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Chris Death

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Everything posted by Chris Death

  1. it wouldn't help you to know my email i think, because i'm at work and can't use OFP there :-(
  2. i think i know what's your prob the waypoint with the cutfinish condition isn't the first waypoint for your unit, more it's the last - right? so let me explain you: first u need a the leader, then you give him his first waypoint (this is the one where you put in the condition). The group would move now to this waypoint and there it would wait for the condition. So when you want to have the group standing there at the beginning, just place the first waypoint onto the leader unit. All together again - your unit (or group) moves to the waypoint (with the condition "cutfinish") and waits there untill you change the variable cutfinish to true (what you do at end of the cutscene) Sorry if this is a bit confusing (i always have to translate my words from my german language into english)
  3. Chris Death

    Make AI place satchel, how?

    oops as i see the date of the question, sorry i went to far with paging thru this topic
  4. Chris Death

    Make AI place satchel, how?

    unitname action ["put","pipebomb"] lets him put a satchel charge unitname action ["set timer",30] would mean that the timer is set to 30 secs unitname action ["start timer",30] would let the man start the timer with 30 sec unitname action ["touchoff"] would be used to directly blow off the satchel charge
  5. Chris Death

    AI turn lights off???

    unitname action lightoff or maybe: unitname action ["lightoff"] i can't try it right now - i'm @ work (Edited by DV Chris Death at 2:12 am on Nov. 16, 2001)
  6. Chris Death

    binding to keys

    at least you could use the AddAction command like e.g: rgr AddAction ap ["say rgr","rgr.sqs"] rgr is the name of your action (if you want to remove it you will call for rgr) AddAction is the command ap (is the name of the unit) "say rgr" is the text, which appears in the right bottom action menu "rgr.sqs" is the name of the script, in which you would only need: ap sidechat "rgr" exit
  7. in your cutscene.sqs, enter as last command, before cutfinish=true ------------------------------------------------------------------ forget the word "before" - it was misplaced there just enter: cutfinish=true sorry
  8. don't forget to put the magazine in before the weapon
  9. <a href="http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/tutorial.shtml there" target="_blank">http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/tutorial.shtml there</a> you find a weapon list remember - the new weapons (from 1.30) are not yet included there, but you could use the search function in this forum to find them.
  10. create a waypoint directly on you leader in the condition field of the waypoint enter e.g: cutfinish in your cutscene.sqs, enter as last command, before cutfinish=true if this doesn't work, type true instead of cutfinish to your waypoint's init field, and place a trigger with the condition cutfinish, press "F5" and drag a line from trigger to waypoint - maybe both ways are working well - i can't try it out right now, cause i'm at work.
  11. Chris Death

    ver 1.30 booting back to window screen

    DX 3.1? - hey man - what time you started your pc last? - go for the latest DirextX version - at least you could install it from the OFP CD (not the latest version, but late enough for OFP)
  12. Chris Death

    Server problems

    You have not been able to host a game - ok. Have you been able to join a host yet? If both doesn't work - just one of several reasons it could have - try to run DXDIAG (direct-X diagnostics) - if you see there any errors at the network - just reinstall DX.
  13. Chris Death

    New Missions

    Most of the missions are user-made missions. So don't ask soooo many questions here, only to become a full forum member, just move out and create a mission for the new weapons and release it by yourself.
  14. Chris Death

    The throw weapon action

    Why don't you make an easy simple script for dropping the empty launcher. You could activate the script by an action command. Another suggestion is: when you are carrying an empty law-launcher or what- ever, try to get a machinegun - what will happen? Yes the launcher would be dropped off and you will carry a machinegun, which you finally exchange against any other weapon, you want.
  15. Chris Death

    The throw weapon action

    Why don't you make an easy simple script for dropping the empty launcher. You could activate the script by an action command. Another suggestion is: when you are carrying an empty law-launcher or what- ever, try to get a machinegun - what will happen? Yes the launcher would be dropped off and you will carry a machinegun, which you finally exchange against any other weapon, you want.
  16. Chris Death

    How do I make soldiers stay couched

    unitname setunitpos "up/down/auto" unitname = the name of the unit up = stand down = (yes it's down) auto = unit choose automatically
  17. Chris Death

    Multiplayer Missions

    Sorry Suchey, but it seems that i can't send you the map: I would need your e-mail adress to send it.
  18. Chris Death


    It would also be nice it we could have vehicle mortar's for both sides; e.g: m113mortar or bmpmortar
  19. Chris Death

    Create a mission, then spectate?

    Create your mission for multiplayer - and go for a die at the beginning. You should respawn as seagull. Then fly around and watch your movie oops mission.
  20. Chris Death

    Briefings and the .EXT file

    <a href="http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/tutorial.shtml there" target="_blank">http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/tutorial.shtml there</a> you will find it
  21. Chris Death

    Thank you a million times ;)

    great move, my printer was runnin hot
  22. Chris Death

    Multiplayer Missions

    I created a team deathmatch in a selfmade town on desert island. The story so far: 8 vs 8 / East-West conflict One dead enemy = one point at score. Players may respawn, after they have been killed, inside their base. The area is limited into the town, when a player is trying to leave the town or to go close to the enemy base, to kill others while respawning, he will die and the other team gets a point at score. In the middle of the town is a flag, which indicates, who is in the lead (the flag of the leading team will be up). At balanced score, the flag of the rebells will be up there. I am at work right now, so i can't send it, but i noticed your email, and will send the map to you.
  23. Chris Death


    Put it in at first waypoint. Best do it by selecting from the behaviour pull down menu when creating the waypoint - there is also the option "no change", which is the default one. No change means, that if you selected any option like "safe" in a previous waypoint, it would be kept.
  24. Chris Death

    ARRRRG... My Multiplayer doesn\'t work.

    1. it's a combination btw your connection and gamespy. Gamespy is running some advertisements in background which will reduce your performance too. 2. ASE in this point i agree to Malboeuf (lol it's the first time i do) - get it and you'll have better performance and you will be able to find enough servers online. 3. You could also go to codies chat www.codemasters.com (ofp\multiplayer) and try to connect there by getting an ip address and enter it by pressing the remote button in MP-screen. 4. don't try to host any MP games with your 56k, the clients which join you wouldn't be very happy about the performance 5. get a faster connection, you will love the result.
  25. Chris Death

    Multiplayer: Cannot create/join game

    one of several reasons could be that your direct-play isn't configured well. run your dxdiag and search for yellow "!" also this could happen when you are using a firewall or a router (therefore better another one should give you an advice) have you registered your game online? try also the search function at this forum to get an answer have a look if you can play other games online or not, and what type of connecting they use, to get closer to a solution of your problem (Edited by DV Chris Death at 7:39 pm on Nov. 9, 2001)