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Everything posted by CrazyAce

  1. CrazyAce

    Warfare 1.1.x [ MattR N&S ]

    The global values can be found in ...\Common\Init\Init_CommonConstants.sqs Look for DEFAULTVIEWDISTANCE & AIRCRAFTVIEWDISTANCE. I think Vic was able to implement a view distance addon in his mod.
  2. CrazyAce

    Warfare Questions

    Anyone know how to replace the RACS in this mod? I keep shooting my own guys from 400 - 500m away, thinking their RACS as they look nearly the same.
  3. CrazyAce

    MODUL Animations Pack v2

    This is sick man; I wanted to know how you made the soldiers jump over the wall when I saw that picture posted on the picture thread. Thanx for the realese.
  4. CrazyAce

    Warfare Questions

    Gotta love the instructions that came with the mod hu It took me a while to figure that out and I even asked and got no reply. What ya have to do is make sure you have 2 people manning the gun (preferably AI’s) select target, adjust fire width and call for support. Now the AI can call Artillery with just one AI...
  5. CrazyAce

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Perhaps you missed this part. Ohhh... ok so... convert to script, then copy that code from the "white box underneath the Activate Monitoring button" then just paste that code in my mission.sqm file. Sorry I'm a visual learner. Pretty pictures explains things better for me some times.
  6. CrazyAce

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Even if the converted scrip is in *.xml format? I figured it would kinda be easy that way, except the converted code doesn't match the format code of the original ArmA code. I mean there are no <> symbols in the mission.sqs file. Maybe I'm going about this a wrong way. Placed object in scene using RTE, launched ArmARTECapture.exe and started monitoring, back in ArmA pressed export button with object selected, back to the ArmARTECapture pressed convert to script, pressed file save, opened *.xml in notepad... Code is not the same...
  7. CrazyAce

    ArmA Warfare 1.1

    You can and it’s fairly easy once you get the hang of Warfare editing. First get the class names of the 1st ID soldiers and replace those with the class of the marines in the Warfare… Config_Barracks.sqs. For startup soldiers open the mission in the editor and replace the marines with ones from the 1st ID mod. If you want more help you can PM me or start a new post for this.
  8. CrazyAce

    RealTimeEditor 5

    I'm trying to put a sniper on a roof and used this editor to do so. Now when the unit is in place I execute the capture program and press export in ArmA. So what do I do with the *.xml file? I opened it in Notepad and see code that is kinda familiar, except I don't see how I can implement that code to my Mission.sqs file as both code formats are different and I can use a lil here.
  9. CrazyAce

    RH Aks pack 2.0

    Nice work RH, this will make a great addition to Warfare.
  10. Thanx for the update mando; I hope this puts an end to people not being able to use the reco plane properly.
  11. CrazyAce

    T-90 MBT

    I hear ya man, thanx for sharing.
  12. CrazyAce

    WGL Sound Replacement

    Perfect combination if I do say so 456820, thanx for the heads up on the other mods used, I was looking forward to something a lil different than the original ArmA voices.
  13. CrazyAce

    WGL Sound Replacement

    How much of that video is WGL sounds? A few of them sounds as if they are other sound mods...
  14. CrazyAce

    Problems porting Warfare to a new island

    Change the value of SIDESTARTINGDISTANCE = 3000 in Common\Init\Init_CommonConstants.sqs. I was thinking maybe around 500m - 1000m.
  15. CrazyAce


    Sweet pip; were you able to fix the ASC double up action menu problem?
  16. CrazyAce

    Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

    Yea your right Betsalel, thanx for point that out. Sorry I thought this was a friendly and helping community, guess not.
  17. CrazyAce

    Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

    Dude you got issues... Â What ever man I'll take the sound that I MADE and leave your topic. I didn't even take nor edited your so called sound anyways.
  18. CrazyAce

    Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

    Whoa sorry if it means that much for you to have popularity instead of a lil friendly help then by all means, please continue.
  19. CrazyAce

    Warfare startup loadout

    Same here punkindonuts Just a shame that you can't mix and match for different class, like AT for at soldier and sniper for sniper soldier, ect...
  20. CrazyAce

    Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

    Yea; I am aware of that, thanx though. And this is MY custom sound, not his. It does fit perfectly with his default db range.
  21. CrazyAce

    Icons not appearing for west.

    Well I believe the original warfare developers left out the soldier icons for some odd reason as they are the same with other mods: westBarracksImages = _i, Every soldier has an icon defined in the Config_Barracks.sqs file: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _i = _i + ["\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa"] Which obviously indicates that each soldier has an icon, except the icon is blank. So would this mean that i_null_ca.paa needs to be replaced with [“\warfare\Images\barracks.paaâ€]? I'm still trying to figure out how they determine the path structure as when I add the correct path to an icon (like say the datsun_mg) the icon shows on the hummer option of the depot, while the hummer icon shows on the "repair" option... doesn't make sense when I know I put the correct path on the datsun and not on the hummer when they both say they have their indicated icon paths correct...
  22. CrazyAce

    Replace loadouts

    Ok so on the Warfare 1 - Editing Guide it says to modify this file below: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> The following files contain weapon class properties that can be adjusted: \Common\Config\ Config_Loadouts.sqs – Contains all purchasable weapons Now what I did was copy and pasted the M249 code from the default loadout and changed it as so: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _weapon = "AMP_M249" _ammo = "200Rnd_556x45_M249" _w = _w + [_weapon] _n = _n + [GetText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "displayName")] _i = _i + [GetText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "picture")] _c = _c + [55] _a = _a + [_ammo] _an = _an + [GetText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _ammo >> "displayName")] _ai = _ai + [GetText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _ammo >> "picture")] _as = _as + [GetNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _ammo >> "type") / 256] _ac = _ac + [15] Now what I am going for here is to add Amp_DesWps_1.2 M249+ACOG to the buyable loadouts. Now when I test it, it says that its there except it doesn't have its picture icon in the buy menu and when I click to buy it I get this error that I don't know how to fix. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> No Entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.AMP_M249'.
  23. CrazyAce

    Replace loadouts

    Ah ok I was putting in the wrong class name, again thanx man
  24. CrazyAce

    Warfare startup loadout

    Actually it does thanx vic.