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Everything posted by chammy

  1. Just to update you guys, I'm still working on it, I'm going through the vehicles to make sure with them thats all good. This past week I am going through that "Modders pitfall" meaning, that depression or unmotivated phase, I guess most modders go through it where you are almost finnished with a project then you get discouraged or unmotivated because of something, being real life, or just needing a break, which I am doing now, but , I am starting up again, gotta get into the zone again heh.
  2. Woohoo, thats awesome, ok then, very well, i should have one up soon, hopefully this week,still trying to finnish the one forr ArmA, i'll repost a link .
  3. I can se using the backblast effect, as an animation effect very important, but to go to detail as to whom it affects and surroundings can be to detailed, and maybe, hard on the ArmA engine, BUT eye candy for the hardcore realist. The RPG does not have that salt water additive for the back blast as the new AT4 thats out now, that suppresses the back blast enabling to fire inside a small building, but I think it would be over kill. Nice idea though. Roger that Atreyu, I am working on it now as we speak, I WOULD LIKE to have my mod done by the end of the day, as I will have my oldest all next week and she's very high maintanance so I will be very busy.
  4. I was wondering if anyone out there is working on the dynamics of the AT's and Explosion effects? The AT's need to have a faster lanuched effect, like a cannon, like a very quick action, and the AT rockets travel at a much faster speed. Same with the exploisons, they need to be faster, not like some fire bomb plume, I think OFP's explosions are better. Is there a way to corrcet this in the config? I really want to do it but I have no idea how the config works, I assume its almost similar to OFP's config bin file .
  5. chammy

    Body explosions

    You mean there is such a mod? *gets excited*
  6. Well the main guns on the tanks,I can put the sharp crack, but mind you, since the ArmA sound engine oes take care of the sound from afar, still, I want to keep everything in an in between sorta way. I would add it but in real life, its a more sharp dull boom with a nice concussion. The Shilka, I have a coulpe more sound clips to show, if only I can get my movie maker to work right, I wouldnt have to be adding videos after video. Yeah the M136 i slowed the shell sound of a 40mm to duplicate the sound of the RAP round being removed, but, I do have anotehr one that is the actual sound heh. I think I have another clip of the 203 has moer punch. Thanks for the link to the vids. I have checked those out also but the only thing is, alot of the rifle ranges in these are covered or have yawnings that the shooters are under, so you get that metallic echo, not a choice of sound, but there are some good vids there for reference thanks again.
  7. Here 's a quick update on my progress. I guess 1.08 changed alot of the vehicle sounds around so the ones i replaced worked fine earlier, till i installed the 1.08 patch and now they are all switched around, so I gots to go and assign them again but here's an update on a few samples, maybe some feed back is good and yall can pick a few.
  8. Well gents, I havent forgotten about yall, its summer break, meaning, that I wont just have my 2 year old with me, but my 7 year old as well, then my oldest every other week, ALLLLLL day long, everyday heh heh, but I am still getting it done, its just real difficult to find that out doorsy echo , since alot of people look forward to that, all I can ever find is echo's in a forest or city, never real natural outdoor echo, its all OFP echo lol. I found some to model, not the greatest in quality, so that means I will have to use my attention to detail ear to clean them up. Thanks again to EvenLease for helping out in mod folders and Pred for config ideas. Thats the update so far guys. Lets just say, a beta/final coming out when u least expect it, as a suprise?
  9. I tried word or note pad and nothing, i was able to open another type of config file. I looked on the search here and nothing turned up.
  10. You guys are right, well, I'm going to I guess, release this in beta form as soon as I possibly can sit dwn and do it, I guess I can release the stand alone with the help of Evenlease and Predator, as the final product. It is true that it may never be completed but , when the finalized part is out it will be complete for that time being until there are updates , new stuff, I know my sound mod wont be the only one in its style and sound to come as there are always better ways to accomplish this also , but until then.......for those checking in on the update and news, I will see about geting with someone in BIS or here to stick it in the NEWS section so yall dont have to keep coming here, u know, unless you want to that is.
  11. I think I know who they are thanks Winters, I just got back from court today and the judge granted me a continuance thank God. Family court cases imho and I 'm sure others here can concur with me that they are nightmares i tells ya. Well, I am proceeding on the mod now, like I said earlier, i apologise for telling everyone I 'd release it on Monday, I was hoping though cause then that would be one less project I'd have to do and perfect, but I had found a few mistakes earlier in some of the echos. So just hang tight guys. I am also changing the radio noise as well.
  12. Well gentlemen, I apologise to say that I need to move this deadline a little further, I have someone testing right now on another beta but sense I have so many sound samples to test out anto chose from I will go a head and release a beta but I will by the end of the day (try) to do it, right now , another reason why I am laggng on this is cause of an impending court date which is tomorrow ( personal life detail ) that I have to take care of or prepare for, which is a child custody issue, I do not have an attorney right now (*sad violen music plays in the background* ) so I'm trying to find either a pro bono or such a way to raise some money ( suggestions welcomed ). I will although register myself on Robinhood Fund.com if any of you would like to vote to help me out, it'd be very much appreciated at this time. Thank you all and just a reminder, the mod is still in beta form as I want to make sure it's bug free of any annoying noises and such, sorry for the delay.
  13. chammy

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    Ok, I got, its all working now, with alot of corrections made. All I did was purge everything, (well not the computer) I uninstalled ArmA, reinstalled, reinstalled 1.05, then reinstalled 1.08. All works like a charm, I probably didnt have to re install 1.05 but I did just in case.
  14. Well I'm re installing, Christ!! do I need to install the 1.05 patch then the 1.08?
  15. Well, so far what imdoing now is re doanloaidn the 1.05 patch, cause it said I was missing sothing, plus I nuked out the addons and erinstalled them from teh CD. Now im waiting for 1.05 to download.
  16. Ohh poop. Â Well I thought I had the right patch version, I swear, ugh.This is the patch I got: ArmA_InternationalUpdate105_108 Well I ran the game, this is what has happened so far: Well I got it to work, BUT: Soldier is displayed without his rifle, and shoots from chest. The Javelin 's HUD is still not present when using it. Only teh HUD for tanks is available and nothing showing the inside of the cockpit, even when you are assigned driver, you are looking outside the cockpit. So far guys, the mod is still schedualed to come out .ehem ..tonight, I need to get another patch. ANd do what Spectre said, nuke it, ......nuke it all ta hELLLLLLLL!!
  17. chammy

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    Well I got it to work, BUT: Soldier is displayed without his rifle, and shoots from chest. The Javelin 's HUD is still not present when using it. Only teh HUD for tanks is available and nothing showing the inside of the cockpit, even when you are assigned driver, you are looking outside the cockpit.
  18. chammy

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    wow, a double post........deleted
  19. Well, I was hoping to try it with the 1.08 patch but Im getting alot of error messeeges when installing the patch , alot of : Error found in file AddOns\air.pbo (fe592cae!=3bd89a01) Error found in file AddOns\characters.pbo (516a877d!=fb729d5c) Error found in file AddOns\sounds.pbo (1960ed9c!=f76dd0b7) Error found in file AddOns\tracked.pbo (a2a55de9!=0200706a) Error found in file AddOns\voice.pbo (9b13ca6f!=8c137e7b) Error found in file AddOns\weapons.pbo (52e5aee5!=c0816a87) Error found in file AddOns\weapons3.pbo (eb03e50e!=d64d7aad) Error found in file AddOns\wheeled.pbo (a086a482!=e7e013fb) ArmA: Updating version 1.05 to version 1.08... Update 1.05-1.06\ADDONS\AIR.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.05-1.06\ADDONS\CHARACTERS.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.05-1.06\ADDONS\TRACKED.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.05-1.06\ADDONS\WEAPONS.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.05-1.06\ADDONS\WEAPONS3.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.05-1.06\ADDONS\WHEELED.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.06-1.08\ADDONS\AIR.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.06-1.08\ADDONS\CHARACTERS.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.06-1.08\ADDONS\SOUNDS.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.06-1.08\ADDONS\TRACKED.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.06-1.08\ADDONS\WEAPONS.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.06-1.08\ADDONS\WEAPONS3.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.06-1.08\ADDONS\WHEELED.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 ArmA patch 1.08 has been applied successfully. I'll report back, i might have to reinstall ArmA I have the UK version btw.
  20. chammy

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    I'm getting alot of error messges when installing the patch. Does the Eurpeon patch associated with the UK version? I have the UK version. Well, I'm on my way to reinstall ArmA.
  21. I'm trying to check out weapons that arent listed in the editor and even in Wiki weapon list. Anyone can help? thanks and here's my latest preview of the sound replacement mod I'm working on at the moment, an update on teh progress. ArmA sound progress update
  22. chammy

    Vehicle muzzle flash

    Hi Are you talking about the sound that's assigned to the main gun which is gun120, or the actual sound wave? I am finishing up a beta sound pack that replaces all the sounds, I should have done by late today. I 'm intrested also to make a stand alone sound mod, i notce also that a lot of the sounds are in wrong places. Wonder if 1.08 will fix this.
  23. i'm not quite sure what you mean, im sorry. Well, I'm finnishing up now as you read this,I did promise it out today, I had to go through the vehicles again. So far it is not a standalone , it will just replace all sound effects, until I get more familiar with the config file.
  24. Ambience, that's what Chammy told me, Arma can not handle distant sounds like that. If this is true then this mod would be a big disappointment. I apologise if my video clip had miss lead anyone here, the ambience can be reproduced in the game with proper scripting so still it is possible, I shouldve stated that I had spiced up the video, thats the only extra thing I put into it, was the ambience and chatter, everything else you hear is all in the mod, I am also redoing the vehicles , the air craft, well jets, and the radio squelches. I was going to redo the radio voices, ( I can ) but thats thousands of voices to change into a more radio like sound.
  25. I know what, I'll make a separate one just for you Smother, all weapons will just have that quick executed sound you'd hear,seriously, I have so many sound effects I've made, it'd be a shame not to use them all, PM and I can send you a different version ..........of course, if you want. Or i may just make several versions, I am though, will make a city type one for the Urban Combat CQC fanatics, but I 'd have to throw in regular sounds also aside from the echoey of the city.