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About Cpt.Hakweyez

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Cpt.Hakweyez


    send it to me okay email address is cwcjs@teknett.com okay thanks man
  2. Cpt.Hakweyez


    Well it's true I saw the beta kick ass man kick ass.
  3. Cpt.Hakweyez

    How to do cutscenes

    That's what I meant
  4. Cpt.Hakweyez


    Okay a few people over at theofp are working on somegreat things right now for OFP so come on over and post a messge in our forums THEOFP-Addons and Models
  5. Cpt.Hakweyez

    How to do cutscenes

    _camid camcommit a number Okay this is one of the most important camera commands it updates the camer with the new changes this needs to be done everytime you want the camera to move. the number is how many seconds you want it to take for the camera to move @camcommitted _camid This will force the script to wait untill the camera is in place if you don't use this then you have to manually wati by using the ~ and a number command ~a number This command manually waits the script and the script still continues druing waiting.
  6. Okay The below is a little tutorial that I have created on how to do a Scripted Ctuscene. I reccomend going to the OFP editing center and Getting the OFP Script Editor By Mantuea. Part 1 Okay first of all you need to know alot of commands they are below. Note that these only control the camera. _camid= "camera or Seagull" camcreate [x,y,z] Okay now basically what that command does is create the Camera. The Itallisized print is the camera id you can put anythin you want here but remember it becuas you need it to tell the which camera the commands have to be executed on. The "camera or seagull" part you have to choose whether you want your camera to be a camera or a seagull You will almost always use camera. camcreate just means in english create the camera. and the [x,y,z] part is telling where to create the camera think of the OFP world as a Grid x is left and right y is top and bottom and z is heighth and depth becuase our world is 3D like the game. _camid cameraeffect ["pos","pos"] That command tells it where to start on the person the 1985 campaign only used: _camera cameraeffect ["internal","back"] So I use that too. _camid camsettarget [x,y,z] or object okay this sets the target of the camera according to an xyz pos or at an object. You shouldn's use objects as when they move it moves the camera too.
  7. Cpt.Hakweyez

    B e h i n d  e n e m y  l i n e s

    Okay so heres my reply You, your campaign seems to rock. I downloaded it, but I needed some addons. I could'nt find them. So I never tested your campaign. I really wan't that, so plz give me the download url to these addons. I haven;t given out my campaign yet but when I do I will give you the addons in the file that the campaigns come with. The movie, I can't say anything about it, becuase I have not play you campaign. Are you going to add this movie to your campaign? No that is why I changed the name of the movie too: Prisoner of war: Behind Enemy Lines Now some questions about the movie: 1. What is the story background? The campaign?Go to my site and go to Movies or prjects either ones should have it 2. You are going to use Operation Flashpoint's engine? Or are you using an other engine? Just wan't to know. The question seems maybe to be insane, but it exist peoples which have the skill to use a special program for creation of a movie... OFP's engine I am using a script called camera.sqs check that out at my site in the editing section of the site and i am using a prog called OFP script editor by Mantuea get it at ofpeditingcenter.com 3. The reliease date? Do you know any reliease date? No ther is none yet but sometime later I will post it up when I am 50 percent done. Have any more question about the movie post them in my frums after you signup you can moderate for me okay the forum links are http://cympatheey.l33t.ca/phpBB2/ There ya go partener later son
  8. Cpt.Hakweyez


    too late.: ) hey why don't you just point them to my site and I will point them to your site. just a thought this way just put something like Camera.sqs excellent tutorial over at CymPaTHeeYs Editing Site go Check it out cheers. then I could do: If you want to learn where I got my inspiration from and a kick ass camera scripter come on over to SFG signal strike site. Watch for his upcoming movie signal strike. I will ass a forum in my board about signal strike so go post something if you will
  9. Cpt.Hakweyez


    DOH!!! Forgot sorry!!!! CymPaTheeY Runs into a corner where he repeatedly smack himself in the head with a blunt knife. LOL! Nice one SFG!!! Is that your Jedi Master Trick Cheers M8S, CymPaTheeY CymPaTheeY's Site Forums
  10. Okay I am now working on a movie called behind enemy lines and It is turning out verry good I think so far I have about 15 percent done and are working on it right now. Cehck out the official site of it for more infocympatheey.l33t.ca and go to the forums forums because the link to it is not working!!! Have fun and keep an eye on the site!!!
  11. Cpt.Hakweyez


    Okay camera.sqs is a bis created script in the scripts pbo file and it is awesome go here too read about it editing section of cympatheey studios #start ~0.001 go my way today for once ? (onerror= "true" goto "hell") goto "start"
  12. Cpt.Hakweyez

    Getpos stuff

    I know that but I want it in a script. Like getpos camcreate "fire" setpos [getpos man select 0, getpos man select 1] is that right or not
  13. Cpt.Hakweyez

    Getpos stuff

    Okay Now I Want to know about the getpos stuff. Can someone tell me everything they know about it. LIke if I wanted to crete a fire at someones position how would I do that.?
  14. Okay what is the line you have to put in a trigger if you want a unit to talk. Cheers
  15. Cpt.Hakweyez

    Scripting question

    Hmm tough one. I think one of the wonderful scripting gurus over at the OFPEC might now. Head on over there. OFPEC Snypir wil probly know. Ask him or post in the forum.