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Chris Death

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Everything posted by Chris Death

  1. Chris Death

    Vehicle disguise

    Nah, you said that you want to make west look like east in an east vehicle. And again: NO, it's not possible without a scripting command. Look, if you can't jump over your shadow and put a simple line like: this setcaptive true into the init field of a unit, why bother asking for solutions then? I mean it's not the first time you negreted a simple command. I know that you own a keyboard - i don't believe you call a friend on phone, everytime you post on forums here. You got an editor - in there you find buttons which you can click - try them all and you will find out what ofp offers to you and then read on the forums again to see what ofp offers to those willing to use their keyboards also. ~S~ CD
  2. Chris Death

    Relative and absolute altitude ???

    When selecting you ground vertices press: shift-e A window should pop up where you can check some properties like: above surface under surface height fence on surcafe i think this is what you're after Try playing around with them and don't forget to press 'apply' after you changed something (in your highway) ~S~ CD
  3. Who knows? What do you really mean AgentJonathan? Stop drink before posting man, it'll make others help understanding what you want say. ~S~ CD
  4. Chris Death

    Joining Player

    By the time you started this thread it was on page 1 one or two threads below this one. Let's hope you find back in your string ... ...if not here's a little help for you: String(s) ~S~ CD
  5. Chris Death

    Mirror Option?

    Or you do it that way: You create your wing but already at it's supposed position (not in center ): Then you select it, copy and paste it. Now you go to points, rotate and rotate it 180 degrees on Y-axis and enable the check-box: apply to all animations: Now it should look like this: Does this help you more? ~S~ CD
  6. Chris Death

    Mirror Option?

    I'm just wondering why this is posted in troubleshooting? IMHO it's more related to: O2 MODELLING ~S~ CD
  7. Chris Death

    First post, and a couple of supplications!

    You know what - with your modification of the original code you brought me into: 'i cannot see the forrest because of the lots of trees there' Original code by Combat Agent: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">On ACtivation: boom = "grenade" camCreate getpos (thislist select 0) Your modified code: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">boom = "grenade" camCreate [(getPos thislist select 0),(getPos thislist select 1),(getPos thislist select 2)-1.2] My Code: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"handgrenade" camCreate [(getPos thislist select 0),(getPos thislist select 1),-1.2] OK, i tried it myself now (hence it's been a long time since i last time played around in editor every day) - and i found out what the problem was. You mislead me with your thislist and getpos of thislist. Look: thislist select 0 refer's to the first object which matches the trigger activation specifications. Getpos thislist select 0 returns the position of this object - a 2d positional array like: [x-axis,y-axis] thislist select 1 refers to the 2nd OBJECT in the trigger's list. Now if you want to create a grenade at the position of the first object (unit) which entered the trigger you would do like combat Agent posted. But if you want to camcreate it not on exaxtly the same position you already found out that you must change it by refering to the three axis. Well everything that was missing was one more SELECT in your code on each segment, which makes three selects. But this would make it look like e.g: getpos this select 0 select 0 Sounds confusing now? A better variant is to store the guy into an extry variable, like i did below with boomman. Here is the working code before i lose you in explaining and explaining: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">boomman = thislist select 0; boom = "grenade" camCreate [(getpos boomman select 0),(getpos boomman select 1),-1.2] One more thing: i found out that strangely you need boom = in a trigger but not in scripts. I was using that method (but with createVehicle instead of camCreate) for simulating artellery in earlier days, and i made this from scripts - therefore i wasn't aware about the fact that a trigger's onActivation field requires to create a reference for the explosion. Comref says different and to me it's not logical anyways but however. Everybody can learn after so long times some simple things like this even - what the hell of a game ~S~ CD
  8. Chris Death

    Adding a window to an existing wall

    No It would be possible in case you want to add a closed window without transparency (if ya know what i mean). Then you could just put a new face maybe 0.001 infront of the wall like i did here with the carpet: But in your case you need to delete the face of the wall, add the window face and rebuild your wall face around the window and the door. But imho if you do that more than once, you will find out that this is one of the more less complicated things to do when adding details afterwards onto buildings. ~S~ CD
  9. Chris Death

    Addon reviewer

    uhm - yeah: Flashpoint Photography Thread ~S~ CD
  10. Chris Death

    Some Siege Equipment

    Great work you're doing on those buildings stu May i suggest also something? Follow the link to Dave Guerra's textures and you should find hell of a lot kewl textures fitting to the buildings you're working on. That's all - i hope you find some use for some of them. ~S~ CD
  11. Chris Death

    Making and Editing human units for OFP

    There are these three subforums one stage before you enter this one here: O2 Modeling O2 Troubleshooting O2 Doc While the last one should include the basics of what you need. Take your time to read - fail in your first tries (this starts even with installing o2 properly - believe me). Give up for a time and after a while leaning back and doing something else you will say: 'no - this can't be impossible, i'll give it another try' - and then you will start with basic success and come more and more into this stuff. ~S~ CD
  12. Chris Death

    First post, and a couple of supplications!

    I'm at work right now, so i can't test this for you. Just give it a try; Also i noticed that the third element of your position array you don't need to refer to (getpos this select 2) -1.2 since it will be by default 0 You just need to change it to -1.2 Also you don't need to name it: boom, since you don't need to refer later to it again by name boom - it should just explode and nothing else. And by taking a look into the official comref i find that grenade should be changed into: handgrenade Will look like: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"handgrenade" camCreate [(getPos thislist select 0),(getPos thislist select 1),-1.2] :edit - my first answer was just straight pointed to the questions and problems of your previous post ~S~ CD
  13. Chris Death

    Joining Player

    You have already an existing thread about exactly the same thing, started even by you yourself. here Compare the line suggested there with the one here and you should see soon what's wrong. I will not tell you, because it's just one line and just a few characters and posting a NEW thread about this should even be more work than finding the difference. Don't open new threads for everything that comes into your mind without using the search button before - people will start feeling bothered by that and your appearance will soon turn into: 'ah that guy again - ok who is next?' If ya know what i mean. Take your time and read more than once through your problems - then lean back a while and read again - very often the mistake will jump you directly into your eyes that way, and you get the success of having made something by yourself even. ~S~ CD
  14. Chris Death

    para script

    I suppose you mean a Parachute script. Suspecting you have a group inside a chopper (or plane), you need to give the group leader a name (e.g: w1) Now you just need to start the script with: [w1] exec "jump_out.sqs" Open a file in notepad and copy/paste the code below into it. Save it as jump_out.sqs inside your mission folder. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _leader = _this select 0 _group = group _leader _vehicle = vehicle _leader _i = 0 _Max = count _group ;_leader groupchat "Jump out" #here (_group select _i) action ["EJECT",_vehicle] unassignvehicle (_group select _i) _i= _i + 1 ~0.5 ?_Max>_i:goto "Here" ;{_x setbehaviour "COMBAT"} foreach _group exit :note - there are two optional lines, which you can activate by removing the semicolon at beginning of the line; The sidechat message and the setbehaviour "combat" Second will make your guys go in combat mode once they're out of the vehicle. ~S~ CD
  15. Chris Death

    If it only had a brain

    Well, here's the ingame editor way, since i suppose you're not asking for the scripting way: Well, you have 3 groups and each leader is grouped to a trigger - fine (we continue on that way in this example). Make the triggers so that they won't do anything but become activated (means: nothing in onActivation field). You may have noticed the option showing up: activated by: whole group/group leader/any member of group/vehicle i can't remember exactly but i think it was summit like that. Condition: this Choose: any group member Now place a gamelogic on the map (no matter where). How: like any unit, but where you select side there should appear gamelogic also in that list. Now a gamelogic acts like a unit, just that it is not according to any side. You can give waypoints to a gamelogic and it will move from one wayponit to the next one in no time-delay. Now make a first waypoint for this gamelogic. Type: OR Syncronise (F5 and drag a line) the gamelogic's waypoint with each of the three triggers. :note - gamelogics feature two types of waypoints: AND /OR A gamelogic's waypoint with type: AND will wait for all syncronisations to become true, while a waypoint: OR will just wait for one of the syncronisations to become true. Now create a fourth trigger, which you will use to make your OBJ4 stuff. Group the gamelogic with this trigger and give the gamelogic a second wayoint, so that it activates the trigger (like you did it with your 3 groups and 3 previous triggers). Voilla :note - once you start finding out the power of gamelogics you will be impressed, what else you can do with them - hell they can even be used instead of some complicated scripts, but most of the people oversee this because it's not in common use and thus not so often suggested or mentioned by others. ~S~ CD
  16. Chris Death

    AI commanding

    Metalheart has posted all commands, necessary for this. And it is not true that only a player can move his own unit. Almost everything the player can tell to AI, can be told by AI to player aswell (just not without scripting commands). ~S~ CD
  17. Chris Death


    hmm - you know that _variables are local variables inside the script where they are assigned to? Maybe i mix something up now since i'm not an addon config pro but in mission editing you cannot assign something like: _myvar = blabla and in another script refer to it. I doubt that in scripts attached to addons it differs. Try global variables without the underscore in front of. ~S~ CD
  18. Chris Death

    First post, and a couple of supplications!

    Well, this is taken from the official comref in first post of thread number four here in mission editing and scripting: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Triggers   Condition expression is used to determine when the trigger is activated. Boolean variable this is set during evaluation of condition expression to primary sensor activation condition. Array variable thisList is set to list of all vehicles that would satisfy primary sensor activation condition. Condition must return boolean value.   On Activation and On Deactivation expressions define action that is peformed when trigger condition changes to true or false. Expression must either be an assignment or return nothing (see type none).   Variable denoting trigger can be created by filling in name field After reading it a couple of times and thinking about it in combination with what you see in editor it should become selfexplainable.   Now to your problem: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">boom = "grenade" camCreate getPos [(setPos thislist select 0),(setPos thislist select 1),(setPos thislist select 2)-1.2] replace the '3' setpos you've placed there accidentially with getpos and remove the getpos infront of your array.  Should then look like: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">boom = "grenade" camCreate [(getPos thislist select 0),(getPos thislist select 1),(getPos thislist select 2)-1.2] Setpos means to set a new position and getpos is to locate a position. Here ya go with explanation: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">getPos obj Operand types:   obj: Object Type of returned value:   Array Description:   Object position in format Position. Example:   getPos player <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">obj setPos pos Operand types:   obj: Object   pos: Array Type of returned value:   Nothing Description:   Set object position. Pos array format is Position. Example:   player setPos [getpos player select 0, getpos player select 1 + 10] ~S~ CD
  19. Chris Death

    AI commanding

    No non-scripting way You want AI to command player, how you think you can do this the non-scripting way? Well, some things are already included within the engine; e.g: if player under control of AI leader reports out of ammo, AI leader will order you to take weapon from xxx But that's it - everything else you need to tell the AI in their language and that's scripting commands Well, in real it's just some non-understandable 0's and 1's combined to make sense for computers but that's why BIS gave us these great and easy to use scripting commands. ~S~ CD
  20. Chris Death

    Finding Textures

    If you start a google search on: textures or Texturen (german) you should find a lot of free to use textures. For a start take this: Some texture links And this one features a whole lot of textures for creating buildings: Dave Guerra's textures Photoshop or Paintshop Pro would off course be an advantage to use, if you want to change something, but there's also some free software like Gimp which you could use. If you totally fail at texturing, you can also try to find some decent texturer (maybe at OFPEC recruitement depot). All in all, creating a 3d model is one thing, but texturing is a science in it's own too and textures of good quality are not without reason beeing well paid by some companies like texturers are. Take a look at Turbosquid, where there's beside a lot of downloads from 2d/3d models/textures/etc. even a forum for that. ~S~ CD
  21. Chris Death

    Firing but no bullets?

    For vehicles you can use: vehicle setfuel 0 :if it's something like a tank, so that only the turret moves and not the whole vehicle. vehicle doWatch position :i've been using getpos gl1 for position whilst gl1 was a gamelogic. vehicle fire "weapon" :example - w1 fire "gun120" - which would make an M1A2 (original BIS) make fire it's primary weapon. ~S~ CD
  22. Chris Death

    Firing but no bullets?

    btw - i forgot to mention that you will need also the nearestObject command to catch the bullet by the information you got out of the fired EH. As far as i remember there might be a problem because the bullet can be too fast out of range for the nearestObject detection, but you could try a search here or on ofpec since this has been answered lots of times b4 too. Just i didn't need it for myself yet thus i can only tell ya what i remember having read ages ago. ~S~ CD
  23. Chris Death

    Firing but no bullets?

    You'll need a "fired" eventhandler and deleteVehicle the bullet, which you catch by the EH. ~S~ CD
  24. Chris Death

    The Middle East part 2

    Well, i don't want take part in your discussion here because it doesn't lead to an end it seems (reading back lot's of pages i even can't find the start). Just one question: If you guys who post here on a peaceful base don't can't come to an end where all participants are happy, how the hell you think the situation down there with real ppl fighting and dying should come to a solution? If everybody of you would come one step closer to the oposite side with agreements like 'i know we're not doing fine too' it could be a first start, but all of you are just pointing with fingers on your vis a vis. Â just my 2 cents :edit - and sorry if my post sounds now like one side is for israel and one side for hezbollah - i meant it more one side is for humans here and other for humans there. ~S~ CD
  25. Chris Death

    Best Island(s) List

    Just on a sidenote: maybe more then the already mentioned are drunk. As far as i remember right, Nogova 2004 was made by Ironsight. Mapfact Nogova is the one you meant. ~S~ CD