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Everything posted by CaptainBravo

  1. IndeedPete, NooB ? but how do you do activate? Do you name group leader doing hunt hunter? Thanks for script.
  2. CaptainBravo

    HELP: Spawn Vehicles /Planes

    Any ideas about vehicles? :confused:
  3. Hey everyone, We plan having another "round or two" next Sunday. I am working on building a Company vs Company (PvP) and wanted to see if there is an interest in such a PvP game online? It will utilize the High Command Module and have 2 companies (each has 3 platoons (pltn leader is human who in turn controls 3 AI squad plus his own squad) fight each other with objective to terminate the enemy's general. SO it is a mixture of attack and defense at same time. We would need total 6 human players. We also have a stealth co-op for those who prefer coop (or do both!) :) Let me know. Cheers.
  4. This looks pretty amazing! I can not wait to try it later on at home. I love designing MP missions and this should save tons of times and make it easier! Quick question: Will the fireteam makers work with fire teams in your own group? Will this work with High Command Module groups? (since they have their own markers) Thanks for great work.
  5. I hope you can join us this eve for a fun coop at 5pm. Server: Bravo Company Time: 5pm We are the Archangel addon that reduces the unrealistic AI super aim accuracy! It makes the fights more realistic and lasting longer. Aim weapons (snipers,marksman) are not afected. Archangel Download: http://www.avmg30.dsl.pipex.com/sen_weapons.rar It would help if you have skype. Skype name: Captain_Bravo_USA See you on the battlefield! :)
  6. Or you can put this is init field: this setPos [getPos this select 0,getPos this select 1,0]; You can set it to 0 (zero) this way it will ensure unit is at ground floor and not on roof. Cheers.
  7. Thanks to those who joined yesterday. It was fun (even though my group vehicle got annhiliated early in the mission by AT!) :o Lets plan on a session this Sun at 5pm. If you can make it please let me know. Cheers. :bounce3:
  8. CaptainBravo

    HELP: Spawn Vehicles /Planes

    Hi Norrin, Thank you very much for posting the mission example. That is exactly what I was looking for!! UPS AI with the group respawn! 2 questions (they never seem to end sorry): - I assume that vehicles do not work with this one? When I place vehicles, they do not move. - Since the marker is invisible I assume the patrol range (80 in example) is that from the respawn point for the group? What do I need to change if I wanted them to patrol a different zone? Thanks for your great help.
  9. I hope to see everyone this eve at 7pm online. Bring extra ammo! :)
  10. CaptainBravo

    HELP: Spawn Vehicles /Planes

    Thanks norrin. I will wait for your example mission as creating dynamic markers and adding UPS scripts after mission start has started is a bit outside my range :confused: Thanks.
  11. Hi ckolonko, yes there is still room. Will pm you later this eve with details. Thanks. mutters, team speak or even skype which ever has better quality. EIther should have pretty good quality.
  12. I will send everyone pm with info later this eve. As much as I hate addons in MP games, the one I have found most useful is the Archangel addon that reduces the unrealistic AI super aim accuracy! It makes the fights more realistic and lasting longer. Aim weapons (snipers,marksman) are not afected. Archangel Download: http://www.avmg30.dsl.pipex.com/sen_weapons.rar See you online tomorrow at 7pm I hope! :partytime:
  13. I think after trying this in a couple of misions, it is more for the reaction time of AI not accuracy. Lower slide means they are slower in response when they see you. But their deadly accuracy is same as I far as I observe. Any other way to reduce accruacy aisde from a few addons out there (which work great!)? (addons are a headach in MP)
  14. CaptainBravo

    HELP: Spawn Vehicles /Planes

    I love the group spawn scripts for infantry and vehicles! They give just about total control over mission design. Quick related spwan question .. using Urban patrol script, I am trying (with no success) to hide markers of enemy groups on map. Could not find a clear answer on how to hide markers (in MP hosted games). Any hints are highly appreciated as usual.
  15. Team Speak public server. However open to any better ways to communicate.
  16. I am glad I am not the only tired of evo and domination mods and crazy COD kids running on public servers yet not into the clan scene! I will set up a simple co/op game this Thu 7pm (UK time zone) that should be fun and mature. If we can have 4-6 players that would be great. I wil send password to everyone interested. Cheers.
  17. Hi everyone, I have tried to look up COC for arma 2 and nothing came up. Anyone know if it has been modiefied to run on Arma 2? a new version coming out? Honestly it was much better than the current HC module in current game. Thanks in advance.
  18. CaptainBravo

    CTD constant & Rebooting folk ..

    I have updates Bios,Video Card driver, windows, sound drivers heck I even cleaned the desktop front cover,and still frequent CTDs! Sometimes they happen after 5 minutes and sometimes 30 minutes (those are worse as you are slmost done with mission!) I have a couple of friends with similar problems. Every time I get CTD it sends error msg online to BIS. So I hope someone is looking at all data and making a fix before next patch.
  19. CaptainBravo

    Still no new patch?!?

    The patches show support after release and they have been good in last game with supported patches. If anything, it keeps people attached to game. However, like many others, I am having major issues with CTD and in my opnion we need that to be addressed before anything. So I hope next patch will address the CTDs and some of the performance issues.
  20. CaptainBravo

    Beginners Multiplayer Server UK

    Hi Goopeh, I have sent you a pm. Hopefully you guys are playing tonight. I will look out for you. Are you guys using TS2? I am not sure how to find you on TS2 .. Never mind about TS2 I just read your comment on Skype. Will download and look for you this eve. Cheers.
  21. CaptainBravo

    HELP: Spawn Vehicles /Planes

    Thanks norrin for your quick response. This is where the noob in me comes out .. The command for the waypoint type is: In example given [_grp, 2] setWaypointType "GUARD" I am not sure what is [_grp, 2] name of group? what is the number? where would this line go? Thanks for your help as usual.
  22. CaptainBravo

    HELP: Spawn Vehicles /Planes

    Thanks norrin. I have made a large mission with plans, halos, tanks and infantry, it works beautifully! The only question how can you make different way points for respawned groups, vehicles: for example a group with : destory, cycle, hold , etc .. waypoints ? Thanks again.
  23. CaptainBravo

    HELP: Spawn Vehicles /Planes

    Tested it and it workes great Norrin. Thanks! A couple of observations: When east east tanks spawn, they have smoke coming out before any combat .. Is it possible to have the units patrol within say 50m or 100 m from their waypoint? Thanks for great scripts!
  24. Hi everyone, I am having a bit of odd problem and I hope some of the technical people here can help. The game freezes then crashed to desktop. I get the VPU recoverer (I have ATI 4870). The game will not play at all after crash (will always freez at main screen) The odd thing is when I uninstall all ATI driver (including reg) and re install, it works fine. But 3-4 days later it freezes and crashes again! And only after unistall and reinstall of driver does it work again .. and only for 3 -4 days. WHat could the issue be? Not the card since it does work for a few days after reinstall of drivers. I have windows xp and Q6600 with 4870 ATI. Running 9.6 drivers. Any help with this is highly appreciated.:confused:
  25. CaptainBravo

    HELP: Odd problem with ATI and game crashing

    Anyone with any ideas on how to fix this problem?? Your help is grrrrrrreatly apreciated.