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About cougarxr7

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  1. cougarxr7

    Update 1.44 Getting strange errors in RPT!

    Dawg711 thanks for replying! Would have a link to the AI script pack at armaholic? I would like to compare those scripts to this mission! Here is some of the same errors in the Arma 3 Introduction mission. I do not think BI uses any script pack from armaholic, but what do I know! lol! 15:06:46 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_exp\anim\passenger_cessna_r.rtm not found or empty 15:06:53 soldier[O_Soldier_SL_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? Here is a link to that offline Arma 3 Intro Mission RPT. http://www.filedropper.com/intromissionarma32015-05-0715-06-04 Thanks for all of you helping!
  2. cougarxr7

    Update 1.44 Getting strange errors in RPT!

    Thanks George_! Can I ask about these errors in the RPT? In the editor, and previewing the mission, I am so dumb founded with these errors! Is there a link to the fixes for these errors? The most surprising one is this one, "Unsupported language English in stringtable" Here is a link to this RPT file, http://www.filedropper.com/editorpreviewarma32015-05-0610-52-54 here some of those weird errors. "11:49:20 soldier[b_soldier_AT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?" "11:49:26 B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F: AddBenches - unknown animation source AddBenches" "11:50:03 soldier[O_Soldier_TL_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?" "11:50:25 Deinitialized shape [Class: "O_officer_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\opfor\o_officer.p3d";]" I hope I can get a better understanding as to why these errors/info is in the RPT! Thanks for your help!
  3. cougarxr7

    Update 1.44 Getting strange errors in RPT!

    Thank you for replying! Is it possible for you to give an example of some non-optimized values? I understand the "publicVariable" command. You said, "added warning for other types that are using old generic (not optimized) serialization,". What would "other types" be? Thanks!
  4. cougarxr7

    Update 1.44 Getting strange errors in RPT!

    I've been playing arma too long too panic, lol! http://www.filedropper.com/performancewarningsimpleserializationarma32015-05-0515-39-48 That file is very small because I only ran the game for a few minutes. Most are around 2,000 KB or larger. When the message says "falling back to generic serialization", you would think that would fix what is wrong yet it does not' it just keeps repeating! Let me know if that link does not work. If the RPT would just log errors/warnings just once would be great! Will there be a fix for this warning? Thanks!
  5. Hello, Is anybody getting this error in their RPT? 15:44:05 Performance warning: SimpleSerialization::Write 'bis_fnc_arsenal_condition' is using type of ',CODE' which is not optimized by simple serialization, falling back to generic serialization, use generic type or ask for optimizations for these types 15:44:09 Performance warning: SimpleSerialization::Write 'BIS_fnc_preload_server' is using type of ',CODE' which is not optimized by simple serialization, falling back to generic serialization, use generic type or ask for optimizations for these types I was not getting this error until I updated today, from 1.42 to 1.44. Anyone??? It would not be so bad but in spams it a million times!
  6. cougarxr7

    game server desync after update!

    Then it will be in time for arma 4!
  7. cougarxr7

    game server desync after update!

    I know this does not help everyone. "guaranteedupdates=false;" < worked on my server, no desync! Updates need to be optional or handled differently! Anyone interested my server is Ultimate Combat. I use teamspeak 2. Why 2 instead of 3 you ask, because 2 is not as complicate as 3 is. Plus it is not a memory hog! Teamspeak 2 address: password is: cats
  8. cougarxr7

    game server desync after update!

    ok, we really have no control over arma concerning updates now with steam. "I vote for an update option on steam!" Something like start arma, and steam launcher opens with dialog; "There is a new update for Arma 3, would you like to update now, check box yes or no!" or "Check box for auto updates or leave box unchecked for no auto updates!" Wow that would be I believe easy for steam to do. Instead of forcing us to have to update!
  9. cougarxr7

    game server desync after update!

    So how do we uninstall the last update, server and client?
  10. cougarxr7

    game server desync after update!

    Thanks for the intel Savage!
  11. Had a strange event, see pic. I could not find how to upload a pic. Oh well the pic showed only 1 icon, me as commander, and the rest of the squads icons were gone! Not sure how it happen. Does anyone know how to access the command bar icons? When a player joins the squad they have nothing showing on their end where they are in the squad. I think it would be good if there is a way to script their squad info to them!
  12. cougarxr7

    game server desync after update!

    SavageCDN thanks for letting us know. But, how can it already be a known issue, steam just updated my game yesterday. The only post I've read about desync is last years. Are there other post? Until the next update, can we uninstall this update?
  13. My game updated yesterday so I updated my game server. Since then my game server has very bad desync, yellow and red chains! We have not had any problems like this before! Has anyone had any of the same problems? Tried a bunch of different maps, same results!
  14. cougarxr7

    Error in expression!

    I will try this! Thank you! I will let you know my results!