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Everything posted by Crowe

  1. Crowe

    Dynamic Factions

    You can already do it by using this command http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setFriend
  2. Crowe


    Arma Lib does not work on linux servers and it is detected by BattlEye. Regards Crowe EDIT: As i see some kind of similar feature request has already been made: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=431488&postcount=104
  3. Crowe


    Dear BI developers, i don't know if it has been mentioned before. How about implementing a scripting command that downloads strings from a URL? This would give mappers the possibility to: provide mission files with automatic updated scripts the mission to interact with a database Example: PRIVATE ["_script"]; _script = loadurl "http://somehost.tld/website/latest-script.sqf"; [] spawn compile _script; Example for Interacting with a database: WESTSCORE = 320; EASTSCORE = 210; PRIVATE ["_result"]; _result = loadurl format ["http://arma2-liga.de/SubmitScore.php?west=%1&east=%2",WESTSCORE,EASTSCORE]; //SubmitScore.php will save the arguments //passed via HTTP GET into a database. Thanks in advance! Regards Crowe
  4. Crowe

    Q1 date (?)

    AMAZON tells it is the 20th Feb 2009
  5. Dear Bohemia Interactive Studios, i have a problem running the dedicated server. It crashes on specific maps (for example Berserk maps). For Security purposes, I am running the Arma-Server Process as a user that does have full-access to the arma folder (E:\gameserver\airborne_division_server). The process can not access other folders. Can you please tell me where the arma_server executable wants to read. I have uploaded the crash dump files here: http://web37.server1.webserver-login.de/crash-dump.zip Arma Executable: E:\gameserver\airborne_division_server\arma_server .exe Arguments: -server -config=airborne_division_server.cfg -cfg=arma.cfg -port=2900 -mod=CA -profiles=profiles -name=SYSTEM -maxmem=2048 Operating System: Windows 2008 Server 64 bit (WOW64) Date: 12/14/08 Time: 15:46:37 ------------------------------------------------------- Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 00530C26 graphics: No resolution: 160x120x32 Addons: Datsun_armed_DBE1 in CA\DBE1\datsun_armed\ CTI_buildingsBmp2_hq in ca\cti_buildings\bmp2_hq\ CTI_buildingsM113_hq in ca\cti_buildings\m113_hq\, DBE1 in CA\DBE1\ CA_Hotfix in ca\hotfix\, Zakladna_DBE1 in DBE1\Models_DBE1\zakladna\ SaraLite in ca\saralite\, Desert in ca\desert\, CAIntroAnims in ca\introanims\ WarfareBuildings_TOW_Tripod in ca\cti_buildings\tow_stat\ Roads_DBE1 in DBE1\Models_DBE1\roads\, Pila_DBE1 in DBE1\Models_DBE1\pila\ CASounds in ca\sounds\, WarfareBuildings_T72_RACS in ca\cti_buildings\t72_racs\ DBE1_UI in CA\DBE1\ui\, Desert2_Buildings in ca\Desert2\build\ CA_Missions_Armory1 in ca\missions\armory1.intro\ CAweapons3_m107 in CA\weapons3\m107\ CAweapons3_m16a4_acg in CA\weapons3\m16a4_acg\, CAWheeled in ca\wheeled\ Desert2_Objects in ca\Desert2\objects\, CA_Missions in ca\missions\ UH60Desert in DBE1\Models_DBE1\uh60desert\, CARoads in ca\roads\ CAWheeled3_TT650 in CA\wheeled3\tt650\, CAAir in ca\air\, CA_Anims in ca\anims\ MK19_Tripod in ca\cti_buildings\mk19_stat\ Mercenary_DBE1 in DBE1\Models_DBE1\mercenary\, Models_DBE1 in DBE1\Models_DBE1\ Anims_DBE1 in DBE1\Models_DBE1\anims\ Prisoners_DBE1 in DBE1\Models_DBE1\prisoners\, NPCs_DBE1 in DBE1\Models_DBE1\npcs\ CAUSMCD in ca\usmcd\, CAAnimals in CA\animals\ CA_desert2_Characters in ca\Desert2\characters\ Kamenolom_DBE1 in DBE1\Models_DBE1\kamenolom\, Sara_dbe1 in DBE1\Sara_DBE1\ CAUI in ca\ui\, CAWeapons in ca\weapons\, CAweapons3_m16a4 in CA\weapons3\m16a4\ CAWeapons3_ammocrates in CA\weapons3\ammocrates\, CAAir3_Su34 in CA\air3\su34\ CACharacters in ca\characters\, CA_CutSceneAnims in ca\cutSceneAnims\ DC3_DBE1 in CA\DBE1\dc3\, DBE1_Hotfix in ca\hotfix\dbe1\, CASigns in CA\signs\ CAFonts in ca\UIFonts\, CAweapons3_m16a4_gl in CA\weapons3\m16a4_gl\ CAWeapons3 in CA\weapons3\, CAWheeled3_M1030 in CA\wheeled3\m1030\ CAAir3 in CA\air3\, DSHkM_Mini in ca\cti_buildings\dshkm_stat\, CAMisc in ca\misc\ Vysilac_DBE1 in DBE1\Models_DBE1\vysilac\, CAPlants in CA\plants\ CAVoice in ca\voice\, CAData in ca\ WarfareBuildings_Stinger_Twice_static in ca\cti_buildings\stinger_stat\ CALanguage in ca\language\, CAWater in CA\water\ CAweapons3_aks74pso in CA\weapons3\aks74pso\ CA_Anims_Char in ca\anims\characters\, WarfareBuildings in ca\cti_buildings\ M2HD_Mini in ca\cti_buildings\m2_stat2\, HMMWV_DBE1 in DBE1\Models_DBE1\hmmwv_h1\ CATracked in ca\tracked\, Warfare in warfare\, CAweapons3_ksvk in CA\weapons3\ksvk\ CAA10 in ca\a10\, Porto in ca\Desert2\, Music_DBE1 in DBE1\Models_DBE1\music\ 6G30_DBE1 in CA\DBE1\6g30\, ploty_DBE1 in DBE1\Models_DBE1\ploty\, Sara in ca\sara\ CAWheeled3 in CA\wheeled3\, CABuildings in ca\buildings\ Hilux_armed_DBE1 in CA\DBE1\hilux_armed\ CA_Hotfix_vez_ropa in ca\hotfix\vez_ropa\, Misc_DBE1 in DBE1\Models_DBE1\misc\ UI_DBE1 in DBE1\Models_DBE1\ui\, CARocks in Ca\Rocks\ CAweapons3_m16a4_acg_gl in CA\weapons3\m16a4_acg_gl\ Mods: CA;CA Distribution: 1287 Version 1.14.5256 Fault address: 00530C26 01:0012FC26 E:\gameserver\airborne_division_server\arma_server .exe file: ch64_berzerk_v1.23_airfield (__cur_mp) world: sara Prev. code bytes: 8B 45 FC 6B DB 18 03 58 1C 8B 43 0C 85 C0 74 09 Fault code bytes: D9 80 C0 00 00 00 D9 5E 38 8B 5D 0C D9 46 38 DD Registers: EAX:3BA3D70B EBX:265DEAB0 ECX:25A1EC78 EDX:008851BC ESI:00937EB8 EDI:099D5800 CS:EIP:0023:00530C26 SS:ESP:002B:0117F7EC EBP:0117F818 DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B Flags:00010202 ================================================== ===== note: Minidump has been generated into the file profiles\arma_server.mdmp Thanks in advance Crowe
  6. Hi all! i am trying to build a sliding door for a bunker. In the model i have defined in LOD 0: autocenter = 0 In the Memory Lod I have set up: Door_axis => 2 Points along the axis Dooropen => 1 point near the entrance start => 1 point where the animation should start start2 => 1 point where the animation should end <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class CfgSkeletons { scope = public; class Default { isDiscrete = 1; skeletonInherit = ""; skeletonBones[] = {}; }; class schleuse { isDiscrete=1; skeletonInherit=""; skeletonBones[]= { "Door", "" }; }; }; <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class CfgModels { class schleuse { sectionsInherit = ""; sections[]= { "Door" }; skeletonName="schleuse"; class Animations { class Door1 { type="translation"; source="user"; animPeriod=1; memory=1; selection="Door"; axis="Door_axis"; offset0=-10; // Starting offset of this animation, where the animation phase is 0. offset1=10; // Ending offset of this animation, where the animation phase is 1. minValue = -10; maxValue = 10; minPhase = -10; maxPhase = 10; //sourceAddress Does the animation loop or not? This can be any of three different values: clamp (default), loop or mirror. Any //axisPos[] Position of axis in model space Direct //axisDir[] Direction of axis (vector) Direct //axisOffset Used for translation Direct }; }; }; }; <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class cfgVehicles { class schleuse : decke { displayName = "schleuse"; vehicleClass = "lego"; model="\crowe_lego\schleuse"; animated = true; destrType=DestructTent; armor=20; class AnimationSources { class Door1 {animPeriod = 12;}; }; class UserActions { class OpenDoors { displayNameDefault = $STR_DN_OUT_O_DOOR_DEFAULT; displayName = $STR_DN_OUT_O_DOOR; position = Dooropen; radius = 10; onlyForPlayer = true; condition = "this animationPhase ""Door1"" < 0.5"; statement = "this animate [""Door1"", 1]"; }; class CloseDoors { displayNameDefault = $STR_DN_OUT_C_DOOR_DEFAULT; displayName = $STR_DN_OUT_C_DOOR; position = Dooropen; radius = 10; onlyForPlayer = true; condition = "this animationPhase ""Door1"" >= 0.5"; statement = "this animate [""Door1"", 0]"; }; }; actionBegin1 = OpenDoors; actionEnd1 = OpenDoors; }; }; This causes the door to move about 100 metres away, but along the axis. I want the door to move only 5 meters. Please help. Thanks in advace. Yours Crowe
  7. Hi all, I would like to present to you my first addon. It allows you the possibility to set up no-fire areas. Within these areas all projectiles and missiles will be destroyed and will not cause any damage to their target. I developed this addon for the Arma Liga. It will be part of the official Arma Liga Mod in the next half-season. It will protect the referee and the respawn areas. Thanks to Mondkalb of armed tactics for the help. How does it work? The addons contains cubes in several sizes. These cubes have been made by using oxygen and conatain only a fire geometry. The fire Geometry defines the surface which bullets cannot get past. Unlike a scripted solution this addon helps you to save much performance in your mission. The addon contains also some visible cubes. This is useful to check if the protector is placed properly. The addon contains the following cubes: class name invilsible| class name visible | edge length (metres) fg1x1x1         | fg1x1x1color     | 1 fg2x2x2         | fg2x2x2color     | 2 fg4x4x4         | fg4x4x4color     | 4 fg8x8x8         | fg8x8x8color     | 8 fg16x16x16      | fg16x16x16color  | 16 fg20x20x20      | fg20x20x20color  | 20 fg30x30x30      | fg30x30x30color  | 30 fg40x40x40      | fg40x40x40color  | 40 fg50x50x50      | fg50x50x50color  | 50 The addon contains the following cuboids: class name invilsible | class name visible   | width height lenght fg1x015x1        | fg1x015x1color     | 1 1 0.15 fg2x015x2        | fg2x015x2color     | 2 2 0.15 fg4x015x4        | fg4x015x4color     | 4 4 0.15 fg8x015x8        | fg8x015x8color     | 8 8 0.15 fg16x015x16      | fg16x015x16color   | 16 16 0.15 fg20x015x20      | fg20x015x20color   | 20 20 0.15 fg30x015x30      | fg30x015x30color   | 30 30 0.15 fg40x015x40      | fg40x015x40color   | 40 40 0.15 fg50x015x50      | fg50x015x50color   | 50 50 0.15 The origin of the coordinates is in the middle buttom surface of the cube or cuboids. You can use scripts to place them automatically. Use it at your own risk. Download: Download Mirror webserver-login.de (Germany) Download Mirror Armaholic.com Download Mirror eprison.de Feel free to post mirrors and feedback. Yours Crowe
  8. Crowe

    F-22A Raptor

    This addon causes many Warnings in the armed assault logfile (arma.rpt) Pls fix all the warnings to make the addon useable. Many thanks in advance. Crowe
  9. Crowe

    ArmAlib v1.0

    Can you create a version for the linux server too? Would be very appreciated! Yours Crowe
  10. Do not use PublicVariable often. Instead of broadcasting a variable each time a player does connect, you can also create an obect and use setvehicleinit instead. Keep all other variables local if the other clients do not need them. Stop cheaters - use signature verification and BattlEye. Yours Crowe
  11. Crowe

    Creating a signature exception list

    This would not be save because every cheat has an other file-name Yours Crowe
  12. Crowe

    Creating a signature exception list

    this post was submitted twice. Pls delete this post
  13. Crowe

    File checker

    Hope you like this: Download Its german Language, but using the Arma Stringtable. Press 0-0-1 to show Server loaded Addons and 0-0-2 for Difficulty settings. I build it for the Arma Liga. Yours Crowe
  14. Crowe

    Ping Limit

    Would be a nice feature for ArmA 2, wouldn't it? Yours Crowe
  15. Crowe

    BattlEye problems

    "E:\Program Files\ArmA\arma.exe" -mod=beta -mod=@AL -window -nosplash -profiles=profiles -cfg=arma.cfg Works fine Yours Crowe
  16. Crowe

    XFire Accounts for ArmA

    I configured Xfire cult that everyone can invite other arma players: Invite Members (You need to Login for that) If you want to use it, you can post news or events aswell. But don't complain if noone reads it xD Pls tell me if you are a Clan Leader or have special Knowledge about arma (Modding / Mapping). I will make it appear in the Member List instead of "Arma Fan". Have Fun Crowe
  17. Crowe

    XFire Accounts for ArmA

    nuke1945 Greets Crowe PS: I send an Invitation to you all for the xfire clan: Armed Assault Community
  18. Crowe

    BattlEye problems

    I had problems with battlEye 15 minutes ago. (Kicked because direct input hook #1) http://screenshot.xfire.com/screens....MG] I closed X-Fire and restarted arma after that it worked. Can you fix that? Yours Crowe
  19. Crowe

    BattlEye problems

    I played Soldat yesterday, an 2D-Shooter. (BattlEye enabled) How come you are getting kicked/BANNED for running Xfire? Are there in Armed Assault programs that are dectected? Crowe
  20. Crowe

    BattlEye problems

    Ok. The Arma Liga will introduce BattlEye for the next season. As Part of the Liga-Team I hope it will work. How fast does it detect any cheats? Will clients be removed immeadiatly or is there a delay? How can we help participants with dammaged RAM? Yours Crowe
  21. Crowe

    BattlEye problems

    Would it be useful to add the BattlEye files to the checkfiles in server config? checkfiles[]={"BattlEye\BEClient.dll"}; Yours Crowe
  22. Crowe

    Arma battleye support for 1.09beta

    Does BattleEye detect cheats that are hidden in a PBO file? Yours Crowe
  23. http://www.bundysoft.com/L3DT/ its great!
  24. Crowe

    Global Server Config

    Nice. Please hide sourcecode from Public, cheaters may find it usefull too.
  25. Will you protect the server from cheats? I hate playing with cheaters!