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Everything posted by CarlGustaffa

  1. CarlGustaffa

    A few questions fellas

    1. Usually I just synchronize GEt IN waypoint with the choppers LOAD waypoint. Can't see *any* reason as to have chopper and squad as a single group. Also check download places for example scripts regarding choppers, as they can be a bit confusing for the beginner. 2. Be less focused on addons. The more addons you use the less interresting they will be to try since the user now has to install addons. Not seen a Lynx though. 3. Never done it. But Fraps seem like a good choice? 4. Stick with soldiers. Remember the the KISS principle (I didn't and just got burned, again and again...) -- Keep It Simple Stupid. Don't try to overcomplicate anything, bugs are more likely to apprear. 5. You have to make the overview, as suggested, search the biki on overview and overview image. Look for the tutorial
  2. CarlGustaffa

    Strange quirks using setCaptive on self

    No problems triggering a blufor present trigger as a blufor captive soldier. Detected by triggers doesn't detect captives though. My blufor captive didn't set off any civilian present triggers either.
  3. CarlGustaffa

    How to get out of certain animations?

    How do I do that? (Sorry, noob warning here)
  4. Hi I'm trying to set weather based on previous weather and a random input. Yes, I've seen som weather scripts but I don't think they do what I need, or, want Also considering this a little experiment with the sqf syntax which I am learning. Note, all _variables initialized outside the loops. Say the overcast is 0. Now I need to use a for loop counting upwards using the for [{BEGIN}, {CONDITION}, {STEP}] do syntax. BEGIN is replaced with _i=_ovc_curr, as this is the initial point. CONDITION is replaced with _ovc_curr < _ovc_targ, since I want to continue as long as this is met. And finally, STEP is a simple _i = _i +1 statement. This seems to wok just fine. However, I also need to check against what the weather is when I start the loop, since the weather will improve instead of deterioate in certain conditions. Now I suddenly might have to count downwards. So now I need to have an if else thing going on, choosing which for loop I wish to execute. But I keep hitting the wall on this one. I also tried doing only one for loop but with nested conditionals inside -- again nothing but error codes. Nested: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> for [ {_i=_ovc_curr}, {if(_ovc_curr < _ovc_targ) then {_i < _ovc_targ}; else {_i > _ovc_targ};}, {if(_ovc_curr < _ovc targ) then {_i=_i+0.01}; else{_i=_i-0.01}; ] do   { ...the code...;   } Separate: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> if (overcast < _ovc_targ) then {   for [{_i=overcast}, {_i < _ovc_targ}, {_i=_i+0.01}] do   {   ...code...   }; }; else { hint "test"; }; The lower one apparently works until I add that else {...code...}; stuff. Where am I going wrong? Tried to follow the biki as close as possible, but I'm stuck
  5. Hi I hae a trigger where I'm trying to determine if my whole squad is in. I can't (in this particular case) use a linked-to-unit trigger. Can I use forEach loops in a condition? If so, how? Tried something in the realms of: ({_x in uVeh} forEach units uMyGroup) but the editor won't accept it. Do I really have to test each single unit? What if he's dead already?
  6. CarlGustaffa

    For loops counting up or down

    Thank you very much! Well, it doesn't work as I was hoping, but at least now I'm getting closer... Gawd I hate semicolons ;-)
  7. CarlGustaffa

    What is the purpose of GroupColorX

    Very interresting. I missed that talk page, explained pretty much everything. I liked the reference to CfgWorlds, never seen this stuff going on before. Basically yuo *can* get the OFP method working, except you have to reference in the names using the nameformat. I wasn't able to make up my own "three-way" system though, with custom squad, platoon, and company names (I prefer charlie squad over squad 3). But, it looks good. And basically the groupcolor can be completely omitted if using custom names. Thank you.
  8. Anyone know? I'm setting different colors according to wiki, but I can't see any difference anywhere.
  9. CarlGustaffa

    What is the purpose of GroupColorX

    Wow, nobody knows? A little more info. Here is what I have in my AT Teams init: gATTeam=group this; gATTeam setGroupid ["AT-Team","GroupColor2"] Then, later I have a sideChat to them from base; leader ATTeam sideChat "Hello"; This shows up as: AT-Team 1: HELLO Not AT-Team Red 1: HELLO as I would expect. Are there any criteria that needs to be met for this to work, since there is no mention on the wiki about it being bugged? And also, what are real world practice regarding callsigns and colors?
  10. CarlGustaffa

    Arma Campaign

    Fairly ok only. It wasn't too compelling regarding the characters and all that, and the missions was a bit too short. Still, I have replayed it a few times simply for being playable and fun. As a mission maker, I find that de-pbo'ing the campaign and singleplayer mission a terrific asset with pretty good examples on what is possible. THANK YOU BIS forever, for not trying any protective measures. Was the this case, the game would have lived only a couple of weeks on my HD.
  11. CarlGustaffa

    forEach in conditions

    Oh yeah, thank you Works like a charm.
  12. CarlGustaffa

    Problem with description.ext sounds

    Thank you, it works great. My mistake was trying to describe the soundclass within CfgSounds instead of CfgSFX.
  13. Hi I notice the wiki says that only "three types" of sounds can be specified; general, radio, and music. But in Arma (and OFP) we have actually four types to choose from when placing a trigger under the effects, what gives? How do you *force* a sound into the menu of your choice? What is required in terms of sound attributes and description.ext classes and statements. Specifically, how do I make my three chickensounds appear under the trigger dropdown instead of the voice dropdown? I think the wiki is quite vague on explaining this.
  14. Hi Anyone know how to have a unit turn off its engine when it comes to a waypoint, and wait there until a trigger condition is met? I've tried various means of switch triggers and waypoint conditions, but it seems to only work if the action is used on the last waypoint. I don't want to have them get out. In the army days, we were spending a lot of time in vehicles waiting for something to happen, new orders to get in etc. I want my arma squads to behave the same way. A turned off engine is a lot more stealthy. Any ideas? Do I need to use scripts for such a trivial task?
  15. So basically, I do need to use script to control this... Hmm, I was hoping otherwise. I really wish there was a way to set AI 'smartness' on a per group, unit, or vehicle basis, making it possible to override the typical autobehaviour stuff going on. (edit: spelling)
  16. CarlGustaffa

    Problem with description.ext sounds

    Thank, I'll try using cfgSFX class and experimenting with the numbers and see what I come up with. (edit: spelling)
  17. CarlGustaffa


    Sounds scary. Is it the group id using custom names that is broken or using stringtables to do it that is broken? I'm using custom groupnames through setting groupids in an earlier mission I made (for self only), I have to check if this mission still works in 1.08.
  18. CarlGustaffa

    Invisible targets?

    There is a problem with these though. In order to use an invisible normal target on i.e. a Stryker (to get AI to fire on it), you can't just use invtarget setpos getPos uStryker. This will place the target in the middle of the stryker and ai won't see it. I tried using an offset from the stryker using modeltoworld or worldtomodel command to place it (and others) in visible spots -- boom it won't last too long
  19. CarlGustaffa

    How do you make units lay down

    this setUnitpos "DOWN"; this disableAI "MOVE"; this disableAI "TARGET" in the units init field. Waypoint should be Hold Fire and Safe. If careless and never fire, they won't be able to respond to a threat. You can also set back to normal values in triggers or waypoints that your squad reaches: [uGuard1, uGuard2, uGuard3] join gGuards; {_x setUnitpos "AUTO"} forEach gGuards; {_x enableAI "MOVE"} forEach gGuards; {_x enableAI "TARGET"} forEach gGuards; Something like this anyway... I won't reccommend stealth mode or combat mode, since if in a group they will be extremely slow moving and in overwatch mode. If you want them to react to firefight "properly", I suggest using never fire, aware, and full speed until they get into position, then hold or open fire (without engaging if they're in a defensive position) in normal speed and combat mode. The problem I have with the editor/game now, is that I have to use stop orders instead of recalling teams or soldiers into formation after having sent them forward or to a flank using moveTo orders (via script commands). This is just redicilous If I use ingame controls to do this, they remain there. But these options are not possible unless you're a leader of a squad. AI squads will tend to use those damned formation whatever you do; no holdbacks, advancing or fireteam flanking manouvers Oops, became a rant, sorry
  20. CarlGustaffa

    Vehicle Assigining

    Have similar "problems". I assign myself as driver of my squad Stryker, my TL1 as gunner. Simply because AI can't drive for shit! If I order all in and enter myself in the drivers seat, TL1 won't know where to go because he thinks he is driver instead of gunner :S I then have to manually request him to enter "anywhere".
  21. CarlGustaffa

    Assign a team to a civilian?

    hypno toad: If you're new to editing, the editor is the first place to start experimenting with, but believe me you will soon start making "script snippets", if only for the initialization line and waypoints. It is easily one of the best game and mission editors around because it is very very very stable. All those years of OFP and ArmA editing, I have not heard of a single crash using it. Also it's easier to learn than others since you mostly needs to think in 2D. I suggest having this page open for all you editing experiments: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Mission_Editor Similarly, I reccommend using ArmA in windowed mode. Good luck, don't be afraid to ask even the stupidest questions, although a search *might* reveal when you're looking for.
  22. CarlGustaffa

    Can you make a unit 'Scan Horizon'?

    I too would like to know if there are any way issue, not a, but all, commands in the menu. Such as flank right, advance, call support etc.
  23. Wow, does this mean it is not possible? Sounded so simple Ehhm, is it then possible to setDammage to a specific part of a vehicle? Similar to disableAI "MOVE" and such. I mean, ArmA obviously already registers where damage is inflicted (ref. some other thread). This is then due to the light problem; if I as leader exits a Stryker M2 with squad members still in it, the Stryker turns on the light. Aarrrggh -- stealth to hell...
  24. CarlGustaffa

    setting helicopter height

    Don't think that will work, since the waypoint it's looking for will never become true; helo is flying around its waypoint at 200m but will never find it because the waypoint is located at 100m or something. I've had a lot of issues with helos at altitude. Similarly, I've had triggers not detecting helos when they flew too high (even low altitudes if trigger was small enough). Not because of the helo, but I think the triggers height is a function of its x and y size. Finding a way of moving the waypoint to it's correct height so that it would become true, would seem to me a better method. Maybe use a BIG random placement size on the waypoint would give something? Sometimes it flyes over, sometimes it get stuck in a neverending searchloop.
  25. CarlGustaffa

    Problem with description.ext sounds

    Maybe it's the file data itself somehow that determines which dropdown it goes to? I suspect "general" (not sure about the name right now) is stereosounds and that "voice" and "triggers" aer mono sounds. But what then determines a sound from ending up in the trigger or voice dropdowns? I have some old OFP soundclasses I used back then. The idea was to have it play as a trigger dropdown (similar to Bog, bird and all that) and in the same way; randomize which of the sounds are played. Don't think this worked on the voice class. Edit: Should note that I just got some error message when trying to copy this OFP class in description.ext.