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Everything posted by csj

  1. Thanks Footmunch The destroyed version is car class same as other. I set the _posX to _posX+3 to compensate for diff but this seemed to effect outcome in other ways. Will check again in O2 for be centre. I usually centre all when making stuff. When I run script from in editor it works pretty good but when running it from pbo it doesn't. Maybe its just my slow PC that is playing silly buggers with it.
  2. Unfortunately it hasn't mad any difference to the end result.
  3. csj

    Bushranger BETA release

    @Batdog Thanks mate. Some aircraft did have both Aussie and US on them but in this case it is a bug. Thanks will check it out. ------ I can't find the bird you mentioned. Maybe its because I have altered files to yours, though the only Medevac I have been working with is the Jungle Penetrator model. If you can get a name on it let me know.
  4. csj

    Bushranger BETA release

    Either of those posi's in top 2 pics would be cool animations. Agreed, much better then the one currently used. I will have a look into improving animations but its all new to me so could be slow process. @the_shadow Thanks for encouraging report, keep pushing the limits and we will see how it handles. Replacement pbo of the others I gave you will be in the mail soon.
  5. csj

    Carry an object (gas can)

    Sexacutioner, have a look at the hueyparamedic.intro http://www.ofpbase.com/pafiledb/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=610 In this I have used a basic transport script for the medics to carry litter to wounded. I am still trying to improve on the overall sqs but the transport section maybe of help to you.
  6. csj

    Bushranger BETA release

    Thanks, Cpt. FrostBite I just combed through the lot, found a changed couple of suspects. Have sent speeder and the_shadow an update to test. So I will just have to wait and see on the outcome. If this fails then the only other possibilty may be texture name length. Though I had no warnings in O2. Re Zalesh. Deffinitely all textured. Dunno bout that one. Mybe slowing firing rate down could help, but all guns are set on the correct RPM.
  7. csj

    Is it possible to..

    Bummer, oh well. Thanks for reply hardrock
  8. Is it possible to make a sub folder in this section? If so could someone explain how.
  9. csj

    Bushranger BETA release

    Thanks placebo, I have viewed.
  10. csj

    Bushranger BETA release

    OK. I will wait and try again later.
  11. csj

    PBOManager - Addon File Manager

    @placebo Thanks have got it now. Have had no other trouble with rar todate.
  12. csj

    PBOManager - Addon File Manager

    I will disregard that crack about the Hueys, this isn't the first Pbo manager either uno But on a serious note. After downloading I just ended up with PBOManager07 folder and a single jpg file in it. Do you have another link?
  13. csj

    Bushranger BETA release

    Unfortunately in down town Bli Bli it still aint. I did an extensive search through the Smithsonian site before and came up empty as well. Maybe you have entered via password? Dunno why its ot working. You have me curiuos to see what this has to show that nothing else seems to have covered.
  14. csj

    Bushranger BETA release

    @ThudBlunderQ8 had no joy with that link @Evil Weasel Check PM
  15. csj

    Bushranger BETA release

    @Lt_Phoenix I did supply unmarked but yes unarmed D's and C's. It is a simple alteration you ask - can be done. Forgot to mention New sound for hueys is thanks to Bill Janes 191st Assault Helicopter Company "Boomerangs"
  16. csj

    Bushranger BETA release

    @Gedis Thanks for input. There are still a number of Hueys I have lined up to add to the pack. Unfortunately most of these require some scripting which is beyond my capabilities ATM. Getting scripting assistance from the community can be like pulling hens teeth sometimes, with ppl's schooling and other commitments. Birds with the XM52 (smoker) I had thought about but could not see it getting sufficient use in game. At this stage no more will be added until I am happy with the general flight model. @Evil Weasel Fair comment, this has concerned me also. I have been and still am working on it. Unfortunately all the answers do not lay in 'Sebnam Hueys'. I construct my cpp from the 'com config', I also find now that things I thought would be generic thru a class are not. Always learning, slowly but surely.
  17. csj

    Pirates; Age of Sail

    Good work Shinkansen  @Drax @Uziyahu--IDF Pirates have been around probably as long as man has been sailing and they are still around today, except now with faster boats and better guns. Â
  18. csj

    Bushranger BETA release

    Updated Huey Pack Some of the fixes include New engine sound all birds Shadow fix with Dustoff's Rear seat fix in A2 slick Mid range res lod in Gunships Download http://www.ofpbase.com/pafiledb/pafiledb.php           *  *  * I still need assistance of script writer. Dustoff choppers are still not complete and I need your help to do this, thanks someone.           *  *  * Also I would really like to hear back from someone if they could improve on medevac script (prior post) thanks
  19. csj

    Which guns do you own

    Nice guns all. I can't compete with some of those thunder sticks, gun laws here are very strict. Best I can do are Winchester 30/30 lever action and Brno .22. Both are sweet for there purpose.
  20. csj

    Several Problems

    Has this solved the problem of the mast bobbing with the tidel movement.
  21. csj

    Shrimp Mod

    LOL - good one "Not tonight Joséphine! I have a headache"
  22. csj

    Bushranger BETA release

    Thanx Cpt. FrostBite, I will have a squiz at it. --------------- Ppl have asked about the Rappel script used in pic. "MULTIROPE-RAPPEL by Blip " Just adapted to my hueys and uses CSJRope. Also I have adjusted "HELICOPTER TAIL ROTOR FAILURE SCRIPT by Vektorboson " This is a great script - looks good. PARAMEDIC.sqs   by  AliMag - 03/2003  Another great script. I have worked this to be called by player. Use radio to called for Medevac, click on map to give Dustoff a PZ. When Dustoff lands two medics will collect injured/dead then transport to Field hospital etc. Needs some work on PZ section landing but Hopefully someone can improve on this. For ppl interested I have made very basic demo mission to be used in Editor (not sp mission folder) Each script, so you can cut'n'paste into missions. Download here http://www.ofpbase.com/pafiled....&id=610
  23. csj

    Bushranger BETA release

    I think the problem with putting the seats in the hueys was if the grunts got to comfy they wouldn't want to get out. Actually clean deck meant less accidents. Would be nothing worse then making a leap from chopper and having you gear snare on some obstruction. I don't own any BAS stuff, is it still obtainable?
  24. csj

    Animations types

    I don't believe so Otherwise we would use them instead of rotations on sliding doors.
  25. csj

    Bushranger BETA release

    Something of interest.. The Charlie model "Super Huey" the one with 48 tube launcher and the  M5 grenade launcher. This thing fully loaded apparently would not leave the ground. @Cpt. FrostBite. Stop editing your reply while I am trying to reply to it. The guards around the seats, I have seen various colours and textures. I was thinking of doing a flat deck resup huey. Alot of the slicks didn't have the seats in them anyway but getting the AI to sit on the floor got a bit untidy. This will be easy, just 6 or so lines in cpp. Good idea