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Everything posted by ComadeR

  1. phenom II 920 x4 3ghz ati gigabyte 4850 1gb 4 gb ram windows 7 rc 7100 what settings be? how much fps I can get in campaig?
  2. ComadeR

    Thank you, B.I.S.; Sign if you agree.

    BIS 4ever:rolleyes:
  3. ComadeR


    can someone tell me about arma2.exe renameing to crysis.exe?
  4. ComadeR

    Patch 1.03 suggestions

    PLEASE:yay: change sounds of explosions! They are same like in arma1. Make more powerful and husky
  5. crying baby's dont do me any ascendancy. i've my own opinion. I see a bit of improvemens in MP and i like it.Give time for BIS. It is only one company, which makes games like ofp,arma,arma2 for me for us. be a tolerant :)
  6. guys, how much fps do you get in warfare missions MP? I've max 30:j:
  7. ComadeR


    Texture Detail - Normal Anisotropic Filtering - Normal Terrain Detail - Normal Objects Detail - Normal Shadow Detail - Normal PostProcess Effects- Low Cpu -AMD Phenom x4 920 2.8ghz Ram - Kingston 4gb GPU - ATI radeon hd4850 1gb OS - Windows 7 x64 Resolution - 1024 x 768 first time 3227.1 second time 4350.99 Which results guys you show us? first or further?
  8. ComadeR


    Ati hd 4850
  9. ComadeR


    where I could off Vsync using ati tray tools?
  10. I've same problem with my 4850 1gb and Phenom x4 920 2.8ghz
  11. ComadeR

    ArmA 2 German Release Thread

    jack, stop unfold misbelief about that ArmA2 is Arma with mods. There are so many imrovements and innovations that people just forgot. graphics, animations, addons, high command system, water , civilians populations..... and more more. Just wait for ArmA 2 and after playing you could to say something about the game.
  12. bla bla bla...... However , we are fans and we'll buy and we''ll play this fucking amazing game with inconceivable enjoy !
  13. there is to many bugs that will be true. I disbelieve
  14. ComadeR

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    what can i expect from ArmA2 with my Phenom x4 9950, HD gigabyte 4850 1gb OC and 4 gb ram?
  15. I will travel around Chernarus afoot:yay:
  16. Thats way to far away to draw out individual shadows, but it does have a nice darkened texture to hide it. Looks pretty good to me. I think everybody has to remember that the scale was improved in arma2. The world and objects compared to eachother look more realistic and are larger. Like the buildings we saw in the city from that older screenshot showing the building damage. now you can hide in forest and nobody see you from air
  17. are there shedows in forest below SU ?
  18. ComadeR

    Truly Realistic Sound

    Yes it must be changed!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. ComadeR

    CSM Betav2 Released!!

    understood.I'll wait
  20. ComadeR

    CSM Betav2 Released!!

    and this problem is with all m16a4 type guns except m16a4 + acog(old sounds)
  21. ComadeR

    CSM Betav2 Released!!

    the weapons are  not available. when i take weapon i dont see it in my inventory. but i see it in my hands. I have ammo but i cant shoot.
  22. ComadeR

    CSM Betav2 Released!!

    I've problem with m16A4 type guns when i use CSM2. I cant use them anybody knows about it?