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Everything posted by canukausiuka

  1. Did you have corporal in quotes? It should be _unit setRank "CORPORAL"
  2. canukausiuka

    Adding Tank driver Machine gun

    Unlike in OFP, in Arma it is not possible to have a driver also operating a weapon. I think it has to do with the way they changed the control setup (in OFP you had the cursor, which you can't control the same in Arma). I could be wrong though.
  3. canukausiuka

    Player models for girl gamers?

    I have no objection to them being in-game as long as they are used in the official campaign realistically. So medics, pilots, and support personnel could be female, and I'd have no complaints. What I don't want to see is females as front-line soldiers (in official missions... what folks do in the mission editor or in their mods is completely separate imo). PS: There's been a huge discussion about this in the OFP2 forums, with both sides I think making their points pretty clear.
  4. canukausiuka

    How to make wing tip mounted guns fire...

    in your weapon config, do you have burst=x; or multiplier=x;? Its possible that if you have a multiplier of say, 2, then instead of having an ammo count of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... you are getting 2, 4, 6, 8, 10... which would not give the same results when you mod by 4.
  5. canukausiuka

    How to make wing tip mounted guns fire...

    Mod never returns the number.  4 mod 4 is 0, not 4.  So whatever you check w/ _n == 4 will not work. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _u = _this select 0; _ammo = _u ammo (_this select 1); _b = nearestObject [_u, _this select 4]; ?!(_b isKindOf "MG17") : exit _n = (_ammo mod 4); ? (_n == 0) : exit; ? (_n == 1) : _offset = [0.2 , 3.3 , 0.53]; ? (_n == 2) : _offset = [2.493,3.24,-0.26]; ? (_n == 3) : _offset = [-2.493,3.24,-0.26]; _wpos = _u modelToWorld _offset; _b setpos _wpos; exit When n is zero, the normal spot for rounds to fire from should work.  When n = 1, 2, or 3, it will go to the offset specified.  I've not tested this, but I'm fairly sure it will work.  If it is still giving your problems, but some debug lines in.  Eg: have it give you a hint format ["n: %1\n\noffset: %2", _n, _offset] right after the conditions. BTW, you may want to consider, after you have it working, converting this to an SQF rather than an SQS script.  But to test it, using SQS is sometimes easier.  Also, if this script is packed into your pbo, that makes making changes difficult.  My advice would be to have your pbo reference a "test.sqs" or something like that.  Then put the "test.sqs" in a mission under the mission editor.  Then, if the script doesn't work well, you just alt-tab, edit the script, then try again.  It saves a ton of time versus rePBOing every time. Good luck man! Iuka  PS: I assume you have the rounds w/ tracers so you can see them. Also, this will not create a muzzleFlash or smoke effect at the other firing points.
  6. canukausiuka

    Modified Tank Warfare

    Regardless, if he gets it to work, people could implement it. I've tried to do something similar w/ I44's tanks, but w/ only mixed success. Still better than the native engine, but not as robust as I'd like.
  7. canukausiuka

    How to make wing tip mounted guns fire...

    You need to mod by the number of MGs.  Eg:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_u = _this select 0; _ammo = _u ammo (_this select 1); _b = nearestObject [_u, _this select 4]; ?!(_b isKindOf "MG17") : exit _n = (_ammo mod 4); ? (_n == 1) : _offset = [0.2 , 3.3 , 0.53]; ? (_n == 2) : _offset = [offset2...]; ? (_n == 3) : _offset = [offset3...]; _wpos = _u modelToWorld _offset; _b setpos _wpos; exit That way, bullets 0, 4, 8, 12 all come from the model's muzzle, 1, 5, 9, 13 come from offset1, 2, 6, 10, etc from offset2, 3, 7, etc from offset3.  If you have trouble w/ that let me know  Edit: typos in script
  8. canukausiuka


    Thanks for the quick response. I agree, there's not enough info available on ArmA's particles. I had been having problems w/ particle sizes going through the roof based on the "intensity" factor. For now, I've just set a fixed size + var, rather than fooling with intensity. From my tests (brief though they were) its more than hit that determines intensity. My HE shells are much higher than my AP shells, even though the AP shells have a higher "hit" value. My AP shells have explosive=0 though, so I wonder if having an explosion increases it, or just having a bigger indirectHit and range.
  9. I have been doing some effects editing lately, and I am confused by some parts of the code. 1. lifeTime as an array.<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">lifeTime[] = {0, 1};What are the two terms there? Â Is it a min and max? Â If so, what is the use of lifeTimeVar? 2. "interval" parameter.<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">interval[] = {"interval", 0.5, 0.5};I understand that interval controls how often a particle is spawned, and that it can be controlled in cfgCloudlets as well as in the effects class (eg: class GrenadeCrater). Â Is this a way of converting the effects' interval to the cfgCloudlets'? Â Again, what are the parameters following "interval"? 3. "intensity" parameter.<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">moveVelocity[] = {0, {"intensity", 1, 2}, 0};I assume that intensity is somehow related to the power of the impact (how?), and can also be manipulated in the effects class like interval. Â But what are the parameters following it? 4. A few other random parameters that are less common. Â I've seen "fireIntensity", "fireInterval", "speed", "speedX", "speedY", "speedZ", "damage", "positionX", "positionY", "positionZ", "density", "dustColor" 5. The "...Coef" parameters. Â These do not even show up in class default, but show up in some of the classes (eg: impactSparks). Â We have the "...var" parameters already. Â How are the two combined, and what is the need for both? I know that's a TON of questions. Â I checked the biki and searched the forums. Â Almost nothing comes up for cfgCloudlets or anything else related to effects. Â I was hoping some of you may have come across these parameters before and figured them out... I'm not asking anyone to go experiment on my behalf. Thanks, Iuka
  10. canukausiuka

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Um, I'm not sure what her "lesbian tendency" has to do with anything. Of course, this is the first I've heard of them, so if you are privy to some information the rest of us are not, by all means share. After all, she's married and has five children, which I'd consider unusual for a lesbian.
  11. canukausiuka

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Fox News aside, I'm still shocked nobody has mentioned that McCain picked a VP: Sarah Palin I prefer to keep my politics to myself on the internet, but I think its safe to say that this choice will make the race much more interesting.
  12. canukausiuka

    Drop|Fall rate ?

    cfgAmmo Config Reference There's another airFriction, too, I believe. I think NWD's ballistics mod used it.
  13. canukausiuka

    Position ID

    There are only object IDs where there are actually objects. If you are only interested in the position (coordinates), you can get that quite easily. Just put some object where you want to know the position, and in its init line, type this:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">hint format["%1", position this]
  14. canukausiuka

    Making special Fx??

    Its a particle-based system. Check the BIKI for drop and particlearray for the parameters used in a script. To change the default effects is a bit more complicated.
  15. canukausiuka

    Six Tracers Compatability

    It sounds like your vehicle is not running the XEH init. Are you using an old version of the script? I remember at one point, I had to insert an M2 machinegun to get my units tracers to work b/c of the init, but that was a long time ago.
  16. canukausiuka

    Six Tracers Compatability

    Do the tracers work for the primary weapon, or for neither? I know the script behaves differently when it cannot use the "ammo" command to find the number of bullets remaining. Also, to get independently counted tracers, I had to set up a different weapon for each turret.
  17. If you want to change the amount of ammunition they have, you have a few choices. The easiest is to use addMagazine in the editor. If it is for an addon, then you can directly add magazines by editing their turrets class under the vehicles entry in cfgVehicles. Just add the magazines to the list <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">magazines[] = {"magname", "magname"}; etc If you don't want to do that, you can change the number of rounds in the magazine by editing the cfgMagazines entry. Just set the number to the number you want in a magazine <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">count = 10; Also be aware that editing the BIS classes is a generally frowned-on practice, esp. if you are going to release the addon.
  18. I've never tried using a cargo proxy for a gunner. Â You can set whatever anim you want, but it'd probably be easiest to make the gunner a gunner proxy. (gunner.001 for the main and gunner.002 for the side gun, then cargo.001 for the seat w/o a gun)
  19. canukausiuka

    Particles: relationship between...

    It would, except when you give it a volume, then the engine also calculates its buoyancy. So if you are less dense than air, your particle will go up. If you are more dense than air, it will drop. And if you set it to the density of air (which in-game is close to, but not quite the actual density in kg/m^3). Rubbing sets the particle's friction with the air, which can cause a few effects. High rubbing particles will very quickly accelerate/decelerate towards the speed of the air. Low rubbing takes a long time to move towards the air speed. And no rubbing means that there is no maximum speed, and that the particle is not affected by wind. I've always assumed I was entering mass (in kg), volume (in m^3), and then I would experiment with rubbing.
  20. canukausiuka

    all friendly unless weapon

    The direction I'd try is to create a trigger, covering all your units, set to "Anybody Present". In the "On Activation" line, put some code like this (you may need to modify it some, I've not tested it: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">{if (count weapons _x < 1) then {_x setCaptive true}} forEach thislist; If you want it to update, you will have to set it up slightly differently, w/ a named trigger and something else that checks it. And that will still make them "hostile" if they have "Throw" or "Put", iirc.
  21. Ammo is not configured as a vehicle, hence setDamage does nothing to it. What I did w/ OFP, and will probably work w/ ArmA, is to camCreate or createVehicle the shell at a given position, and also create some solid object at the same spot. The shell hits the object and explodes, then I delete the object. Of course, it's possible to see the object for a split-second unless you know how to make an invisible object in Oxygen (just make the fireGeo LOD and an empty Geo and 0.000) and code it. AFAIK, the only real solution is to have the shell "hit" something to get it to explode.
  22. canukausiuka

    Tips on Placing Bridges

    I know this thread is a few months old (please excuse me, placebo), but I came across the issues with lining up objects as well. Â Some of the BIS MLODs have the snap points you can read about in the wiki, but most of them do not. Â Furthermore, if you are using the ODOL models by decompressing the pbos to your P:\CA\ folder, you will get no snap points at all. I got around this by copying the sample MLOD models into their respective folders in P:\CA\. Â Then, if a model is missing the snap points, you can do a quick edit in O2 to add them or edit them. Â The snap points are just used to align the objects, and so far as I can tell, there are no adverse effects to this: they are lined up just fine when you put the map in game (which uses the original model, w/o the snap points). For a reference on the snap points, check out the memory LOD of \buildings\misc\plot_ohrada.p3d. Â If that's a bit too complicated (it can snap 4 different ways), try \buildings\misc\zidka01.p3d (only 2 ways). Â If you're familiar with O2, you should be able to figure out what's going on pretty easily, and be able to adapt it to other objects that you want this for.
  23. canukausiuka

    US army now a VBS2 customer

    The graphics on the VCCT are not great, so VBS2 would be a definite improvement there. And some of the things you encounter are just ridiculous (normal cars just drive down the road, VBIEDs go everywhere with no regard to either intelligence or physics). There was no "zero your weapon" phase to the training... we were told (on the M2s) to just use our tracers as a guide, and the guys with M16s... I guess they just had to keep shooting. Like wld427 said, its a good concept. Its just not as amazing as you would think.
  24. canukausiuka

    Schmalfelden, Germany Map

    I've had a small video up for a while using your map as well: Its in the open for the most part, though, and the view distance is pretty cut down (FRAPS was killing my frame rate unless I decreased it... performance was fine w/o FRAPS and w/ a larger distance). Oh, and my video making skills are crap.