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Chris Death

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Everything posted by Chris Death

  1. Chris Death

    Score if unit is killed

    who said that every tutorial has about 100's of pages - first look then talk. The tutorials i showed you b4 aren't haveing so many pages. By the way - 4 or 5 pages shouldn't be toooooo much to read for you, if you want to have some special things in any of your mission -- when you look at this topic here - you may find out, that you nearly did the half of it (reading i mean)
  2. Chris Death

    Score if unit is killed

    your question should then better be: "please someone make this for me" if you figuring out, how the scoring system works, you should be able to solve your problem even by looking in the other direction and using only one hand.
  3. Chris Death

    Score if unit is killed

    <a href="http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/tutorial.shtml There" target="_blank">http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/tutorial.shtml There</a> you find good tutorials at bottom of the page (deathmatch,CTF). You can figure out there, how to make the scoring system then.
  4. Chris Death

    Hidden obj

    The possible settings for ObjStatus are: done, failed, hidden, visible now search for ya self wot u need.
  5. Chris Death

    snowy island? removeallweapons?

    Snowy island = winter kolgujev this is an unofficial addon, so you won't find it in 1.30. For the removeallweapons use the search function in this forum.
  6. Chris Death

    new weapon ?

    Fa-Mas would be cool too, i agree.
  7. Chris Death


    If you read the message you got, you will see that it was ";" expected.
  8. Chris Death

    move up object

    in the init field of the object (sandbag) type: this setpos [(getpos this select 0),(getpos this select 1),3] the last number (3) sets the height in meters, you want.
  9. Chris Death

    Respawn singleplayer

    Respawn is a multiplayer thing. The only possibility to respawn in singleplayer would be, to create a mission in multiplayer and enable only 1 playable unit. You could play it then in mp mode as sp mission.
  10. Chris Death

    The throw weapon action

    The thing with scripting it and using it by add action command, was just a suggestion, how to solve it. No one needs to use it
  11. Chris Death

    binding to keys

    This would also work in MP maps, but to the second thing you're right, you may use this in a user created map where the map-editor would include this option then.
  12. Chris Death

    Multiplayer Missions

    OMG I JUST FINISHED MY WINTER CO-OP MAPS posted by Goldenwings2002 ----------------------------------------------------------- There are TONS of single play and co-op type missions out there ----------------------------------------------------------- posted by Suchey So wot does this say to us? Suchey want's to have some different stuff, like the always presented "COOP Missions". Therefore he asks for other missions than the coop ones. You tell him, that you finished your new "COOP Missions" hehe
  13. Chris Death

    Multiplayer Missions

    OK i wrote it down again, it will need me again to come home from work b4 i could send it. I'm goin to send ya the mish then.
  14. Chris Death

    Full Profile editing?!?

    you will need a squad.xml file try the search function in this forum to find more about this
  15. Chris Death

    Multiplayer Missions

    or at least you could tell me where to send the mission
  16. Chris Death

    Respawn Question

    where your unit will respawn, create a trigger (choose multiple activation), make the size of the trigger as big enough, that the unit will respawn in it's area, and in it's condition field type: alive unitname at on activation enter what you want e.g: unitname exec "weapon.sqs" or add the weapons and ammo manually by entering the commands in there. :biggrin:
  17. unitOne setBehaviour"SAFE"unitOne switchMove"standandsitdown" ----------------------------------------------- did you use the ";" btw your 2 different commands? if not then do
  18. US flag = usa_vlajka.pac Soviet flag = rus_vlajka.pac Red Cross flag = vlajka_hosp_plus.paa Rebell flag = guba_vlajka.pac :cool:
  19. Chris Death

    AI turn lights off???

    maybe it could be, that you need a specific unit to do this in a specific vehicle (both need names) it's only a suggestion, i still can't try it, 'cause i'm still @ work
  20. Chris Death


    therefore the winter vehicles you need to use on winter-kolgujev
  21. Chris Death

    devil ??

    yeah animals and hunters and an old fisherman, sitting in front of the lighthouse and waiting plenty of hours to catch a fish, and drunken civilians who are wanking thru the streats. who needs this
  22. this setpos [(getpos this select 0),(getpos this select 1),1] the number 1 at the end off this command tells the height in meters, you could also use -1, to dig in the object 1 meter (or more)
  23. Chris Death

    Lan Multiplayer

    i agree to roninmd; why you want to go climb down the ladder of upgrading instead of pushing your brother up to the sky of OFP?
  24. Well i'm from Austria (not from Germany) hehe - u, b4, l8erz, w8 4 me and so on. Yeah i know them, but i try 2 avoide using them 2 don't make this more confusing than it is (Edited by DV Chris Death at 3:10 am on Nov. 16, 2001)
  25. for the flag thing enter following at init field of the flag this setflagtexture "usa_vlajka.pac" if you want to get a flag on it at a later time (by waypoint,script or trigger activation) name the flag and type the name of your flag instead of "this"