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Posts posted by Hostilian

  1. Hi All, smile_o.gif

    I have just bought a second copy of OFP:GOTY.

    I want to put the second copy onto my second PC, however, I have already installed OFP on it (with my 1st CDKey) - to use it as a server.

    What I want to know is how you change your CD-Key for OFP?

    I have noticed that there is an entry in the registry, but it must be encrypted.

    I dont fancy reinstalling it if there is an easy way to do it.



  2. Been a while... smile_o.gif

    But to get back to you;

    The server was fine, this particular lag burst was well-out of the ordinary. The player in question was normally fine, when he wasnt in the air.

    Other players in choppers were fine.

    Thinking a bit outta the box here, but.

    Any way of a server checking for this.. Maybe calculating a players average ping and bandwidth and noticing when they drop or change significantly.


  3. Looks good Cain, hope it comes together! smile_o.gif


    A separate general query....

    Could file sizes be displayed for a player's file checks?

    How about full paths?

    ie. Added to the line below..

    21:50:00 xxx uses modified data file - Worlds\abel.wrp

    I was wondering if this could combat 'modified' worlds with objects removed.

    Surely there are only a few 'legit' versions of a particular world (Either normal, Hires etc) with a few particular filesizes.


  4. I have heard that there are some people that use bandwidth limiters to cause deliberate lag and so make them difficult to hit. True or false?

    In a recent game, I had an AA Apache helicopter with all 8 AA missiles on board. I fired 3 missiles toward the front of this enemy helicopter (KA50) all missed, the helicopter seemed to jump and stutter (there hadnt been a problem with this player in a chopper before - with respect to lag anyway). Then I fired one from a side aspect - which missed too.

    I fired another 4 missiles to his rear - I was dead on behind him and yet all 4 missed. sad_o.gif

    Now, Im not sure whether this was a deliberate cheat or not.

    However, should there not be some sort of method that allows for lag when firing missiles - so that if we should hit, we do! Either prediction or whatever.

    By the way, this had never happened before. The most I had to fire before was 3!

    edit: Oh, It was MFCTI 1.16.

    Thanks, smile_o.gif


  5. posting in the right forum this time! smile_o.gif

    I was playing CTI and was in the air in a KA50 (AA). I knew there was an enemy helicopter around but it would not show up on my radar.

    All of a sudden I was hit by a couple of Heli fired missiles.. I had no idea where they came from.. I thought something was suspicious.. I was hit and killed by a player I knew to be in a chopper - I couldnt see him though.

    Whilst playing recently; A player actually told me to go above 700 (Altitude) as I would be 'undetectable by radar'. I am sure that this was why I couldnt see the other chopper earlier - he must have been above 700!!

    This is surely an exploit (call it what you will) that needs fixing. I would have thought that radar is most effective at height anyway.. Yes Radars have limited range, but they see things better at height and surely they shouldnt be restricted to 700 altitude (or whatever).

    Is this also the case in normal OFP or other mods?

    Is anyone working on a fix?

    Do people see this as a cheat/exploit?

    Thanks, smile_o.gif


  6. I was playing CTI and was in the air in a KA50 (AA). I knew there was an enemy helicopter around but it would not show up on my radar.

    All of a sudden I was hit by a couple of Heli fired missiles.. I had no idea where they came from.. I thought something was suspicious..

    Today whilst playing a player actually told me to go above 700 (Altitude) as I would be undetectable by radar.

    This is surely an exploit (call it what you will) that needs fixing. I would have thought that radar is most effective at height anyway.. sad_o.gif

    Is this also the case in normal OFP or other mods?



  7. I personally believe that certain servers should be locked and passworded.

    These servers should only be accessible to those players who have given their Photo (Possibly via webcam so you cant fake it) plus their real name and address (which should be verified).

    Access to this information would only be made available to those that have already provided their own details.

    Then if you cheat, We know who you are and where you live! wink_o.gif

    That'll stop 'em! biggrin_o.gif


  8. Hiya,

    Is there any way to script text (and bind to a key) instead of having to key it in for team communication - Obviously not for AI comm's.

    Eg. Bind a key to say "Stop" for in-vehicle communication.

    Or binding a key to say "Need backup" in normal team comm's.

    etc. etc.

    I know that for various other games this is possible (Eg Half Life).

    If this isnt possible (as I have heard before), will this be implemented in OFP2? I know that there is a risk of spamming, but this feature would be useful.


