiot for asking, thanx bud :)
  18. This is bothering me and I know there is a post out there somewhere, but I don’t know what to look for besides 505… I finally got the game a few weeks ago from Best Buy here in Colorado, but it wasn’t the 505 version, but instead is from Got Game ENT and Idea Games. So what is the difference from the 505 versions of the other ArmA2 games..? I feel like I've been ripped off by a legitimate company, a felling kind of like buying the collector’s edition of a game that includes something special that the regular version of the game doesn’t.
  19. CrazyAce

    CRCTI Warfare ( cti ) MP

    @volkov956 To bad you don't have PM enabled in your profile, I would like to discuss this matter further in PM. On a side note; name="trig31_1"; expCond="true"; expActiv="[trig31_1, thislist] exec ""Server\UpdateTown.sqs"""; I don't suppose the _1 in this trig code bit is preventing the rest of the towns that come after the number 31 from being capturable? :edit: Oh and how do I use the artillery in this mission?
  20. CrazyAce

    RTS - Farm Wars

    Yeap that works, although sometimes "cycle" doesn't kick in and run when the AI gets to the waypoint, but I just keep trying and eventually they get going smoothly. Thanx Tigga for all the hard work you have done, I look forward to what you come up with next and I'm here if ya need a tester :D
  21. CrazyAce

    CRCTI Warfare ( cti ) MP

    Ah cool so I did do it right, I noticed that adding more towns made this mission in game very laggy and would sometimes freeze in the middle of game play for a few seconds.
  22. CrazyAce

    CRCTI Warfare ( cti ) MP

    Thanx, but I like the build anywhere within range of the support BMP in this mission, hence why I'm trying to get the whole map to be capturable. :edit: I was only able to get 13 towns to work, the 40+ rest of them don't have map flags on the map menu... I haven't tried to get to any other towns besides those 13 yet. I have a feeling that I am still missing a few things.
  23. CrazyAce

    CRCTI Warfare ( cti ) MP

    I love this mission, but found that crcti_WARFARE_09.Chernarus needs more cities to lengthen the time playing this mission. What are the basics that I need to do to increase the amount of capturable cities in this mission? What I would like to do is make nearly every city capturable for my LAN games. :edit: I guess I should go ahead and start by upacking the mission and placing it into My Documents\…\mission folder, then open the mission in the editor and copy, paste both a town flag and trigger and placing them around the map in each capturable town. Then rename each flag to correspond with the town and add numbers of the town in the triggers… Anything else I should do?
  24. CrazyAce

    RTS - Farm Wars

    Is there a way to give the AI (the 9 AI farmers) a cycle waypoint? I notice that we can give them multiple waypoints, but I haven't seen a way to give them a cycle waypoint.