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Everything posted by CaptainBravo

  1. Thanks Rav Raven for the help. For some odd reason when I add those 2 lines to the script, the dogs stop spawning :confused: Not sure why ?
  2. I mean where do I place _soundOn = createSoundSource ["Sound_Dog", position _ani, [], 0] in the DogPatrol script. I have tried adding that line to script but did not work. So not sure where/how to add? Thanks.
  3. Thanks guys for the help. @BighotKing: Here is the spawn script used for dog patrol by Patrulla Perruna: @RAV RAVEN: Thanks or the script. How would I modify it to fit above script where sound attached to dogs?
  4. Thanks Demonized. I am not using any script as group will be human players who will put weapon on back (via inventory) before entering town. So I am not sure how to script weapon on back script.
  5. CaptainBravo

    Captain Bravo missions: PvP + Coop

    Update to The Case mission. Changes: 1.2 fixed bug of when droping the case did not trigger ending sometimes. 1.1 removed teleport of player left while testing. Mission Download: New version 1.2 Armaholic - Mediafire mirror: - http://www.mediafire.com/?vdc9dcd6w4q8jpv Mission Breakdown: Changes: - Removed dependency on hum_mapObjects http://www.mediafire.com/file/hb4hbg52tytp432/Breakdown.razoreniya.pbo
  6. CaptainBravo

    Captain Bravo missions: PvP + Coop

    Thanks zoog for testing and posting feedback.. Iwill check on both errors and fix. I am a bit puzzled about suitcase mission as we have test it (hosted) and it worked fine. So I will try to repeat the error you got again. Edit: @zoog: please download latest version of the suit case.End Trigger should be fixed now. Tested this version and it works. Removed error msg hum_mapObjects deleted from Mission Breakdown , Please download new version 1.3 below link or first post. Thanks.
  7. Interesting article I have read about a test game in a few days with 1,000 players online (on one map!) to test network load balancing. I wonder if Arma x will ever reach that number. More on that article: http://www.tomshardware.com/news/MuchDifferent-Tanks-Robots-FPS-Guinness,14514.html
  8. CaptainBravo

    Captain Bravo missions: PvP + Coop

    Mission 6: The Diplomat - Coop 12 players Mission: A chopper carrying a high level visiting diplomat and his security team, was forced to make an emergency landing near the village of Loy Manara.Enemy is attacking the village with heavy mortar fire support near by. The enemy objective is to capture or kill the diplomat. 3 special forces fire team from a near by FOB will be inserted with one objective, protect the diplomat at all cost till reinforcments arrive in 30 minutes. Your LZ will be a hotzone and you are expected to come be under fire from enemy units near the village once landed. Mission: http://www.mediafire.com/?3x4d87ko3b51u03 Addons Required: - Arma 2 + Arrowhead + Official PMC download - Advanced Combat Environment 2 - Core http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8602 - Advanced Combat Environment 2 - eXtras http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8603 - Community Base addons http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6231 - Desert Mercenaries and BlackOps http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6471 - Satellite view (SATCOM) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10147
  9. Group the unit to 2 different markers and place each marker on one side of house. Put this setPos [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, 0] in unit init field to make sure it goes inside room not on top of house. Now when game starts it will move unit to location of one of the two markers. You will have to test with amrkers movement to make sure it is inside room placement.
  10. I have a mission where player is settocaptive true. However that changes to setcaptive false when he gets within 10 meters from specific enemy patrol units that are moving. I thought about attaching a trigger to each enemy moving patrol unit but that seems not so optimized. Is there a better smoother way of doing it? Thanks.
  11. Thanks guys, all the soloutions you proposed are working prefect! I have more than one way to do it now. I appreciate it. Thanks again.
  12. I have tried that and got a syntax error. I have almost given up on the trigger solution as it seems more complicated that I thought. Any other ideas? :rage:
  13. I have set the trigger to activate with anybody present with condition "{!(_x iskindof "Fin")} count thislist > 0;" Problem is it activates right away since player is inside trigger even though the dogs are not inside trigger yet. It seems as the trigger is ignoring that condition and activating right away. I am not sure what step is missed here. Any ideas? Attaching trigger to dogs is the other possibility, but dogs will be spawned later and I am not sure how about to attach a trigger t each spawning dog.:confused:
  14. I get a syntax error with {(_x !iskindof "Fin")} count thislist > 0 Does attach trigger work with class names?
  15. You can attach a trigger and it will activate By Blue/Russian side present. However trying to activate it by animal class name does not seem to work. I am using in condition: {!(_x iskindof "Fin")} count thislist > 0; A bit confusing as it should work ... so what is missing?
  16. Thanks Charles. I updated post after you posted. Even with classname, trigger is not activating. What am I missing?
  17. This is a good idea. Actually each of the enemy patrols have a dog. So just place dog classname in iskindof "dogclassname" should work? WIll have to test. OK, tested quick and did not work. Not sure why. Have trigger with this in activation: This iskindof "Pastor" Attached trigger to player "radio1 attachTo [warlord,[0,0,0]];" but when he moves to dog nothing happens. Any ideas?
  18. CaptainBravo

    Captain Bravo missions: PvP + Coop

    Thank you for the feedback. The diplomat is held hostage in a lawless town where everyone is walking around with a fully loaded weapon/rpg. So leaving your vehicle unattneded might not be the wisest choice! :) It depends on AI mods you might have. Some will have AI get into empty vehicles. So keep a driver in who is ready to speed up for pick up. As for the Heli, well you have an armed SUV and you could have easily picked an AA earlier in mission. It is all about planning :coop:
  19. CaptainBravo

    HETMAN - Artificial Commander

    Would it be possible to have RHQ objective be an enemy unit ? (enemy general) that updates every3 minutes or so? It will be great for hunt down missions ..
  20. I have a scenario where I need help with a unit teleporting to a window for 30 seconds. The challange is it has to be precise positioning. I want the unit inside a house standing infront of a window for 30 seconds then teleport out of position again. The question is how?
  21. Thanks again. AI cabn not be trsuted :) I see call BIS_fnc_UnitCapture and unitplay. Most I see talking about choppers. Will it work with a soldier I wonder?
  22. Thanks Celery, works perfectly for what I want. Is it possible to add motion, so copy/record motion of 10 seconds of player walking between one window to the next?
  23. CaptainBravo

    Captain Bravo missions: PvP + Coop

    I am glad you liked Warrioress. Sound is an integral component of mission design. The next few missions will have more sound (for better or worse) :bounce3:
  24. CaptainBravo

    Captain Bravo missions: PvP + Coop

    Teleport fixed and tested. Please download v1.1 Thanks.
  25. CaptainBravo

    Captain Bravo missions: PvP + Coop

    I have uploaded new version in first post and fixed teleport issue. The drop in frame rate after picking up the suitecase is odd we have tested it (hosted) and it worked fine. So I wonder if dedicated is causing that drop. I do not have access to dedicated at this moment so diffucult for me to test. I'd appreciate feed back after testing on dedicated. Thanks.