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Everything posted by Crowe

  1. Other server features - URL forwarding of MISSION content - URL forwarding of addons and islands - Saving data in MP above the mission level - For *admins* - ability to delete missions - More admins can be logged in at the same time - Account based login for *Admins* - each Admin should get its own username and password (defined in adminlogins.cfg) - If Rootserver runs with more with 1 IP Adress, provide a option to which IP the server should listen on - Create an extra login form to avoid that players reveal their password by mistake - Restrict Access for LoadFile function - Deny access to all clients which are using a certain mod - Deny access to all clients which are connecting without certain mods Change Server Application to a console (command line) application - Read Admin Commands from standard input stream (access to all admin commands without the need to join the server) - Write whats in the textbox to the standard output stream - Put the debug output to console not to debug stream - See this Server Logging - Log IP Adresses without having the huge netlog file Server Banning etc - Reload the Ban.txt automatically if it has been changed - Allow to write comments to the ban.txt - Ban IPs - *Admin* commands to add/remove IDs - Possibility of a time limited ban (Expiration dates for bans) - Capability to enter a reason for a kick / ban, which is displayed on the client - Display Reasons for kick or bans on kicked client (in a message box) - Option to kick a player if his ping exceeds a limit for a certain time - Option to kick a player if his bandwidth falls below a defined value for a certain time - Option for a whitelist instead of a blacklist - you will be only allowed to connect to the server if your ID is on the whitelist - Option to kick a player if his rating falls below a certain value Server Customistaion - Force Floating Zone - Define a custum logo for the server and show it in the server Browser - Formatting of server names like in americas army (via html or BB code) - Advanced Custom File Settings Voice over net improvements - Direct Chat SHOUTING!! Server Browser Features - Show a custom logo of a server in the server browser - Show estimatedtimeleft like in ofp - If connection Fails, show missing addons in a message box, not in the chat - show addons that server is running Bugtracking: - Automated upload of crash dump files Did i forget anything? Moderators: Feel free to add some more community requests :)
  2. Good Idea. Added it to the list
  3. Shouldn't you get this working with Serverside Scripting? http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Server_Side_Scripting // not tested code OnUnsignedData = "if ((_this select 1) in ["DangerousAddon.pbo"]) then {kick (_this select 0);};";
  4. Do you mean that the arma process should "share access rights" and allow other applications to access the arma.rpt file?
  5. It would be great if the loadfile access could be limited to the working directory of the armed assault process for security purposes. Missions with debug console would be a security risk for every server. Cheaters or mission makers could use it to spy out passwords etc. The server.cfg should also be restricted for loadfile access. server.cfg RestrictLoadFileAccessToWorkingdirectory = 1; RestrictedFiles[] = {"server.cfg","netlog.txt"};
  6. This could lead to more problems ... the bot opens fire while all other human players are in 'stealth' mode and reveals the position of the whole squad
  7. Crowe


    A function to get the ping to the server would be useful :) regards Crowe
  8. I have collected this feature request: - Option to kick a player if his ping exceeds a limit for a certain time - Option to kick a player if his bandwidth falls below a defined value for a certain time server.cfg PingLimit = 160; OnPingExceedsLimit = "kick (_this select 0);";
  9. The problem which bis developers will face, that the engine is not capable of loading addon content after program start yet. This was mentioned in this topic: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=71274 But i will add it to the list.
  10. Bugtracking: - Automated upload of crash dump files
  11. i voted no. But an automated upload of crash dump files would be nice. Regards Crowe
  12. Crowe


    I think there are enough vehicle assignment funtions :confused: I dont understand what you want them to improve exactly. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/commander http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/gunner http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/driver (more: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Command_Group:_Vehicle_Assignment) if (player == driver vehicle player) { hint "You are the driver. Drive!"; }; if (player == gunner vehicle player) { hint "You are the gunner. Shoot!"; }; if (player == commander vehicle player) { hint "You are the commander. Command!"; };
  13. Crowe

    Character customization

    If switchplayer would work properly in Multiplayer you could create a workaround :D
  14. Crowe

    Floating sights suggestion

    Excellent idea :)
  15. Crowe

    Character customization

    That would be cool :)
  16. I want to comment this point some further: Change Server Application to a console (command line) application This Picture shows the difference: The upper window is the arma server how it is now. The picture beneath shows the server how i want it to be. You can enter Admin Commands in it (like #userlist) or #kick - as u are used to it ... But other applications would be able to interact with this sort of window - and that would make this kind of window remote managable. The Managing Application could interact with arma servers via StandartInputStram and StandartOutputStream. The server admin could enter commands via RDP. You would be also able to read out what your arma server does. I dont think it would be a that great deal to change it and let arma2 be managed by applications created by the community. Thanks in advance Crowe
  17. ok i see. But what do you want BIS to do about it?
  18. * Proof-free method to log in as admin in the game o 3login adminpw - whoops, that wasn't a hash!) I dont understand what you mean. Could you give further explanations please?
  19. Crowe

    Linux versus Microsoft ArmA server

    if i were you, I would not switch to linux. Linux needs more knowledge to administrate You will never be able to install the sucessor of ArmaLib or other DLL-injecting tools You will not be able to install beta patches because BIS does not release beta linux servers But you will save money Regards Crowe
  20. Formatting of server names like in americas army Make the server name a structured text examples: hostname = "<t underline='1'>Underlined server name</t>"; The server name just needs to be parsed and displayed. I think this feature would not be hard to implement :) Same would be nice for the server welcome messages: motd[] = {"Please do <t underline='1'>NOT</t> destroy friendly equipment on this server."}; Regards Crowe
  21. So bi devs are already implementing it? btw. What will happen when you forward a URL like ?? The clients will fall back and download the mission from the armaserver i guess?
  22. Crowe

    Character customization

    You can already costumize your character: - By selecting a face (custom face in multiplayer) - Voice Pitch - http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setSkill_array Which further customization would you like to request here?
  23. Hi Dwarden, you mentioned a good idea. I see 2 little Problems with this system: When the webserver is down, or delivers a corrupted mission file When the mission on arma server is different from the webserver file
  24. Crowe


    Seems already to be implemented: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/assignedTarget