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Chris Death

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Everything posted by Chris Death

  1. Have you had a look onto www.ofpeditingcenter.com yet?
  2. There are more ways to do that (without counting variables or using init.sqs). Create a gamelogic - name it how you want - give it a waypoint (type: AND) - syncronize the waypoint with all detect-triggers. Now the gamelogic is waiting at the waypoint, until all triggers have been activated. Now there are more ways to continue: 1) use the onactivation field of the waypoint to set a variable to true, and let the end-trigger wait for that variable 2) create a 2nd waypoint for the gamelogic, which leads into the end-trigger area - group the gamelogic with the trigger and select: activated by gamelogic. Also i noticed, it's only your unit, which needs to detect the other 16 units. Why aren't you using the knowsabout command in only one trigger? I don't know exactly how the syntax is, but i suppose it should be: ?(you_soldier knowsAbout enemy_soldier == x) where x is a value from 1 to 4 this depends on how much the unit knows about the other one (only hear footsteps, or really detected type,rank etc..) You could use 16 of them in only one trigger like: ?(your_s knowsAbout enemy1 == 4) and (your_s knowsAbout enemy2 == 4) and ........ You could save many triggers with that, and you could even choose, how detailed the detection should be. As i already said, i'm not sure if the syntax is correct, but you could still look into the official comref for that. Also just to inform you, the gamelogic's waypoint has another type (OR), which you could use is you only want one of some triggers be required.
  3. Chris Death

    The sentry waypoint

    If you place a sentry waypoint for a group or unit, they would wait at the waypoint, until enemy is detected or engaging. If so, they would go to fight them, and when the enemy has been eliminated, or the area is secure again, the group or unit would return to the sentry waypoint. I'll post more about this stuff, you could read in RedHammer manual, when i got more time left (this weekend) Prepare for using Switch Triggers, patrols, and guard/sentry waypoints. hope the first part helps you at least a bit. ...to be continued
  4. Chris Death

    reserved memory problem

    Have you ever tried to use an existing (well-working) briefing [you may find one in your templates folder, which came with patch 1.3]. On the first try, don't change anything, just have a look if you'll crash again. Then start changing some things, and do it step by step, until you crash again, or maybe no more (crash).
  5. Chris Death

    Locking invisible object

    err! Sorry, but what do you expect BIS to do in this case? 1) Satchels in a multiplayer mission can be added/removed by the mission creator 2) The message who has the flag, can be added/removed by the mission creator In times like these (when 5 is still down, oh no he's still down), you are asking BIS to spend their time on changing things, which could be easily managed by ourselves. Even if the mission designer decided to use satchel's in this CTF, there could still be a way to prevent from getting satcheled near the flagpole: kill the guy, who placed this damn satchel
  6. Only a suggestion (not sure if this is it); Which tool are you using to edit your briefing file? It should be notepad, and NOT WinWord.
  7. Chris Death

    "3 is down, 3 is down, 3 is down, 4 is down"

    yes it also happened to DV.. yes it also happened to DV .. yes it also .........
  8. Chris Death

    Some questions

    All you need to do is, to click on the top right in your editor, then there appears a menu, where you can set weather, fog, resistance friendly to ?, and: mission name and a short mission description. Make sure to name your mission there, and you won't run into any problem like: cur_sp
  9. Chris Death

    mg's no more working

    OK - during the last two days i noticed, that i'm having problems, when using machineguns (m60/pk) I can't hear the sound and can only use singleshots. Normally i'm not a machinegun user, but i know about the power, when having a machinegunner in my squad. Also i noticed, while testing my new nam mission for mp, a squad mate got a crash to desktop, when using the m60, and changing to map-screen. So i really need to fix this problem. I tried removing several addons, but for the mass of addons and for the cause, i'm not using it for myself (mg) i couldn't find out, which addon caused this problem. So if anyone knows about this bug, please tell me.
  10. Chris Death

    mg's no more working

    Thx for the replies, i already sorted the problem. And yes it was the Australian defense force. The newer version of this addon fixed the mg probs.
  11. Chris Death

    Radio Calls

    Sorry MP, but this won't shut them up. Stulios: this ain't a problem, because they still know where to go, to meet you. They asking for your position, but still continuing their way back in position. If you are using the suggestion, MP told you, you still need to tell your men to return to formation. If you use only return to formation, they will catch you up too. Even if you press not any key, they should move back into formation (expecting you placed the units on the map with the "in formation" in their unit's menu's.
  12. Chris Death

    Star Wars vs. Star Trek

    In regard to what "the force" can do, don't forget what the continum is able to do. Who cares about 100's of Jedi's or Sith's, if "Q" only needs to snap with his fingers and they are all balls on a christmas tree, or worms in a piece of dog's sh**. I love the Star Wars Saga, but i still think they, and no other's too would have any chance against the whole complex Star Trek univers.
  13. Chris Death

    Forum is getting really bogged

    hehe - I noticed the slow-down on the forum at about 6pm, so i thought, maybe BIS is surprising us with a new patch. While watching this slow process, when accessing the forum, i've seen that they didn't (oh no they didn't .. oh no they didn't) Normally when forum slows down so much, always something new is comming out, but not this time. Anyway i'm sure the next patch will come and hopefully no one is then down anymore.
  14. 4ntifa: Don't you think it's really only up to ME, and maybe to my boss, what i'm doing, when I'm working in MY job? First of all, as you probably could read, i wrote "tonight" this means in most of case that i don't work for customers directly. I've got to take care on a system, which calls automatically, when there's something goin wrong. There are batch-jobs running, and if all have done their work fine, they are running to the end without errors. Be sure, sometimes the sh** is really burning at my work, and if it's so, i'll spend all my concentration and attention to what's going on there. I know you are one of those in this forum, who normally replies in a serious way, but please let me do my job how i feel i need to do it.
  15. Chris Death

    Group name

    DeaDMeat: I hope i understood what you mean. yourgroup SetGroupID ["Delta","Groupcolor4"] this should let them appear as Delta Blue
  16. Thx SUMA, but i think your info kills spinor's idea of using this backdoor from the date, when 1.4x series (oh no it will be fixed, oh no it will be fixed) get's fixed. Hmm could it be i repeated myself? For my part i have to say: yes you're right, i'm using version 1.30. So do you maybe have any suggestions of what to use to get the executor of the radio call? I assume that you haven't (for the reason that you would have added it to your reply if there is one)?
  17. Chris Death

    Hidden Objectives

    You don't have to type this into the description.ext. In the description.ext you only create the briefing's debriefings, notes, and you display markers or link them into briefing. The objective's status you have to use like any other variable (like: "1" ObjStatus "done") the available options are: done failed hidden visible active (some tutorials say that active is to use to make hidden objectives appear, but for me only visible worked)
  18. Spinor: when you're displaying the list of at trigger onto the screen, you see for example: west bravo black1, west bravo black2, west alpha red1 not depending on ai or human-controlled. The difference is in the activation type of the trigger. Activated by radio call i think let the game activate the trigger not depending on who did it. Maybe it's possible this way: you create the radio trigger with once activation and when it's activated, you go for a check, which unit can no more activate it (dunno if this is possible). btw - i also tried to create a radio trigger with a size of x:1000 and y:1000, then i executed the script with [thislist] exec "script.sqs", but the result of thislist was again not the right one
  19. Chris Death

    plz plz help

    I think you don't need the setfuel thing for that. Place the first waypoint exactly onty the jeep (you'll see that you can't move the waypoint away anymore), then make another waypoint to where you want the jeep to go after. Now create a trigger and in it's condition field type: NOT (ap in p1) (expecting you are using the names, MrCrispPacket suggested). Now syncronize the trigger with the first waypoint (the one on the jeep) and whoop it should work.
  20. I think this is caused by the fact, that this game basically was made for single player. I got an idea - maybe it's possible to do it in this way: I'm sure you know how to ask for unit specific actions. I mean for example: _unit in _vehicle - like you can use as condition, or also in a script (in a script the syntax looks different to this one - i know). Now what if you could ask for: _unit uses radio-alpha I don't know if it's possible, or how the syntax should look like, but maybe it could work. Tonight when i'm at work, i have 8 more hours to search thru the turorials and doc's, so maybe i find something 'bout that there. I'll tell you if so.
  21. Today i recognized the same thing even when i stood in front of a building (on jungle everon/3rd person view) It seems that there might be some failure in the calculation of view, when using some stuff, not generated by BIS. I also mean, when using houses (made by BIS) placed anywhere by ourselfes. One time i created a big town on dessert island, and it looked nice when watching out of a window and only seeing wide boring open desert. Try just moving the rectangle of view, and you'll see that the outside scenery will appear, disappear and so on. You also can't see what's behind the non existing (hehe) background (i mean soldiers or other self placed objects). But this ain't a bug, more this is what happens, if you try to manipulate wonderful already existing places (hehe).
  22. Well - i've been messing around to get the specific unit, which called the radio command. I could figure out, that the list of the trigger (radio x) returns <null>. example: hint format [%1, list triggername] - returned <null> Same result i got when trying it out of a script. Spinor's variant looks good, but i haven't tested this one yet. I assume, that there might be problems, if the radio call will be activated from client-side. It seems that client stuff is also activated on host side, but not host stuff on client side (if you know what i mean). So maybe it works when testing as host, but not as client (i'll test it on my LAN and tell you). btw - some things also seem to become different when i started testing missions with more than two players connected (triggers don't work anymore) If nothing works, at least you could use addaction to activate unit specific things (but for this it's to early at the moment - let's hope Spinor's method works). Ey hlq2 - maybe my "sounds easy" was looking a bit offense to you, but i'm sure, before you started messing around with it, you were also in the meaning that it should be easy - hehe.
  23. Chris Death

    Repeating messages when someone dies

    Well Suma, you're recomending as a temporary solution, not to use the "report status". The problem is, this will be done automatically sometimes too. However, you're working on a solution. Keep up the great work
  24. Chris Death

    Repeating messages when someone dies

    I just want you to inform, that this bug isn't caused by any version conflict. Check the report from eScopic in that link below, and you see how he reproduced it. All were using v1.42. It seems to come up, when you are using group respawn with enabled AI in coop missions. http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....8;st=15
  25. Ah it seems you're a really nice one. Sorry, but i couldn't find any offense in my reply to your question. The only thing i asked for, was more info about your problem. If you're a programmer, then you should know that it's not important to know if you want a chopper to come for it, or an enemy, but details on the syntax would help more. If you think you're Mr. Brain, and all you saying must be right, then why you asking questions here? Only because you think you tried all, doesn't mean that you did. Actually i'm at work, but as soon as i arrive at home, i'll go to find out a way to get the bloody activater of the radio call. If i find it i'll post it, because i like to finish things i started, even if you call me a smartass. Just a thinking remote from my own pc (where ofp is) have you also tried: thislist select 1 or this select ...? btw - a radio call can be executed by more than one unit, even if it has already been activated (bug?). In one mission i made i used a radio call to let a vehicle go on, and when we played it, the commander of the group executed the radio call. No vehicle moved. So the host player executed the radio call, and whoops the vehicle started moving. But i'm sure you already knew that ages before.