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Posts posted by Hostilian

  1. Awesome, nice one!

    Is this going in Redux or the main release? Is redux dead, by the way, or still in development?


    The thing about Warlords is that the mission types are always the same and it would be great to have some additional variation in the missions. Even something as simple as having the start location randomly swapped for Blu-Redfor.


    A mission of the same size as Malden2035 set on Tanoa or Altis would also be great (8v8). I can, and have, tweaked some missions but don't have a server to put it on! 😄


  2. Good stuff.


    edit... Looks like below is due to server maintenance (as per comment on Discord).
    Quick question.. I had about 4 warlords servers in my favorites - and they all seem to be... errrr.... missing from the server list (from today).

    Have the number of official Warlords servers taken a recent hit - or is this temporary??

  3. I've managed to work around the lack of ordering planes and having them fly to a carrier in Warlords by using triggers and scripts..

    I've created and am testing a NEW Malden 2035 Warlords mission which has a new Blufor Sector - to the West of Le Port. Moored here is the BluFor Aircraft carrier.


    Ordering planes to Carriers using the Warlords interface just doesnt work, so I've added some triggers to order two types of planes and deduct CP as appropriate - namely the CAS and Black Wasp II. Switch on your engine and you can start the deck catapult launch sequence. Choppers etc are still purchased from Military island.


    I've also tweaked the Blufor Base location , moving it round to the South coast, rather than the West coast (where it is in the standard Malden2035 mission).

    This should help fix the common Blufor problem where they ignore the Arudy/Le Pessagne backdoor (whilst they're taking the Southern towns).


    Anyway, I will get it onto a server if anyone wants to help test it..

    Known issues..
    -Autopilot landing doesn't work onto the carrier. I guess I could move it futher away from shore - but that can wait..




    Is it possible to request some additional functionality for Warlords missing editing, so that when ordering a plane, you have the option to just specify precisely where it appears (rather than having it fly in and land - because airfields are a total pain in the ass in that regard).


    Possibly by using a new map icon/marker, whatever, so the aircraft can appear directly on a carrier (rather than flying in).

    I'm thinking of using it in the Malden 2035 map here; because, helpfully (not), both airfields are located in the far north of the map.


    Of course, if this has already been done - or even better, there's a tutorial - please let me know.


    Alternatively, please make a 'Malden 2036' map and move the airfield island (far NW) to the far SE..  😉

  4. I'd much rather planes  were removed as human controllable and instead we paid CP to "call in" airstrikes - either anti Armor, AP or even air defence (against other AI planes).

    These planes would spawn in already in flight, towards the edge of the battle area.

    Possible? Not sure, but I'd prefer this and have players attacking/defending zones than having players in the air or camping airfields..


    It's kind of moot for me anyway as I don't play on the large maps for precisely this reason; too many planes in the air just spoils the game, IMHO.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  5. Ummm, yeah.. You need to go into Multiplayer - Server Browser, then 'Host server' at the top. 

    Not the Single Player menu.


    Choose the map and mission (Warlords, obviously) and it will host the mission on your PC. 

    You then join as a player. Just make sure each player slot has 'AI' present (not 'nobody'). Dont fill out too many slots with AI.. Depends on how powerful your PC is but I wouldn't go 32vs32!  😄


    Other people can join to your game on the same LAN (or even across the Internet) - if required and if the ports are open..






  6. On 2/12/2020 at 12:39 PM, galzohar said:

    1.. You don't think that taking hours to find any enemy player is a problem?

    2.. As for spawning, I noticed it depends on where you come from..

    3.. Regarding difficulty, seeing AI on map can be fixed by mission scripting if it's important for this mission's gameplay. Friendly players are already appearing by script.

    Not for me... I don't play the large maps.. The 16 player (some are 32) are small enough that you don't need to spend and entire day playing (and you might actually be there when the game ends)..


    You can choose where you spawn (to an extent). Just don't make the same mistake twice - or drive there..

  7. 12 hours ago, galzohar said:


    1.. I'm fine with Veteran servers as they are - but would love if they were custom Veteran; so you could see your own AI on the map.. It's a pain in the backside otherwise..

    3.. I think each force's main base needs the CP rewards upping a bit.. It's very easy to get pinned at the first sector, if you join late and lose out on the 500CP bonus...

    5.. You can already choose where you spawn.. A lot of people don't know that where you spawn (when attacking a zone) depends on the sector you come from.. If you want to spawn to the East of a sector, you'll need to fast travel From a sector to the East.. You want spawn to the North of a sector you're attacking, well then you need to head to a sector to the North of where you want to go, first! It's basically a straight line from where you're coming from..


    The other points aren't a problem for me...

  8. Can anything be done to stop a group of 2 or 3 players taking over Bohemia Interactive public servers by kicking anyone that joins?

    Just tried to join a Warlords server. Had barely connected - and kicked..

    Now, cant get back in - "Due to how the server is set up, you can not rejoin until mission restart" or something..

    Are they testing hacks? Who knows..

  9. Still loving the mission though I prefer the smaller 16 player maps - mainly as there are fewer Jets flying around...

    Would love  a slightly bigger mission than Malden2035 - maybe 24 player - but not on the scale of the entire Altis map. I can't spend an entire day playing!!  🙂


    Q.. Would it be possible to give late joiners at least 300 starting CP; as if you join and your team is pinned down at the first flag by armor - and noone has AT - you're screwed.


    Would also like a magazine repack feature - as seen on other missions..

  10. 19 hours ago, Dedmen said:

    Yes that does say that. Bi never split paid content in this scope out to be purchased seperately. So its unlikely that they'll change that now.

    OK but there is a possibility..


    Still looking for something more concrete - though I guess they'll only know whether it's a yes when they actually do it..
    Never mind.. I just don't want the 'alien stuff' but would like the assets..

    • Confused 2

  11. 2 hours ago, General Kong said:

    @Hostilian No, its all part of a complete package

    I know it's part of a package, currently, but that's not to say it won't be released separately in the future..

    Hence my question..


    Do you work for BIS or the Developer? If not, perhaps you might not be totally clued in..  😉

    Not saying you're wrong.. Just that I want to hear it from the Devs..

  12. Some welcome changes upcoming.. Nice one.


    Can I request considering a change to the Blufor base location on the Malden 2035 scenario please?

    Currently, Blufor seems to ignore the fact that the shortest route to Opfor's base is via La Pessagne, Arudy and then either Goisse/Dourdan etc.

    They almost always concentrate on the South of the island - leaving Opfor only 2 hops to get to Blufor's base when they get Arudy (when Blufor is almost always 'stuck' on the long process of capping Military island).

    It's almost always game over.

    It might be better moving the Blufor Base round to the South of the island - South or Near Cancun (closer to Military island too) to "even out" the the two routes to the North of the island..

    A spawn ON military island - rather than travelling via boat - would also be very useful, given that Opfor can seize an airfield in 2 moves.... Maybe with a slight reduction in CP for the island..



  13. Quote

    But currenly the real problem is not balance, but script injections and deliberate teamkills and trolling by friendly asset destruction.

    The real issue is a lack of Admins on the offical servers (I've never seen one anyway).

    Any chance of some Admins on the offical Warlords servers please?

    There are way too many griefers about that people just can't get rid of.. Not everyone votes and it's never enough..


    We also needs some lengthy - or permanent - bans...

  14. 2 minutes ago, Jezuro said:


    You can always request an ammobox and fill it with additional equipment. 

    Yeah, that's what I do currently - but it would be nice to have a private locker.. I've seen it on other CTI style missions..

    Or just give OpFor some 7.62x20 round ammo in their ammo crates - like in the earlier version of warlords - and I won't need to!  😄


    I'm sure you've got bigger fish to fry - with griefers etc - so it's more of a 'nice to have'..



    • Like 1

  15. 3 hours ago, Jezuro said:

    I think it's time to introduce something to prevent the asset destruction by teammates. I must admit that the behavior of some players has taken me by surprise. I should have expected the worst.

    Unfortunately, some people have little else to do but troll - and get a kick out of it.

    Can Players/PlayerIDs be reported - for lengthy bans from the offical servers?


    edit.. Oh, and I was previously able to leave kit (ammo) in base and it stayed there until I (or someone else) used it.

    Now it gets cleared up..

    If there's such an agressive ground cleanup, can we please have some sort of private 'locker' or box, where we can store stuff in the main base? Or make us able to place ammo boxes where we want them..

    Defo a nice-to-have..

  16. It seems that nothing can be done about teamkillers and hackers.. Just left a server that had a guy sitting in base TK'ing spawners - he's been doing it for about 30 mins..

    Votekick has too high a threshold - if it even works at all...

    Unless your own base is targetted by the enemy, it might be worth making players invulnerable within a certain radius of spawn..


    Also.. Much prefer a map size something in between 16 and 32 player..

    16 is decent size but a bit too short.. 64 - well I just have time to sit through these missions to the end, so why play??


    Also, when when your attack point gets locked somewhere behind enemy lines and it's a nightmare to get to and capture..

    It's a bit daft - the point of attack should be movable, by new vote, once it's been cut off for (say) 20 minutes or so..


    Ammo trucks need a CP cost for re-arm.. To stop Rhino spamming..

    Oh and give OpFor 7.62x20 clips in the ammo drops please...


    Other than that.. Great mission - just needs a few tweaks!


    • Like 1

  17. Have you overclocked your RAM or CPU?





    Also.. I've noticed that the LG USB drivers might cause problems with ARMA3 (not massively tested it but ARMA3 was crashing with it installed. I uninstalled and no more crashes)..


  18. I'm liking what I see so far.. Nice work!

    If not already coming in 1.90 I'd like to suggest the following additions/changes..

    - A 24 Player map with a size somewhere between existing 16 and 32 player maps.

    - A bit extra cash for slightly late joiners that miss out of the 500CP start bonus.. If you run into any Armor at the first contested sector spawn, you're screwed.. Or just up the amount to 300CP for all players..

    - I usually purchase a 7.62mm 20round weapon as OPFOR (in Armory) and it's a right pain to get ammo for it. Your ammo bearer doesn't stock it and it's not in any of your supply crates..

    - Can't find the nightstalker in any of the crates as BLUFOR (not sure about this one, might just have missed it). You can get it in Armory though.

    - Ability to move the contested sector spawn point - if it's being camped OR in water (seen a couple of times) OR in a Death Zone (also seen a couple of times at La Pessagne/Vigny).

    - Would prefer if the Veteran mode showed yourself on the map.. I mean, it shows all the other friendly players, so why not?

    - Fix... Issues with AI mounting tanks have nearly lost me a tank a couple of times..

    - Increase in sector scan cost - after a certain amount of play time.

    - Make it easier to kick a griefer/troll.

  19. Morning all


    Just thought I'd share a fix to an issue I was having.. Basically, during multiplayer gameplay (no mods) I was getting random crashes to desktop. Whether;


    0xC0000005 - ACCESS_VIOLATION



    .....and a few others related to RAM..


    It usually happened when getting into a vehicle - for some reason..


    Yes, my CPU and RAM are overclocked. 8700k to 5GHz and RAM (3200) to 3866.

    CPU has always been fine, but RAM was overclocked relatively recently. Stress tests showed no errors in the RAM overclock.


    Anyway, the fix was to give my RAM some more volts on the motherboard.. Just 0.01v (1.375 to 1.385) was enough to sort all crashes. For me anyway!

    My case is very well ventilated..


    Other tips..

    Create a batch file to stop any running background programs that aren't absolutely necessary before starting ARMA3.

    Make sure you have a large page file (I was getting errors related to this when I forgot to apply the page file when moving it to another drive, whoops - but it was spotted and fixed quickly)..


    Good luck,



  20. Wondered if anyone had any Arma3 benchmarks at 3440x1440 resolution - Ultra preset please?

    I'm keen to see how Ryzen 2700x (or 2600x) compares with the Intel chips - 6700k and above...


    I want to buy a new rig to replace my 3770k @4.7 but I'm in two minds about what the hell to do..

    Rhetorical questions.. Don't bother answering..  :)

    -Will AMD release a 2800x chip soon?

    -Is a new Intel chip and the Z390 platform due out anytime soon?
