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Chris Death

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Everything posted by Chris Death

  1. Chris Death

    Shooting civilians and getting shot

    I wanna add one more here: One time i made a battle between US and Russian (a big one) To watch this fight, i placed a resistance soldier as player, and set the resistance as friendly to all. After enjoying this battle a while, i got bored and decided to shot 2 or 3 russians, and guess what, yeah the US shot me for that. If you shoot on objects in a non-enemy-state to you, you get the bad rating. I think, at least your squad should stay loyal to you, if you do anything wrong. You could use the add rating command to fix that (i haven't used it yet, but there are a lot of out here, who did).
  2. russin: no offence, but what r u talkin about? I mean, if you give hints to an editing newbie, why giving only half hints or wrong ones? </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">assuming your west make trigger as follows    detected bye west    make it a switch then sync the trigger with the waypoint to do this just hit the sync key on top in editor and drag a line from the trigger to the waypoint in the town <span id='postcolor'> OK let's look what you've suggested here: expecting he's west isn't wrong, but why you want the trigger set to detected by west? Why make it switch?, and why don't you tell him, which waypoint he should sync with the trigger. If i would be a newbie, i wouldn't understand what you say. btw - i'm not a newbie, and i understand what you wanna say here, but it won't work. The switch type, you need to continue a neverending waypoint (e.g: hold, support, guard, sentry), you don't need to use switch triggers on normal "move" waypoints. Then, why "detected by west"? - who you want to detect (he never said, that there is another west unit in this town which could detect him). Sorry if this all is a bit below the belt, i didn't want to flame here. Well Titanium, let's get back to your question; The way, russin means is also a solution for ya: Place a trigger onto that town (specify the range as big as your unit is in the trigger area, when you want the trigger to become active). Set the trigger activation to: west/present/once in the condition field must be: this :note, the two main settings in the cond-field are: "this" or "true", while this expects the condition of the trigger activation menu (above) to become true, and true means that the trigger becomes active, once the mission starts. There are also other types of settings for the condition field, but this is another story, and you'd better watch some tut's for those conditions (hint: variables, boolean conditions etc.) Then press "F5", and drag a line from that trigger to the waypoint mentioned above (the one where we used the time-delay before), change the time-delay back to 0/0/0 and whoop it should work. What will happen? You (west) enter the trigger area, the trigger becomes active, and unlocks the waypoint syncronized to it (this means, the unit waiting at this waypoint can move on) Again sorry Russin, i don't wanna be "the smartass", but the way you suggested, would only confuse Titanium a bit more hope this helps ~S~ CD
  3. Well, you have to understand the waypoints logic in your case. You can use the condition field, the onactivation field and the time-delay, and the effects menu of a waypint as soon as the unit has reached the waypoint, while the combat-mode, behaviour, formation, speed and waypoint-type becomes active as soon as the unit is moving to this waypoint. :note - wow a 5 line sentence If you want to use a time-delay for a unit, do it in this way: place a waypoint near to the unit (as first waypoint) and use the time-delay max/min/avg there. The unit will move there, and wait for the time of delay you set. Then add another waypoint to where the unit should move after that time-delay. hope this helps
  4. Chris Death

    Sounds like mortar

    hmm - pistols/mortars/knives - yeah sounds logically to me, that one of those will it be. But don't forget the: toxic-fart-machine
  5. Chris Death

    Random x command

    random 1 (as far as i know) creates a value from 0.000000 to 0.999999 If you transpose those random's from real numbers to whole numbers: _rnd = random 5 _rnd = _rnd - (_rnd mod 1) the result would be a number from 0 to 4 0,1,2,3,4 (5 random values) btw - it's not only ofp scripting which is different to some programmer languages (there are even differences between programmer languages) - but the point here is, you have to accept the value 0 also as a value.
  6. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">probably. i don't use inits when testing something <span id='postcolor'> Then this is only your fault
  7. Chris Death

    Wright vs jim

    both soundpacks are great work, but we (DV-Squad) decided to step back to original sounds. Reason: there's always someone having problems with those soundpacks, the game crashes more often with them, TCZ uses original sounds etc.. The coolest sounds can't beat a stabile running game. The original sounds aren't as bad though.
  8. Chris Death

    Anyone who plays in mp should read this

    hmm - afaik i'm Chris Death [DV]
  9. Chris Death

    Any script for eliminating bodies?

    Yes you're right, the script seems not to be there. So i add you the link to their forums (into the thread about the hidden bodies script) :note you must be registered in the forum to get the link to work. If it you aren't, just register there, go to the advanced editing section and search for a thread called: Advanced Hidden body script here's the link: http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/cgi-bin....7603799
  10. Chris Death

    Two questions

    1) your crashes to desktop might be caused by some missing addons 2) as far as i know, the size of your addons folder doesn't cause any performance losses
  11. Chris Death

    Any script for eliminating bodies?

    You can find one at http://www.ofpec.com in the code snipets section
  12. Chris Death

    Waypoints dissapear?

    In cadet mode the waypoints will show up, and in veteran mode they don't. The mission editor is set by default to be in veteran mode. You can use your editor in multiplayer mode (same editor like sp editor, but you can choose wether cadet or veteran mode) Another way to get your editor into cadet mode is to play a single player map or a campaign mission in cadet mode and then switch over to editor. hope this helps
  13. true in the condition field, or use the init.sqs. This file you need to create into your user_mission folder and will be executed automatically (no exec statement required) by the game itself (before map-screen appears). You can use it for setting up variables or a titlecut to fade in from black to normal screen, hiding objectives or markers and some more stuff.
  14. Chris Death

    Ctf and c_h map making!

    just a suggestion for both sides (message/no_message) What if the message would be delayed for let's say 30 seconds? This would give the flagrunner enough time to get outta satchel's hell.
  15. Chris Death

    Cycle waypoint for a gamelogic

    hmm - not sure if it works, and i can't try it at the mo (am at work) - there's no cycle waypoint option for gamelogic's (only and/or), so just try to use the switch trigger technique. Create a gamelogic and 2 waypoints. Waypoint 1 you sync with a switch trigger, which should be activated by waypoint 2 of the gamelogic. note: change the switch trigger to repeatedly this way would work for real units, but i haven't tested it in use with gamelogic's yet. hope it works + helps
  16. Chris Death

    New island!

    Rage_Frost I say again, it won't be done. First of all, the island, where you want to have the map, you already need to have installed to be able to join the server, if not, you crash during the joining. Second: you can't install addons and use them, while the game is already running (you need to restart it to initialize the new addons) </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Well get real if someone would make a mission with 30 MB of addons that person would be stupid......... and it wouldn't be on any server Iknow of.<span id='postcolor'> Just an example for a mission, big enough to fill the pipes before arriving at the pre-briefing: Winter Kolgujev 1.2 ..... 10,746 kb Arctic Armour Pack 1.3 ..... 10,390 kb STE Rangers v2.1 ..... 5,046 kb This makes 25mb, and i would never say anybody is stupid, because he used these 3 addons together. (remember: there are still no east addon units present). You can say now, there are already units included in winter kolgujev, but this wouldn't stop people to use other units (which they may prefer). Why calling a mission designer to be stupid, for trying to create missions as realistic as possible?? The way it goes actually, addons needs to be downloaded seperately, a mission designer can be as creative as he wants, because he doesn't have to take care about the mission transfer to the clients, due to the addons used.
  17. Chris Death

    New island!

    Rage_Frost - this won't be done anytime Just think about a mission, using 30mb's of addons, played by 10 people. Now press ok to start the mission, and see ya next week at the map screen
  18. Chris Death

    Jungle everon

    Could be, it's gunslingers editor upgrade, you are missing. If it isn't gunslingers, than it could also be kegetys object addons. btw - The names of the addons showing up as missing, aren't always similar to the filename of the addons. hope this helps
  19. Chris Death

    1.46 bug

    I noticed another trigger problem in multiplayer; I used large triggers (simulating artellery strike) to force the players onto a specific route. While testing this mission with 2 others, one of those triggers activated and blew us, where no trigger is placed in the editor. And there never has been any trigger (and deleted later). I think, the only reason can be, that the trigger positions (when using large triggers) aren't in sync on all connected players. Maybe the triggers are on different locations on clients, than on host. I really have no other clue about that bug.
  20. Chris Death

    List of bugs in 1.46

    Aldega: mission.sqm doesn't list the name of the addons's pbo files. It lists the name of the unit/weapon from inside the pbo file. There could be many different units/weapons in a pbo. BIS has no plan, of what unofficial addons exists, so they would have to go for a default check (this means to check the whole addons folder). Now think about the part, how this could end in a multiplayer mission. First, the mission will be transfered, then there runs the check for all the addons, then the clients need to send back their results from addon's check ................................ then the mission starts. Joltan: i understand and agree to what you mean, about the crash, when typing something wrong, but you should also understand, that it's very hard to implement things to be checked, if you don't know them. BIS won't support unofficial addons, so don't expect them to do anything for checking addons. As i said, the official weapons/units/addons could probably be checked easily, but not the unofficial's.
  21. Chris Death

    Triggers resetting?

    Make the size of the trigger larger (sometimes flying objects arent moving exactly along the lines of the waypoints) Also you could put your commands instead of a trigger, into a waypoints's activation field of the chopper. A command in a waypoints act-field will be executed, once the unit has passed this waypoint.
  22. Chris Death

    List of bugs in 1.46

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">When using the addweapon-command in a units init line and you spell the weapon wrong (like "nvgoogles" instead of "nvgoggles") the game crashes to the desktop. You can only hope you saved before that happens, because else you'd have to redo the whole mission...<span id='postcolor'> OK first you said it's anoying, because you have to hope to have saved the game before trying it. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">So why not check at the start if all resources needed by a mission are available? Spelling errors would surface without crashing the system (as there obviously are no "nvgoogles" in the game), and it would be less frustrating if you found out that you're missing some small addon for the mission you just downloaded and that the mission designer unfortunately forgot to mention in his readme file<span id='postcolor'> Now we arrived at missing addons. Well, BIS would do that only for official addons/weapons/magizines etc.. - they could create a database where all those would be inside, and you could do a quick (?) check, if all (if they really would do it). I wouldn't believe, that it's possible to check, if unofficial addons aren't present. I have a 250mb big addons folder, and i wouldn't like to wait (when starting a mission), until all of these addon files are checked (you can't detect the weapon names from outside the file, you have to open it). And this could take ages - think about, how many addons still will follow (....400mb)
  23. Chris Death

    List of bugs in 1.46

    The multiplayer editor, you find where you can select maps when you click NEW at multiplayer. It's the same editor like the singleplayer editor, with the exception, you can invite others to help you testing (for multiplayer missions) and you can have respawn there (very very helpful for testing). You can even create singleplayer missions by using the mp editor. It's up to you, how you design a map, the editor (sp/mp) makes no difference wether the mission is a sp/mp mission. It's still the job of the creator, to make a mission for multiplayer. And a typo is a typo, and you can't expect a program to be able to deal with wrong written words (especially at keywords) a game, where you can change settings in initialisation routines (and there are many changes you can do) can't be able to understand wrong written stuff. Next time you say, oops i installed a game to the computer of my buddy but i want it on mine - programmer's your fault. Have you ever tried to create a program in a programmer's language, and put in typo's at keywords? What will happen? - the program aborts
  24. Chris Death

    List of bugs in 1.46

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">When using the addweapon-command in a units init line and you spell the weapon wrong (like "nvgoogles" instead of "nvgoggles") the game crashes to the desktop. You can only hope you saved before that happens, because else you'd have to redo the whole mission...<span id='postcolor'> Joltan: there's a button called "preview" This button is there for testing the mission, you made. During the testing phase, you have a lot of time to check, if you have done all correctly. Now the interesting thing: if you find a mistake, you should correct it. After you corrected all mistakes, the mission is called: finished Then you go for the export to sp/mp At this point is the time where you start playing your mission (or even upload it anywhere). If you export unfinished missions with even typoo's in some init fields, it wouldn't be worth playing it (not for you and even not for others) Edit: hmm - after reading the post again, i noticed, i got you wrong. OK but what you talking about, Joltan, is no bug, more a user fault. I can't call for the programmers, because i forgot to save data's. Usually, you should save the mission while editing more than once. Sometimes pc's goin down, even if you don't try to play your mission. For example: you are in editor, and the game freezes after you changed a lot of things. This save button i'm always using after doing a lot of changes to a mission. Also you could use the multiplayer editor, because if you click on preview in the multiplayer editor, the mission will be saved automatically. You could test your mission even with respawn in multiplayer editor (makes testing much easier).
  25. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">just give the game logic AND WP's<span id='postcolor'> Intruder: just wanna know, why he should use AND wp's? It would also work, when using OR wp's. The AND/OR type just specifies, if you want to wait for more then one synced condition, or for only one of them.