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About Cuboid

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    Private First Class
  1. man wish there's a tutorial bout this.
  2. tried it but turns out very messed up. My left wing go backwards, my right wing pointing up etc...you get the picture.
  3. Well, here's my work so far. I'm not really an expert so here's my first addon. F-15C As you can see there are no cockpits and landing gears. (+ other minor details) I was thinking of giving it up cause there's no way its going to be in ArmA due to I'm using 3dsMax and importing it to 02Light seems next to impossible.
  4. since my previous thread was left off. I wanna know how to add a custom texture line to a blackhawk cause i'm reskinning a blackhawk. Do I have to do seperate config.cpp or what? I've followed example of Even's A10 config but never got it right.
  5. hey it worked thx but my texture doesn't show up. Tried combining both my texture folders into the Data folder but still the same.
  6. I'm currently retexturing the Blackhawks but don't seem to get the config.cpp right. I'm still new to these modding so any help would be greatly appreciated. Here's the config.cpp that I make but doesn't seem to work. class CfgPatches { class helicopter { units[] = {"UH60 Blackhawk (Black)","UH60 Blackhawk MediVac (Black)" }; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"CAData","CACharacters"}; }; }; class UH60MG: helicopter{ scope = 2; displayName = "UH60 Blackhawk "; model = "\ca\air\uh_60mg"; mapSize = 14; picture = "\ca\air\data\ico\uh_60mg_CA.paa"; Icon = "\ca\air\data\map_ico\icomap_uh60mg_CA.paa"; nameSound = "blackhawk"; side = 1; crew = "SoldierWPilot"; maxSpeed = 270; accuracy = 0.300000; armor = 40; cost = 10000000; mainRotorSpeed = -1; minMainRotorDive = -7; maxMainRotorDive = 5; neutralMainRotorDive = -2; soundEngine = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\UH1_engine_v1", 35.481342, 1}; soundGetIn = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\heli_door3", 0.100000, 1}; soundGetOut = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\heli_door3", 0.100000, 1}; driverInAction = "UH60_Pilot"; driverAction = "UH60_Pilot"; cargoAction = {"UH60_Cargo01", "UH60_Cargo02"}; transportSoldier = 13; enableSweep = 0; transportAmmo = 0; supplyRadius = 2.500000; initCargoAngleY = 10; minCargoAngleY = -60; maxCargoAngleY = 120; type = 2; threat = {0.300000, 1, 0.400000}; typicalCargo = {"SoldierWPilot", "SoldierWPilot", "SoldierWAT", "SoldierWAT"}; weapons = {}; magazines = {}; transportMaxMagazines = 150; transportMaxWeapons = 30; forceHideDriver = 1; castDriverShadow = 1; castCargoShadow = 1; class Library { libTextDesc = "$STR_LIB_UH60"; }; dammageHalf = {"\ca\air\data\UH60_skla_CA.paa", "\ca\air\data\UH60_sklabr1_CA.paa", "\ca\air\data\UH60_skla_CA.paa", "\ca\air\data\UH60_sklabr1_CA.paa"}; dammageFull = {"\ca\air\data\UH60_skla_CA.paa", "\ca\air\data\UH60_sklabr2_CA.paa", "\ca\air\data\UH60_skla_CA.paa", "\ca\air\data\UH60_sklabr2_CA.paa"}; class Damage { tex = {}; mat = {"ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_01.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_01.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_01_destruct.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_02.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_02.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_02_destruct.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_03.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_03.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_03_destruct.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_04.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_04.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_04_destruct.rvmat"}; }; class Turrets: Turrets { class MainTurret: MainTurret { body = "mainTurret"; gun = "mainGun"; minElev = -80; maxElev = 25; initElev = -80; minTurn = 30; maxTurn = 150; initTurn = 90; soundServo = {"", 0.010000, 1.000000}; gunBeg = "muzzle_1"; gunEnd = "chamber_1"; weapons = {"M134"}; magazines = {"2000Rnd_762x51_M134"}; gunnerName = "$STR_POSITION_CREWCHIEF"; gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\optika_empty"; gunnerOutOpticsShowCursor = 1; gunnerOpticsShowCursor = 1; gunnerAction = "UH60_Gunner"; gunnerInAction = "UH60_Gunner"; class ViewOptics { initAngleX = 0; minAngleX = -30; maxAngleX = 30; initAngleY = 0; minAngleY = -100; maxAngleY = 100; initFov = 0.600000; minFov = 0.600000; maxFov = 0.500000; }; }; class RightDoorGun: MainTurret { body = "Turret_2"; gun = "Gun_2"; animationSourceBody = "Turret_2"; animationSourceGun = "Gun_2"; animationSourceHatch = ""; selectionFireAnim = "zasleh_1"; proxyIndex = 2; gunnerName = "$STR_POSITION_DOORGUNNER"; commanding = -2; minTurn = -150; maxTurn = -30; initTurn = -90; weapons = {"M134_2"}; gunBeg = "muzzle_2"; gunEnd = "chamber_2"; primary = 0; memoryPointGun = "machinegun_2"; memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview_2"; }; }; class AnimationSources: AnimationSources { class Gatling_1 { source = "reload"; weapon = "M134"; }; class Gatling_2 { source = "reload"; weapon = "M134_2"; }; }; class Reflectors { class Left { color = {0.800000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000}; ambient = {0.070000, 0.070000, 0.070000, 1.000000}; position = "L svetlo"; direction = "konec L svetla"; hitpoint = "L svetlo"; selection = "L svetlo"; size = 1; brightness = 1.000000; }; class Right { color = {0.800000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000}; ambient = {0.070000, 0.070000, 0.070000, 1.000000}; position = "P svetlo"; direction = "konec P svetla"; hitpoint = "P svetlo"; selection = "P svetlo"; size = 1; brightness = 1.000000; }; }; }; class UH60MG: Helicopter { scope = 2; displayName = "UH60 Blackhawk MediVac Support"; model = "\ca\air\uh_60mgMed"; mapSize = 14; picture = "\ca\air\data\ico\uh_60mg_CA.paa"; Icon = "\ca\air\data\map_ico\icomap_uh60mg_CA.paa"; nameSound = "blackhawk"; side = 1; crew = "SoldierWPilot"; maxSpeed = 270; accuracy = 0.300000; armor = 40; cost = 10000000; mainRotorSpeed = -1; minMainRotorDive = -7; maxMainRotorDive = 5; neutralMainRotorDive = -2; soundEngine = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\UH1_engine_v1", 35.481342, 1}; soundGetIn = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\heli_door3", 0.100000, 1}; soundGetOut = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\heli_door3", 0.100000, 1}; driverInAction = "UH60_Pilot"; driverAction = "UH60_Pilot"; cargoAction = {"UH60_Cargo01", "UH60_Cargo02"}; transportSoldier = 13; enableSweep = 0; transportAmmo = 0; supplyRadius = 2.500000; initCargoAngleY = 10; minCargoAngleY = -60; maxCargoAngleY = 120; type = 2; threat = {0.300000, 1, 0.400000}; typicalCargo = {"SoldierWPilot", "SoldierWPilot", "SoldierWAT", "SoldierWAT"}; weapons = {}; magazines = {}; transportMaxMagazines = 150; transportMaxWeapons = 30; forceHideDriver = 1; castDriverShadow = 1; castCargoShadow = 1; class Library { libTextDesc = "$STR_LIB_UH60"; }; dammageHalf = {"\ca\air\data\UH60_skla_CA.paa", "\ca\air\data\UH60_sklabr1_CA.paa", "\ca\air\data\UH60_skla_CA.paa", "\ca\air\data\UH60_sklabr1_CA.paa"}; dammageFull = {"\ca\air\data\UH60_skla_CA.paa", "\ca\air\data\UH60_sklabr2_CA.paa", "\ca\air\data\UH60_skla_CA.paa", "\ca\air\data\UH60_sklabr2_CA.paa"}; class Damage { tex = {}; mat = {"ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_01.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_01.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_01_destruct.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_02.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_02.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_02_destruct.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_03.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_03.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_03_destruct.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_04.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_04.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_04_destruct.rvmat"}; }; class Turrets: Turrets { class MainTurret: MainTurret { body = "mainTurret"; gun = "mainGun"; minElev = -80; maxElev = 25; initElev = -80; minTurn = 30; maxTurn = 150; initTurn = 90; soundServo = {"", 0.010000, 1.000000}; gunBeg = "muzzle_1"; gunEnd = "chamber_1"; weapons = {"M134"}; magazines = {"2000Rnd_762x51_M134"}; gunnerName = "$STR_POSITION_CREWCHIEF"; gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\optika_empty"; gunnerOutOpticsShowCursor = 1; gunnerOpticsShowCursor = 1; gunnerAction = "UH60_Gunner"; gunnerInAction = "UH60_Gunner"; class ViewOptics { initAngleX = 0; minAngleX = -30; maxAngleX = 30; initAngleY = 0; minAngleY = -100; maxAngleY = 100; initFov = 0.600000; minFov = 0.600000; maxFov = 0.500000; }; }; class RightDoorGun: MainTurret { body = "Turret_2"; gun = "Gun_2"; animationSourceBody = "Turret_2"; animationSourceGun = "Gun_2"; animationSourceHatch = ""; selectionFireAnim = "zasleh_1"; proxyIndex = 2; gunnerName = "$STR_POSITION_DOORGUNNER"; commanding = -2; minTurn = -150; maxTurn = -30; initTurn = -90; weapons = {"M134_2"}; gunBeg = "muzzle_2"; gunEnd = "chamber_2"; primary = 0; memoryPointGun = "machinegun_2"; memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview_2"; }; }; class AnimationSources: AnimationSources { class Gatling_1 { source = "reload"; weapon = "M134"; }; class Gatling_2 { source = "reload"; weapon = "M134_2"; }; }; class Reflectors { class Left { color = {0.800000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000}; ambient = {0.070000, 0.070000, 0.070000, 1.000000}; position = "L svetlo"; direction = "konec L svetla"; hitpoint = "L svetlo"; selection = "L svetlo"; size = 1; brightness = 1.000000; }; class Right { color = {0.800000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000}; ambient = {0.070000, 0.070000, 0.070000, 1.000000}; position = "P svetlo"; direction = "konec P svetla"; hitpoint = "P svetlo"; selection = "P svetlo"; size = 1; brightness = 1.000000; }; }; }; I took an example from the original file (air.pbo/config.cpp). But doesn't seems to work, am I missing something. The game says that there's an undefined line on the turrets but I don't know what needs to be added or change.
  7. I'm currently retexturing the Blackhawks but don't seem to get the config.cpp right. I'm still new to these modding so any help would be greatly appreciated. Here's the config.cpp that I make but doesn't seem to work. class CfgPatches { class helicopter { units[] = {"UH60 Blackhawk (Black)","UH60 Blackhawk MediVac (Black)" }; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"CAData","CACharacters"}; }; }; class UH60MG: helicopter{ scope = 2; displayName = "UH60 Blackhawk "; model = "\ca\air\uh_60mg"; mapSize = 14; picture = "\ca\air\data\ico\uh_60mg_CA.paa"; Icon = "\ca\air\data\map_ico\icomap_uh60mg_CA.paa"; nameSound = "blackhawk"; side = 1; crew = "SoldierWPilot"; maxSpeed = 270; accuracy = 0.300000; armor = 40; cost = 10000000; mainRotorSpeed = -1; minMainRotorDive = -7; maxMainRotorDive = 5; neutralMainRotorDive = -2; soundEngine = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\UH1_engine_v1", 35.481342, 1}; soundGetIn = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\heli_door3", 0.100000, 1}; soundGetOut = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\heli_door3", 0.100000, 1}; driverInAction = "UH60_Pilot"; driverAction = "UH60_Pilot"; cargoAction = {"UH60_Cargo01", "UH60_Cargo02"}; transportSoldier = 13; enableSweep = 0; transportAmmo = 0; supplyRadius = 2.500000; initCargoAngleY = 10; minCargoAngleY = -60; maxCargoAngleY = 120; type = 2; threat = {0.300000, 1, 0.400000}; typicalCargo = {"SoldierWPilot", "SoldierWPilot", "SoldierWAT", "SoldierWAT"}; weapons = {}; magazines = {}; transportMaxMagazines = 150; transportMaxWeapons = 30; forceHideDriver = 1; castDriverShadow = 1; castCargoShadow = 1; class Library { libTextDesc = "$STR_LIB_UH60"; }; dammageHalf = {"\ca\air\data\UH60_skla_CA.paa", "\ca\air\data\UH60_sklabr1_CA.paa", "\ca\air\data\UH60_skla_CA.paa", "\ca\air\data\UH60_sklabr1_CA.paa"}; dammageFull = {"\ca\air\data\UH60_skla_CA.paa", "\ca\air\data\UH60_sklabr2_CA.paa", "\ca\air\data\UH60_skla_CA.paa", "\ca\air\data\UH60_sklabr2_CA.paa"}; class Damage { tex = {}; mat = {"ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_01.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_01.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_01_destruct.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_02.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_02.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_02_destruct.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_03.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_03.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_03_destruct.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_04.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_04.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_04_destruct.rvmat"}; }; class Turrets: Turrets { class MainTurret: MainTurret { body = "mainTurret"; gun = "mainGun"; minElev = -80; maxElev = 25; initElev = -80; minTurn = 30; maxTurn = 150; initTurn = 90; soundServo = {"", 0.010000, 1.000000}; gunBeg = "muzzle_1"; gunEnd = "chamber_1"; weapons = {"M134"}; magazines = {"2000Rnd_762x51_M134"}; gunnerName = "$STR_POSITION_CREWCHIEF"; gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\optika_empty"; gunnerOutOpticsShowCursor = 1; gunnerOpticsShowCursor = 1; gunnerAction = "UH60_Gunner"; gunnerInAction = "UH60_Gunner"; class ViewOptics { initAngleX = 0; minAngleX = -30; maxAngleX = 30; initAngleY = 0; minAngleY = -100; maxAngleY = 100; initFov = 0.600000; minFov = 0.600000; maxFov = 0.500000; }; }; class RightDoorGun: MainTurret { body = "Turret_2"; gun = "Gun_2"; animationSourceBody = "Turret_2"; animationSourceGun = "Gun_2"; animationSourceHatch = ""; selectionFireAnim = "zasleh_1"; proxyIndex = 2; gunnerName = "$STR_POSITION_DOORGUNNER"; commanding = -2; minTurn = -150; maxTurn = -30; initTurn = -90; weapons = {"M134_2"}; gunBeg = "muzzle_2"; gunEnd = "chamber_2"; primary = 0; memoryPointGun = "machinegun_2"; memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview_2"; }; }; class AnimationSources: AnimationSources { class Gatling_1 { source = "reload"; weapon = "M134"; }; class Gatling_2 { source = "reload"; weapon = "M134_2"; }; }; class Reflectors { class Left { color = {0.800000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000}; ambient = {0.070000, 0.070000, 0.070000, 1.000000}; position = "L svetlo"; direction = "konec L svetla"; hitpoint = "L svetlo"; selection = "L svetlo"; size = 1; brightness = 1.000000; }; class Right { color = {0.800000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000}; ambient = {0.070000, 0.070000, 0.070000, 1.000000}; position = "P svetlo"; direction = "konec P svetla"; hitpoint = "P svetlo"; selection = "P svetlo"; size = 1; brightness = 1.000000; }; }; }; class UH60MG: Helicopter { scope = 2; displayName = "UH60 Blackhawk MediVac Support"; model = "\ca\air\uh_60mgMed"; mapSize = 14; picture = "\ca\air\data\ico\uh_60mg_CA.paa"; Icon = "\ca\air\data\map_ico\icomap_uh60mg_CA.paa"; nameSound = "blackhawk"; side = 1; crew = "SoldierWPilot"; maxSpeed = 270; accuracy = 0.300000; armor = 40; cost = 10000000; mainRotorSpeed = -1; minMainRotorDive = -7; maxMainRotorDive = 5; neutralMainRotorDive = -2; soundEngine = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\UH1_engine_v1", 35.481342, 1}; soundGetIn = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\heli_door3", 0.100000, 1}; soundGetOut = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\heli_door3", 0.100000, 1}; driverInAction = "UH60_Pilot"; driverAction = "UH60_Pilot"; cargoAction = {"UH60_Cargo01", "UH60_Cargo02"}; transportSoldier = 13; enableSweep = 0; transportAmmo = 0; supplyRadius = 2.500000; initCargoAngleY = 10; minCargoAngleY = -60; maxCargoAngleY = 120; type = 2; threat = {0.300000, 1, 0.400000}; typicalCargo = {"SoldierWPilot", "SoldierWPilot", "SoldierWAT", "SoldierWAT"}; weapons = {}; magazines = {}; transportMaxMagazines = 150; transportMaxWeapons = 30; forceHideDriver = 1; castDriverShadow = 1; castCargoShadow = 1; class Library { libTextDesc = "$STR_LIB_UH60"; }; dammageHalf = {"\ca\air\data\UH60_skla_CA.paa", "\ca\air\data\UH60_sklabr1_CA.paa", "\ca\air\data\UH60_skla_CA.paa", "\ca\air\data\UH60_sklabr1_CA.paa"}; dammageFull = {"\ca\air\data\UH60_skla_CA.paa", "\ca\air\data\UH60_sklabr2_CA.paa", "\ca\air\data\UH60_skla_CA.paa", "\ca\air\data\UH60_sklabr2_CA.paa"}; class Damage { tex = {}; mat = {"ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_01.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_01.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_01_destruct.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_02.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_02.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_02_destruct.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_03.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_03.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_03_destruct.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_04.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_04.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\uh60_04_destruct.rvmat"}; }; class Turrets: Turrets { class MainTurret: MainTurret { body = "mainTurret"; gun = "mainGun"; minElev = -80; maxElev = 25; initElev = -80; minTurn = 30; maxTurn = 150; initTurn = 90; soundServo = {"", 0.010000, 1.000000}; gunBeg = "muzzle_1"; gunEnd = "chamber_1"; weapons = {"M134"}; magazines = {"2000Rnd_762x51_M134"}; gunnerName = "$STR_POSITION_CREWCHIEF"; gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\optika_empty"; gunnerOutOpticsShowCursor = 1; gunnerOpticsShowCursor = 1; gunnerAction = "UH60_Gunner"; gunnerInAction = "UH60_Gunner"; class ViewOptics { initAngleX = 0; minAngleX = -30; maxAngleX = 30; initAngleY = 0; minAngleY = -100; maxAngleY = 100; initFov = 0.600000; minFov = 0.600000; maxFov = 0.500000; }; }; class RightDoorGun: MainTurret { body = "Turret_2"; gun = "Gun_2"; animationSourceBody = "Turret_2"; animationSourceGun = "Gun_2"; animationSourceHatch = ""; selectionFireAnim = "zasleh_1"; proxyIndex = 2; gunnerName = "$STR_POSITION_DOORGUNNER"; commanding = -2; minTurn = -150; maxTurn = -30; initTurn = -90; weapons = {"M134_2"}; gunBeg = "muzzle_2"; gunEnd = "chamber_2"; primary = 0; memoryPointGun = "machinegun_2"; memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview_2"; }; }; class AnimationSources: AnimationSources { class Gatling_1 { source = "reload"; weapon = "M134"; }; class Gatling_2 { source = "reload"; weapon = "M134_2"; }; }; class Reflectors { class Left { color = {0.800000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000}; ambient = {0.070000, 0.070000, 0.070000, 1.000000}; position = "L svetlo"; direction = "konec L svetla"; hitpoint = "L svetlo"; selection = "L svetlo"; size = 1; brightness = 1.000000; }; class Right { color = {0.800000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000}; ambient = {0.070000, 0.070000, 0.070000, 1.000000}; position = "P svetlo"; direction = "konec P svetla"; hitpoint = "P svetlo"; selection = "P svetlo"; size = 1; brightness = 1.000000; }; }; }; I took an example from the original file (air.pbo/config.cpp). But doesn't seems to work, am I missing something. The game says that there's an undefined line on the turrets but I don't know what needs to be added or change.
  8. how do I open a .p3d file from the original contents of the Arma addons folder. Would love to edit some original contents.
  9. Cuboid

    placing mods ingame

    i would but it wouldn't be so pleasent cause haven't added any barrel yet. I'm doing an AS50 sniper rifle.So you got the basic idea.
  10. Cuboid

    placing mods ingame

    thx alot for that info.
  11. i created a weapon model in 3dsMax but then how do i make it into the game anyone knows?
  12. Cuboid

    Iraq Modern Warfair COOP Mod

    would really love to help out as a modeller but i don't quite know how top put stuff I model ingame, anyone knows how?
  13. oic, so now i get it, ok it works yay, thx man for helping me out..
  14. so it i'm ok well it doesn't work, I guess if playMove is concerned it must be type in either Waypoints or Trggers whichever, could someone guide me please...basically i just want to make a character animate...?
  15. oook, so if i were to use AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_talking it would be this playMove "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_talking"...am I right?