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Captiain Crunch

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About Captiain Crunch

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  1. Captiain Crunch


    Was it because I misspelled a word and used a few abbreviated expletives? All I was asking was, how to save the M113 when it's up the hill 500m to the west out in the open in plain view of 4 formidable tanks. In Resistance, I took command and told the crew to take cover. Obviously, strategic manuevers isn't this missions first languag either. By the way, I'm not too particularly impressed with your English either, and I don't appreciate you making deragotive references to mine. If you can't answer my questions, or are having difficulty discerning the nature of them, kindly leave me the @!$## alone and let someone more competent reply. Got that?Get it.
  2. Captiain Crunch


    No, I don't. I have already figured out how to lay the mines. What I need to know is WHERE is this M113 to begin with? That Sob never showed up after I knocked out the tanks because if it is on the hill to the West of me, it gits blown away every time. Are you saying that there is another one somewhere? I don't have any problem dispatching the tanks or the crew that survives, but, a M113 never showed up. I blew the UAZ last time and still couldn't end the mission. I suppose I could use the cheat to unlock the next mission, but I would really rather complete this one on my own. So, could you tell me where the M113 is to start with? It seems to be the key to finishing this mission, not the freakin tanks. As a matter of fact, knocking the tanks out is easy, I've done it a dozen times a dozen different ways. One shot takes out the UAZ, no big deal. One time even, the leader called it to come pick us up, but it never showed. Then he ran to town and just stood there. WTF? Thanks.
  3. Captiain Crunch


    Thanks. But tell me why I get the objective completed signal after I knock out the tanks? According to what you say, I'd have to get a LAW and run 500 m up the road to knock out the tanks before they even get close to the ammo crates where the leader is waiting. Usually after the UAZ passes the first time, the tanks open up on the M113 sitting atop the hill to the west of me. These tanks are firing at it from approx 4/500 m up the road from where the ammo crates are. Even if I did that the leader is yelling at me to get back in formation. I can't tell the M113 to hide his ass can I, because he gets blown away everytime. Basicallly you're saying run up the road and plant the mines and then back and get the LAW , then they wont shoot at the M113 atop the hill? Something's funny here. I could have at least been told that the mission failed and why. I played all through Resistance without posting a question. This is baloney. What gives man? Thank you.
  4. Captiain Crunch

    Thanks/no uav(jeep)

    I searched the opf missions forum but did not see any topics on this mission as of yet. Anyway, the M113 is sitting on top of a hill from us and gets blown away when the tanks arrive, so that's out. So, we took all the tanks out but no jeep came to investigate. I saved the game and went to a little town several km away and found the jeep siiting in the middle of the street. I took out the BMP and all the soldiers, so if I go back and blow up the jeep will the mission end, or do I need to restart? Thanks
  5. Captiain Crunch

    Cold war crisis

    Pardon me, I forgot to mention the version I was playing. It's Cold War Crisis 1985 and the mission is "Defender". I am having trouble finding the squad after completing the tank destruction task. thanks
  6. Captiain Crunch


    I am new here glad to be aboard,. I was wondering if this is the place to ask questions about campaign missions? I have been trying to finish a mission "defense" where me and another have to stop a group of tanks from entering a town called LaPessage I believe. Me and the leader manage to place the mines and destroy the tanks with the help of a shot from the LAW. You are then notified that the portion of the mission is complete. You are then to reunite with your squad. Problem is, I can't find the "squad" to reunite with. I followed the leader back to the town and he stops by a building and just stands there. There are several soldiers up the hill near a tank who do the same as well as some down in a depression laying prone with thier weapons aimed at nobody. What I want to know is, where is the sqaud ? I've knocked out the tanks and want to move on to the next mission. Also there is nobody to come and pick us up as the leader radioed previously. Have I overlooked a detail in this mission or is it a bug? Thanks.
  7. Captiain Crunch


    I am new here glad to be aboard,. I was wondering if this is the place to ask questions about campaign missions? I have been trying to finish a mission "defense" where me and another have to stop a group of tanks from entering a town called LaPessage I believe. Me and the leader manage to place the mines and destroy the tanks with the help of a shot from the LAW. You are then notified that the portion of the mission is complete. You are then to reunite with your squad. Problem is, I can't find the "squad" to reunite with. I followed the leader back to the town and he stops by a building and just stands there. There are several soldiers up the hill near a tank who do the same as well as some down in a depression laying prone with thier weapons aimed at nobody. What I want to know is, where is the sqaud ? I've knocked out the tanks and want to move on to the next mission. Also there is nobody to come and pick us up as the leader radioed previously. Have I overlooked a detail in this mission or is it a bug? Thanks.