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Everything posted by CaptainBravo

  1. I finally figured the issue .. I did not add the additional groups into description file. :o The only other thing I have noticed is if I moved plane to different position it just crashes! I have tried and tried with same result, move and it will crash. I have attahced same sample mission. Nothing has been changed about plane or group inside, only starting position. http://www.filefront.com/14603769/spawn_exampleV4.utes.rar Thanks for your help.
  2. Great script! A simple clarification, do we need any function module in mission for it to work properly?
  3. Thanks Murklor for your quick answers. I will have to re do mission to see what else could be interefering with UPS script. In the meantime, I am still having an issue running copied/renamed scripts from triggers. I have 12 triggers all over a map and I want enemy to respawn when players enters triggers. So I copied first_group.sqf and just changed the name and placed in differnet triggers. I have also changed on activation so sixth_group.sqf will have in trigger has sixth_group = true; in activation field. Well iIt is not working. So what am I missing here :confused: Thanks again for your help.
  4. It is not clear what you are asking and that might explain no responses. Are you asking how to assign a team once you team switched? If so, you could add asign team command in trigger and activate everytime you team switch. The easy way is to just select units and do it on the go unless you have 50 units in your squad or you are team switching every 30 seconds.
  5. Any chance of an example mission for those who think scripting is a space alien language? :)
  6. Hi everyone, I am looking for a way to retain control of High Command after commander respawn. Has anyone found a solution yet? Thanks for your help.
  7. Thanks Dimitri for your response. Do you mean link subordnates to high commander and link to other groups? I have done that and did not work. Unless there is another way ??
  8. CaptainBravo

    ARMA 2 Adult content

    What is really strange is that this thread has over 22 pages! If we can not get the AI to follow me into a building then how on earth are you going to get the AI to play along (and perform) in adult scenario! Some people need to get a g/f ;)
  9. Hey Murklor, WIth the UPS, I have different of units sperate, UPS patrol units (only using UPS scripts) and then the other groups using your scripts. They both run from two different scripts. So I am not sure why there is conflect. If you remove your script, UPS works fine. Other wise, UPS groups go into combat/stealth mode and hardly do any patrol. The only file they share is the description file so I wonder that could be the issue. Great script otherwise and makes mision design much simpler! Now only if I can figure out how to use with UPS .. I saw the exmaple script .. I only wanted to use first one because it uses v4 your latest version. What I did, I copied the first_group.sqf and renamed 6 times and had it placed in 6 different triggers to spawen troops if activated. Only first group spawned but the ones with renamed script name did not. So what am I missing? Thanks for your help.
  10. Great script! Strange observation: when used with UPS the UPS groups all of sudden go into combat mode (crawling on ground) instead of their usual patrol column safe? Only happens when I combine both in one mission. Is it possible to have 7 or 8 triggers use different renamed copies of first_group.sqf to spawn different groups. first_group.sqf second_group.sqf .. I have tried that but did not work? Great work!
  11. CaptainBravo

    ARMA 2 Adult content

    on a serious note .. would the adult mod have midgets? :D
  12. NouberNou any update to the great script? :)
  13. Hey everyone, I have a few spawn scripts but they are not giving me what I need I want to spawn a truck loaded with troops and head to Marker A where it will unload troops who will in turn proceed to a marker B in area. (once a triggor activated) I want to use a custom addons which makes BIS spawn manager not possible. Any ideas on how to achieve this? Thank you for your help :)
  14. Anyone with a working example of spawned truck unloading troops ?? Thanks.
  15. This setCaptive True in civ init field will prevent soldiers from shooting them. However, they can still get shot in crossfire like in real life. For more realistic, once west detected byeast you can setCaptive False so east will shoot them as soon as they see west forces.
  16. join (F2) civilian to a russuain/east unit (assuming u playing west) and in edit screen for russian unit click probablity zero. Now the west will see civ as hostile
  17. @Captain Carnage. Look for us this eve. Hopefully the ping would still allow you a plyable game. Please look for us at: Server: Bravo Company Addons needed (excellent addons): SenWespons: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6345 Rope:http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=5791 PMC Choppers: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=5830 Desert Mercs and Black Ops: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6471 Time: Tonight at 8pm GMT Password: please pm me You can contact me at: Captain.Bravo@hotmail.com
  18. CaptainBravo

    SLX Mod WIP

    great mod! question is can I use only certain features (pbos) and leave some out instead of installing all? Like only taking cover and sticktogether.
  19. CaptainBravo

    VopSound 2.1

    Great mod! however I am having an issue with this and SLX Mod since 1.04, When both mods combined, I hear strange buzzer sound (assuming some weapond sound having conflet) anyone have this problem?
  20. ughh .. any chance of an example mission? I have been at for a couple of days with no luck :confused: Any example would be highly appreciated :o
  21. CaptainBravo

    A few questions

    Are you sure? I have a couple of missions where I have a group of 20 AI scattered all over and I put formation non in their edit and they do not move with disable move command throught the mission. I also do have set pos Up, Middle in their init field. Not sure if that has anything to do with them staying put.
  22. CaptainBravo

    A few questions

    unitName disableAI "MOVE"; This should make the AI stop. And if you want them placed where on map regardless of where the squad leader is then chose non in unit edit (instead of formation). This way you can have 50 men staying in position all under one group yet all over the map.
  23. Thanks Rejenorst for your help. I am not sure how to spawn truck and troops and connect them to this script? Thanks.
  24. CaptainBravo

    Spot the difference

    The details are higher in first pic: you see grass and hills. Also contrast is cranked higher in frst pic. I think the soldier is not wearing deoderant in second pic although this is pur speculation on my part!
  25. CaptainBravo

    AI effectiveness, how to adjust?

    download sen_weapons. It reduces AI accuracy to realistic level http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6345