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Everything posted by CaptainBravo

  1. Hey everyone, I was wondering if someone knows how to get squads under your command (High Command) report positions/engagments with enemy ? Thanks in advance for your help :)
  2. CaptainBravo

    High Command Module

    Has anyone found a way to retain High COmmand after commander is killed??
  3. CaptainBravo

    Spy plane

    Thanks keshman, much appreciated :)
  4. CaptainBravo

    Spy plane

    Does anyone have the example mission that they can share?? Cheers.
  5. I guess it is harder than I thought ..
  6. CaptainBravo

    Spy plane

    HI Bunny, do you mind posting example mission as link you posted is not working. Thanks :)
  7. CaptainBravo

    enemy artillery ?

    Sounds interesting. DO you have an example mission by any chance?
  8. CaptainBravo

    Roaming troops

    how about a search and destroy (maybe sentry) WP with 1000 radius?
  9. Hey everyone, Anyone looking for a laid back fun MP sessions, we would love to have you join us. Our next session will be this Sun 8pm. We will have a few varied missions, from coop to fun PvP! If interested, email me at Captain.Bravo@hotmail.com or pm on here.
  10. Looks very interesting! A couple of questions: - Where do you place the jpg in mission folder? - this setobjecttexture [0,"mypic.jpg"] What is the "0" for? Thanks for sharing
  11. Ahem .. any tips from anyone? please :)
  12. Can you please clairfy the different types of spawns? I am trying to get a group to spawn 5 times but ONLY when the original group has been killed? Any idea on? Also how does "reset" mode work? how do you call units at will? Thanks for your help.
  13. Take the Airport So this is my first released mission and I appreciate constructive feed back. I have always wanted a LARGE scale combat mission and this is a large scale with tanks, planes, helicopters, paratroopers, heli insertion, artillery and ofcourse tons of infantry! The mission objectives: - Clear and Secure landing zone for Delta company whol will be insetred in LZ. - Assist in taking the village of Vybor - Finally primary objective assist Delta Company in taking airfield. Direct Command: You have direct command of 3 infantry squads and 1 tank platoon and 2 AAV7. You also have artillery for fire mission support. Allies: Delta Company will be inserted by helicopters in LZ. Air Support: - F35 Squadron + A10 Squadron (no direct control) - Apachie sqadron for close ground support/supression (no direct control) Enemy: approx 800 troops backed by approx 20 tanks and air support (sqaudrons of Su34 and SU25 and 1 squadron of K50. Artillery (please see read me on how to use) This missions uses Hypered High Command (by Mr_Centipede) (please see read me on how to use) This mission was designed to give player some control (over his troops via HC) yet be part of a larger group in operation. This mission is 5th version release and I am looking forward to your feedback. Addons needed (and included in file): - Sentinel Weapons (addon by Archangel) Reduce the ability of the AI's to inflict first round kills on both human and other AI opponents at long range. This not only increases the duration of firefights but also gives human players a chance to fire back without being killed outright -although this can and does still happen the frequency has been reduced to almost realistic levels, thus adding to the overall atmosphere of the game. It all about atmosphere after all :) - PMC Apache (addon by Snake Man) Purpose of this addon is to have a helicopter that actualy can give close ground support! VOP sound mod 2.1 Best sound mod IMO and adds to atmosphere (not included in file but click on below link to download: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=5884 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is the latest version (1.5) which is close to final release version. It has a hot fix for artillery (now works in MP) and you should see some interesting air show during mission! :) V1.5: Filefront: http://www.filefront.com/14485767/Operation_Takeairport.rar ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I am working on final release version where enemy will use artillery against your forces position!
  14. CaptainBravo

    Take the Airport - A large scale mission

    The PMC appachie is supposed to join and give you close air support. So them not showing means something is a bit off .. I did have similar issues with another addon I was testing where I got similar error msg and I think it has something to do with addon not being signed. New version will be addon free (except for sen_weapons) and should be headach free. Cheers.
  15. CaptainBravo

    Take the Airport - A large scale mission

    @Ebden: Thanks for the feedback. Out of curiousty, when you say air cover, you mean the helos never showed up?? We have played this mission countless time in MP and it worked fine that is why I am a bit surprised .. you have PMC addons? The next version will be plain with no addons so any addon issues should be gone. Thanks again for feedback.
  16. CaptainBravo

    Take the Airport - A large scale mission

    @KorJax: Very strange not having a briefing as all versions had briefings work. New version will be coming out and will have very detailed brefing. As for nothing happeneing as tank commander .. I am assuming you played it in SP. If you did nothing will happen. A human must be Company XO (commander) as he will control all sub groups. Other human players can take other spots (including tank commander) as long as human is commander. @Muahaha: Yes, you can play it in SP as long as you are the human commander. Now if you want to play another role in SP, you can start game in editor as commander get all sub groups moving then team switch back and forth to any other units under your command (pilot, tank commander, squad leader ..) I am testing new version online which should be ready by weekend I hope. Again, thanks to everyone for your feed back. :)
  17. CaptainBravo

    Take the Airport - A large scale mission

    Hey everyone, Sorry for delayed update (very busy schedule in RL) but will have new version soon with removed all addons (except sen_weapons) which makes AI less accurate ie more human. The mission is very large scale action packed as pointed out (not for stealth fans) :). It is supposed to show large scale war chaos. Not everyone's cup of tea (my fav type). It easier to play with other human squad leaders due to better team play. As for not knowing what do, do you mean breifing was not clear enough? Thanks again for trying mission and feed back. I will post updated version soon.
  18. Hi Akron, I will post when back at comp this eve. Thanks.
  19. Hey everyone, I have searched and searched as I could have sworn I saw a post somewhere about activating a trigger only by ground forces. Any links or ideas are highly appreciated.
  20. I have tried both but no luck. I have searched wiki but did not find list. Any links to list are highly appreiated.
  21. CaptainBravo

    Spy plane

    Cheers Bunny75, shall try later this eve. Thanks for sharing.
  22. CaptainBravo

    AI Defend Bunker

    If you put a static weapon inside a bunker, would AI go inside and man it? If you want units inside bunker already, I have a few templates with AI units inside along with ammo boxes. I will post later if needed.
  23. CaptainBravo

    AI Defend Bunker

    Here you go: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=87129 AI will man any static weapons nearby.
  24. Hi wiijii, Tonight 8pm same place: Bravo Company. I have sent you a pm with password reminder. See you this eve :)