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Combat Engineer's

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Everything posted by Combat Engineer's

  1. Combat Engineer's

    The good old days

    HAHAHAHA oh yes the next campaign ( even further back in time ) weapons = self loading stick / automatic rock chucker / and for the specialists A SLINGSHOT ...HAHAHAHAHA check out the new range of camo bearskins ......haha yes you can freely run around the landscape and place satchel charges of HUGE dinosaur turds, this promises to be the shitfight of the century HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.......
  2. Combat Engineer's

    Adding your own music

    ok folks whilst browsing thru my ofp ( triggers / effects / music tracks ) i noticed something, for some reason 7th & someone else called frost ( track= organ.ogg ) managed to get the original 1985 music pbo to add there music.ogg files ( because they are ALWAYS listed in the available music selection list, how the hell they managed to pull this off i don't know all i do know is by looking at the ( bin stringtable csv ...>aprox 2/3 way down it lists all the music tracks ( original ) and lo & behold there's 7th's ogg's listed aswell as the other bloke's ... ok all i want to know is how the heck they did it ...... i can do it by changing / modding other folks sqm files and replacing the ogg's in the music / sound folders with mine or by simply making my own missions ( BUT thats only good for that particular mission ) when i open the editor again the available music tracks ONLY list the original tracks + 7th's & the frost chap i can't figure out why mine don't stay there aswell ..seeing as i included them in the stringtable csv and all the other right places ...like the missions / music / sounds folders...... i know de-pbo will only open/extract the file listings of a pbo BUT won't let you re-build a pbo ......soooooo if anyone has any idea's / info on howcome they managed to get there music to stay resident in the music tracks selection list it would be greatly appreciated .... cheers all GAZ
  3. Combat Engineer's


    ok whilst the satchel charges are quite handy aswell as some of the mines ....is there a way to say modify the satchel charge to blow up part of a building like a beach head wall or bunker ...or even get them to act as cutting charges to breech those infernal hedgehog tank traps on beaches it seems a pity that a satchel charge will quite happily blow up a tank but do little to a fortified positions walls ect.... even though in the original game the wooden walls fell over if you used charges or a tank ect to blow them down ..or simply drove through them
  4. Combat Engineer's

    The story.

    slack herb's bar'n'grill ......yes thought james i remeber heather ( skanky bitch ) & that cheap arsed bugger herb and his dump of a bar, SO ? heather is the contact ( james reflects on a past encounter with her -- Thats right cairo in 87 she screwed the entire egyptian garrison, and did that weird trick of sucking the chrome of a truck bullbar at 50 meter's without even using the hosepipe....damn but she's got some bigg ass lips ...) WELL i certainly hope she don't do anything unatural this time ...( refects again -- that thing with the 3 goats & 2 donkeys was pretty gruesome ) .......james meets heather in herb's bar'n'grill ....and invites her to have dinner ( 2 extra greasy kebab's & something that looks like chips ..can't tell with all the axle grease on them .....) OK heather spill the beans whats the gen from M ?? ...heather opens her mouth and the entire bar's selection of mixed nut's comes pouring out ....umnn coff choke''' errr i think m mentioned something about bahrain ?? ......or was that bristol ?? i never quite can tell one from the other .....James thinks ......shit stupid bitch now do i go to bloody bahrain or back to the uk & bristol
  5. Combat Engineer's

    Addamo's c-130 - getting there

    in reply to karpa...... to some degree i agree with you ( whilst a battalion drop of para's would look great ) they nearly all get there arse's shot off on the drop from ground fire....but as to your point ..What else could it be used for ..?? umnn insertion of vehicles / stores / troops non-para to a forward rough landing strip in prep for a major offensive ....or retreat as the case maybe ..perhaps a large scale airborne resupply of arms/ammo for the ground based troops ...or even lapes a mobile ressuply vehicle for the armoured elements....the uses are nearly endless .....such is ofp that it allows such great idea's & modifications to eventuate .......cheers gaz.....
  6. Combat Engineer's

    Addamo's c-130 - getting there

    definately a huge thumb's up to the maker of that C-130 ..that + the paratroop drop script . ....now that would be a sight indeed a sky load of herc's doing a battalion drop including a few herc's doing L.A.P.E.S. with the vehicle's & store's/ammo... ...OFP just keep's getting Bigger & better everyday .bring on the campaign of operation market garden ......damn i gotta seriously upgrade this p.c. ..
  7. Combat Engineer's

    Anyone have a logitech mouse and play ofp?

    dunno popup target ....... i don't think you need to un-install ALL your logitech stuff ..just possibly the mouseware setup thingy ...( the bit that allows you to change your mouse settings and such ) then again this may or may not work ..... ? my bro uses win xp BUT---> is using a microsoft intellimouse explorer ...NO probs as such ....im using win millenium + microsoft intellimouse explorer ....but i used to use a logitech mouseman with no adverse effects ....possibly or most likely its a win xp problem causing havoc in ofp mouse settings ??.... sorry i canno't be of more help than to suggest using the intellimouse explorer .....anyway its more usable than the old logitech mouseman ever was .....cheers gaz...
  8. Combat Engineer's

    The story.

    yeah exotic he thought as the bloody cab landed with a thump in ibiza ....( shit n damnnation ....of all the places this rocket powered cab could have taken me to, the bloody beaver decides on ibiza)... WHO the hell want's to come here he thought ? ....moneypenny & q & M have a lot to answer for when i get back ....( meanwhile the beaver is getting rather pissed of cos james seems to be somewhat shy of $10'000'000 for the replacement rocket packs the beaver needs for the cab ) .....the beaver pulls out a H&K 76 caseless..and points it at james head & say's ...listen up pal ..whizzing around the arse end of soho on a saturday night & not getting a fukn tip for it is one thing ...BUT pissing away a few million on my cabs rocket packs JUST because you decide you want somewhere exotic is entirely another ..now you better get the money pronto ..( james thinks this beaver must be bloody nuts ......) HOW in the hell am i supposed to instantly make $10'000'000 appear you dickhead ? ..... ) the beaver just smiles & says try using that mi5 comsat / atm teller gizmo that q gave you before we left london ......) so james says the good old tax payer's ain't going to cover this expense ? ......beaver---> NOT the way you write of cars / bike's / boats ect ect .....you useless bastard ....if it were up to me i wouldn't even give you a job cleaning the bog's in mc'donald's....NOW quit stalling & hurry up with the cash .....james---> Why the rush ? it's not as if you got anything to do in this shithole ( ibiza ) & THAT YOU decided to land here why here of all places ? why not monaco ?? i like monaco...beaver----->listen shit 4 brains i landed here because 1 the piss is cheap 2 the tarts are even cheaper & 3 BECAUSE your next contact is here ...NOW give me the money before i get seriously pissed off and blow your useless head off .....besides i need to have a crap .....james---> ok OK don't get your knicker's in a knot here's the money & by the way WHO is my next contact ...beaver---> how the fuck should i know ? i just drive the cab pal ..anyway im off for a dump and to get shitfaced at the nearest bar ....i suggest you try looking in one of the bars aswell ...try looking for a chick called ------->
  9. Combat Engineer's

    Engineer's mod addon ?

    Well folks i don't know if this will ever eventuate or even be practical in ofp, but it's just a thought from a sapper, __ is there anyone out there willing to make 1 or 2 plant equipment mods for engineer's say for example the new high speed engineering vehicle or even a FEL/BH ( front end loader / backhoe ) tracked or wheeled versions, i realise that as far as the game goes these will have little practical value ( except maybe as tank targets :-) ) but from a sapper's veiw it sure would be great to see a couple of them trundling about the scenery as the rest of the lads set the demolitions up...anyway it's just a thought for all those clever buggers that can make those models ......or possibly on a more usable note a mine detection unit/soldier capable of detecting hidden mines using a ( you guessed it a metal detector ) even though most of the mines stay sitting on the surface for anyone to see..anyhow just a few thoughts from the engineering side of things :-) cheer's everyone .... spr g prince 13 fld sqn R.A.E. perth w.a.
  10. Combat Engineer's

    Engineer's mod addon ?

    whilst im on a roll with the idea's here's the mission plan , 2 section recon pl is tasked to find a weak spot in the enemies defensive position, who are based on the top of a flat topped hill in a small town with good arc's of fire on at least 3 sides ( heavily defended position's ).with a minimal amount of fire for the least protected side.. they find the only relatively safe approach is across a small chasm with deep sides, but giving good re-org positions once crossed to carry out the main attack...this bring's into play spt trp & 1 section field engineer's, spt trp with there vehicle's and bridging section's to build a bridge over the said chasm + dig trenches & foxholes for the field engineer's ( fe's ) to give them a safe area for covering fire ( possibly from a roving enemy patrol or 2 )..also the fe's are used to pre-mine the completed bridge ( incase disaster strikes & a fast retreat is called for therby allowing a safe exit for the good guys but denying harrasing fire from the enemy as they are unable to cross the blown bridge....( unless total disaster the engineer's all get killed allowing the enemy to cross the bridge and continue chasing down the good guys ....((( BUT that's not going to happen is it , the bridge get's built, with protection from the entrenched fe's ..the main attacking forces cross the bridge, re-org's into there respective section's once over the bridge ...and beats the crap out of the enemy, then the good old engineer's get to go to the main battle scene ( by this time enemy activity is just a few random soldiers + the odd sniper or 2 ) and either [1]( this is what i like ) BLOWS up all the enemies building's / store's / vehicle's & previously owned positions....the whole force returns across the bridge which gets blown up by the engineer's then all return to base or [2] after winning such a hard target a section or two of soldier's is left with support from some armour to guard the new position, with spt trp digging in some new defensive positions & the fe's laying out new minefields & booby traps ..then the engineer's along with the majority of the forces return to base by crossing the bridge with the engineer's following up and along the way disarming the pre-mined bridge ( well we won the new area so we might aswell keep the bridge ) everyone's happy ( cept the enemy ) ........so what do you think ? .....& remember WINNER'S are GRINNER'S.......cheer's all Gaz over & out....
  11. Combat Engineer's

    Engineer's mod addon ?

    Cheer's Guy's for the idea's & suggestion's, at least in theory it probably isn't as impractical as i first thought, ( well perhaps some of the stuff would be ). but yes the idea of a flail tank ..like the good old sherman tank fitted with the revolving drum and chains at the front to detonate the mines safely now that would be really helpfull..otherwise fitted to the abrams / patton or for the east the T-72 or T-80's.....a nice quick & efficient way of blasting a path through a heavily mined section of terrain....well much faster than say half a dozen sapper's defusing a crossing section ( all well and good whilst NOT under fire but liable to be a fiasco if the mined area is also covered by hmg & section weapons, but is sometimes the case )..& i also readily agree with say black-op specialists / sappers being able to defuse / disarm satchel charges or other forms of mines & explosives, but giving the non-specialists like grunts & some other forces say a 60-40% chance of succesfully de-activating mines /satchels ect .....40% OK & 60% death...therby bringing into play the requirement for sapper's & there specialised vehicle's ... whilst on the whole this scenario sound's damn good for mission planning, it's going to take some really clever person a fair bit of jiggling in the programming department to even get something like this working.....anyway if enough of us keep the idea's flowing it may just eventuate , & yes it would also be fantastic to have some form of trench / foxhole making vehicle ( H.S.E.V. ) for the spt trp engineer's to give assistance to the FE's ..field engineer's.... again thanks everyone for idea's & suggestion's .....gaz
  12. Combat Engineer's

    The story.

    Listen Britney when you hold rifle USE the damn applied marksmanship principle's that's what there there for ( whilst secretly thinking to himself hmnnn with jugs like those going into the prone position is going to be somewhat problematic, perhaps the guys at the armourer's can increase the length of the bipod legs so the silly bitch can see through the scope without the barrel pointing at the ground ) yes love there that's much better you have to hold the weapon like it's your best friend and remember not to look in the pointy end when it's got lots of nasty little 7.62mm's ready to pop out
  13. Combat Engineer's

    The story.

    bugger don't you hate it when after you post yer reply you figure out it was for the wrong damn set of pages anyhow ...above ties into page 2 . :-) oop's
  14. Combat Engineer's

    The story.

    ( Well Cook said ) i see youv'e fucked up another perfectly good party miller, i remeber last time they let you out the can, the whole sodding aldershot logistics depot went up the shitspout, ....MILLER screams that wasn't my bloody fault I didn't invite the damn arabs to test fire that nuke.... YEAH yeah says cook so YOU say, you must be the only prick i know who can't even go to the crapper without some poor bastard getting there nuts blown off with a grenade..I'M glad no one invites you to the policeman's ball, i could very well just imagine what would happen there ---------->
  15. Combat Engineer's

    Anyone have a logitech mouse and play ofp?

    yep And what the guy above said ......just stick with the drivers it came with ....the supposedly newer drivers to suit ( fingers and legs crossed win xp ) is supposed to help but all it does is stop half of the stuff that was working before from working again ......go figure hey good ol win xp = xtra phucked more like hahahahah....
  16. Combat Engineer's

    Ultimate upgrade 1.46

    G'day Engineer From another Engineer  it's not so much your p.c. or spec's its the patch you d-loaded  ...it's corrupted ...if winzip fails to extract the zip it's usually because of packets of data lost due to transmission time of the file downloaded ...i.e. whereabouts you tried to get the file from / how long it takes ect ect , this is assuming your using a 56k modem connection ( dunno about cable or asdl stuff )......basically try d-loading the upgrade patch again ( or better still goto www.com and find OFP 1.46 patch & crack for NO cd  ) beats the crap outta having to have the damn disc in the tray and despite what some may say FADE will definately not kick in ... because all the crack does is make the exe read from the hard drive ( which is where the bugger is anyhow ) instead of all that pissing about checking for cd's in trays ......anyway mate hope this is of some help to you ....p.s. you WILL still need the cd key code after you update to 1.46 but only once ...after it's got the version of the patch ....NO MORE looking for the damn disc :-) ......Cheers Gaz 13 Fld Sqn R.A.E. perth W.A.