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Everything posted by chammy

  1. chammy

    The Undead Mod

    Any updates yet?
  2. Exactly, well, in real life if you listen to both of them they would sound the same, although, i have only heard the ak74 and 47 and the 74's sound louder, a little more beefier.
  3. Got it. i think I had gotten a few wishes like that so i can make that possible:)
  4. Here's a little something for you guys who think I have dissapeared heh. It's in the cleanup process now The sound quality sucks in this youtube clip so don't worry, the finished project won't sound like that
  5. Just to give variation, i noticed some like that and then some want all AK's to sound the same, I tells you though, the AK74 and 47 sound slightly different but from far away they do sound different. I can keep them the same though or at least cycle the sounds.
  6. I disabled it. But it's been a while since I have toyed with ArmA2 lately and I am starting to find addons now. I still need to buy OA. ---------- Post added at 06:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:43 AM ---------- I am sorry you feel that way. Really, it's as close I can get without having to buy an expensive condenser mic along with an up to date DAT recorder. The reason for the sounds the way they are is to get that in between feel for far and close ranges so we don't hear a bunch of clanking noises and I wanted to make them to where the sound is big enough but pleasant, I guess you can say. It will never be as real as it should sound in a game. I know a lot of people will tell me they don't like them because they are either not loud enough or metallic enough but I know what I was trying to accomplish, therefore alls I can say to those who feel this way is, take it or leave it :p . The first video has pretty much the same so I don't see how different they are.
  7. Here's a quick peek at what I have almost done. I have all done but I 'm trying to pick what sounds best. Not sure if teh link is working yet
  8. chammy

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    Ahh, right on. Well, will the patch help iron anything out? Oh, and another question. Why is it that when I fire at the ground the game plays the sonic bullet crack instead of the ricochet sound? It sounds very odd. Is something a miss?
  9. chammy

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    Is there a way I can boost my performance when playing FFUR 08? I have not installed the patch yet, but I have a somewhat high end computer and it almost lags in Battlefields.
  10. chammy

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    Oh, oops, I thought I'd ask because I always get bombarded with pop ups when I visit that site. Anyways, so far it works for me just fine, although, I am not too enthused about the patch. It seems the only thing changed is all the added grass and model brush up on the uniforms. Is there a way to turn all this off, as if I didn't install the patch?
  11. chammy

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    Why does gamepark.cz always have to have so much adware or pop ups?
  12. chammy

    WarFX Particles

    I'm getting a broken link
  13. chammy

    Can't install 1.96 patch

    Ok, it worked, so basically, just install all versions in order as they have come out.
  14. chammy

    Can't install 1.96 patch

    Ok, what I'm thinking I might do, and I think this might be the way I remember, and now i am just remembering to look it up in my thread history, but, I might just install each version and update as I go and see if that works.
  15. chammy

    Can't install 1.96 patch

    Ok, I just downloaded the patch from that site. The error I am getting is: Error found in file missions\resistance\r03underhill.noe.pbo etc. I have 1.75. Shouldn't I install the other patches? Like 1.20, 1.30 etc. etc. through 1.96? I had this same problem before and got it to work, but I installed the new Windows 7 Home Edition 64bit and I hadnt installed OFP until now. I am, however, able to play OFP period without any patches.
  16. chammy

    Can't install 1.96 patch

    I am having the same problem as well, I am reinstalling OFP, GOLD and Resistance, now i am installing patches and I have the same error problems when I am installing the patches. ---------- Post added at 08:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:18 AM ---------- Ok, itried installing the GOTY version of 1.96 and it gave me an error saying it needs the 1.85. How do i get that?
  17. heh heh, well, I was on my way home, I was stopped at a light at that and it felt like my car was on hydraulics and it dawned on me, I turned to look at the stop lights shaking also, great fun:o Yup, I've been anticipating the area where that recent one came from as being very active right now, since the last "big" one hit I think it ruptured the north part of that fault. Now an area north of it is also active. These restless faults just can't sit still for a minute
  18. Well it will be changed, but the update, well, version, will have a different name so as not to be confused with CSM2
  19. I will post the update I have going for CSM2, rather, it will be named a different name, i discussed this with Protigemus, basically, all sounds will be overhauled I will explain why later, those mg's sound different or will sound different but close
  20. Is the gear sound, or battle rattle workign for anyone? I think it still plays the vanilla sound, but im not sure.
  21. this will be fixed, i swear, im checking into it now since I had not messed with the latest update yet
  22. Just a reminder, I'm still working on updating sounds as we speak, it's just a very very slow process, just to let yall know i'm still around and haven't forgotten about it. I've just been busy with the job, earthquakes, going through a job background process, then family life. Life got me by the balls heh
  23. Hey Pro, why are you still using the mortar firing sound for explosions?:p
  24. Yes, the trail off but the sound, is a lot different, ...same thickness and tone, just a bit different since it was recorded with a video camera or phone
  25. Well, technically, it should sound as if it were coming from me but, lately Protegimus has been putting his sounds in so really, only, maybe a few sounds are of what I've created. Until then, it's all Protegimus, which I appreciate though. :o thanks for the props bro