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Everything posted by cervantes

  1. the isue is a tremors on torpedoes ;) remember you my first movie vs uss iowa a torpedoes move with perfect fluidity ;)
  2. ok you have exatly same issue ;) this is a bug with setvelocity and setdir you have same tremors :) now just need wait update :)
  3. do you can make same but only one target more distance and torpedo cam pls ^^ im not sure but when i launching a torpedoes on static target i have 0 troobls and tremors. i think is possible is not setdir or setvectordir a real problem but a bad maths engine on moving position of target.
  4. yes ty ;) if not my torpedoes move corectly on the target just this damned tremors ;)
  5. is very strange i not understand why i have this troobls when i see your movies im not sure you have same troobls with our torpedoes ;) and i see no troobls on your movie but you are at short range and launch only one torpedo ;) i have disable all script and launch only a torpedoes script i have a same troobls ;)
  6. how you known my uboats use a 4 torpedoes launchers ;) when i launch 4 torpedoes on the same target one by one all 2 secs this affecting a moves of all torpedoes. i think we need really a devs fix a scripts comands ;) for your minimal distance you need add this condition in TargetTorpedo.sqf script ;) if (((_x isKindOf "Ship") or (_x isKindOf "StaticShip")) and !(_x isKindOf "G7e") and !(_x isKindOf "Depth_charge") and !(_x isKindOf "HeadgeHog") and (_x distance _ship >=_my minimal distance)) then { if (_x != _ship) then { _targets = _targets + [_x]; }; }; } forEach list _trigger;
  7. no because a torpedoes troobls is always present when launching multiple torpedoes.
  8. :) you can post your news when you want this topic is for share experiences for working a great submarines ;)
  9. lol the ship unlike your harpoons :P np if my script helping your is one good reward for me :) d'ont forgot a credits :p
  10. yes its that with a firts g7e, g7a torpedoes ;) with acoustic torpedoes a last type7,9,21 can launch a torpedoes fully underwater.
  11. lol i think aplion want i foward for foward also ^^ but im really hapy to see this suport and follow this project ;) i have just fixed a colision bug with fishs ;) and add a script or all agent _x entities (all underwater species) disable colision with vehicle player and this working. i have working one new movie to make you drool :p or we see a new underwater fighting system ;)
  12. lol i have find :D is a ambient cfg in map config ;) a ambient cfg manage a underwater animals event when i using my custom ambient this creating this troobl and if i use a deffaut ambient config of stratis this working i have also observed my sub lost speed when fishs is spawned around very strange issue for sure ^^
  13. i have same prob on stratis map but its better i lost a speed by moment and stuck but sub remove under real speed value is a very strange issue
  14. i have add a physyx lod but d'ont use it actualy because we can't simulate large submarine with submarinex simulation. this do not afect a model because i have same prob with or without this lod. only shipx and submarinex simulation using a physx lod ;) if not my north atlantic map have -200 meter to depth and no physx obstacles ;) an i use in my config simulation = "ship";
  15. i actualy try to find why my submarine is stuck underwater whan i diving :/ i not understand why when i depth to -25 or more meters my sub stop move and c'ant restart move if i d'ont dive to periscope depth again.
  16. oh i see its because i have add a minimum range for launch a torpedoes ;) great news :)
  17. do you use same last loops? #launch [_ship,_Curenttarget,"TorpedoLauncher] exec "\warship_config\script\Torpedo_Fire.sqs"; #wait ?!(alive _Curenttarget):goto "main" ~1 goto "wait" because a last loop wait a curent target si dead before scan again ;)
  18. i just trying this script and for me this working perfectly for ia ;) try to modifie this #main _targets = []; #scan ?!(alive _ship):exit; _target = _ship findnearestenemy (position _ship); ?(_target iskindof "Ship") or (_target iskindof "Air") and (_target != _ship):_targets = _targets + [_target]; ?(count _targets > 0):_Curenttarget = _targets select 0;goto "Alarm"; ?(count _targets <= 0):goto "surface"; ~1 goto "scan" ?(_target iskindof "Ship"):[_ship,_Curenttarget,"TorpedoLauncher"] exec "\warship_config\script\Torpedo_Fire.sqs";
  19. humm im not sure but i think you have also add your conditions for using this script? because by deffault this script do not apply stealth attack a sub attacking a ship with surfacing weapons and dive only if plane is spoted .
  20. add hint or cutext in all loop dor see whats loop is stuck. im not sur but i think is a #attack loop because a loop wait a periscope animation before jump to next loop ;)
  21. problem solved this is not a p3d points a problems ;) i have juste add primaryGunner = 1; on periscope and primaryGunner = 0; to 88mm turret and this working now ;)
  22. yes i think is the best way i actualy try this ;)
  23. yes i known ^^ but my memorie point gun is in memories not in viewgunner lod ;) and i think your submarine have only one turret ;)