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Everything posted by Cloughy

  1. Cloughy

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Since OFP days these games have needed a 'combat - carless' mode. So a vehicle will keep driving into and enemy position but engage like they were on combat. Also if vehicle was knackered, then the would get out fighting. Also this would work on infantry, as they would keep charging on the enemy, even if they were being cut down. Just a thought. Cheers GC
  2. Whats the best way to run this script? Also does it run for a trigger area, or whole map??? Cheers GC
  3. Cloughy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    What if big announcement is that one of the BIS devs is getting married lol. His best man is ex SBS and his honeymoon is on a greek island lol. :) Cheers GC
  4. This is my new COOP mission. Operation Crossgates Download Here It needs 2 human player as group leader, and as many as you can get as the team. You may get away with 1 human. Mission wont break. No chance to test in SP. See readme for known probs, and issues. I am releasing this as v1.00 (it wont get re-released next week with school boy error fixes in it, ie 'Update', player didnt have any weapons, as you see every day when ppl release un-tested missions), but i would say that if you find any probs or bugs let me know. It has been in beta test for a long time. But on the final beta test everything worked fine. Anyway enjoy! Cheers GC More Arma2 Missions by me More ArmA Missions by me
  5. Cloughy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    There was one case in history that they let a group of Royal Marines go to SBS selection straight after completing the Commando Course. But this was back in the days when you could just apply straight to the SBS and not the British SF course. There is a book on it, think its by Duncan Falconer. Lets hope this isnt going to be too far in the future, i dont want heartbeat monitors on the rifles, ala Modern Warfare lol. On the DLC/Arma3 debate, lets hope its both, with maybe a transition campaign as the DLC and then ArmA3 going on from there. Just wish BIS would hurry up and let us know. Cheers GC
  6. It does work. I think its the battlefield clearence module, I use this in my Coop missions and it works. Drag or carry. I dont use the ones that make you roll about when shot, but if a unit is shot in legs and cannot walk (or dead body) the player can drag or carry. I run my coop missions on a dedi server btw. Cheers GC
  7. I remember this being posssible in Arma I think, you could double tap the up arrow and your unit would keep running when you released the keys on the keyboard. Can this be done or should i get a gaming keyboard that has a sprint function. Cheers Gareth
  8. Toggle run only changes what happens when you press the move forward key, ie, you either run or walk. Im looking for a more forward lock, ie press it and you keep moving forward without keeping a key pressed. Cheers GC
  9. Am i doing something wrong, but since update 1.59 i have issues with the gear of vehicles, and units. Last night i was a BAF unit, and took a NLAW from my Jackal (which has 2 NLAWs added in the editor.), and was killed, then i respawned, and the gun i put in the jackal wasnt there and the number of NLAW launchers was 2, even though there was one on the dead body. This is in a Dedi server btw, no mods, apart from arrowhead, BAF. Should i be using the AddWeaponGlobal commands like i have to, to fill a backpack??? Cheers GC
  10. On the SF camo. My mate who has just come out of the paras, said that the british SF out in afghan wear the yank digital style camo, think he said that greyy green one. Just though i would let you know. Don tknow why BIS didnt include a couple of BAF SF units. Cheers GC
  11. Is there any way to prolong the vehicle fires on kia vehicles. I have vehicle fire scripts for ArmA, but wanted them to look more like the BIS ones. ps, i have searched, but came up with nothing. Cheers GC
  12. Cloughy

    AA Fire into air

    Just tried it and they get shot down. How high should they be? mine are 3000 high, tried with littlebird as well. Cheers GC
  13. I cant use the BIS function (which works outside the map btw) because i need to name the vehicle and give it a custom loadout. I use a create vehicle command for the parachute and attack a vehicle to it, now if i do it inside the map, then it works, but if i do it in the desert to the left hand side of the takistan map then the parachutes and vehicle spawn on the ground and not in the air. Any ideas how i can get this to work, or use the bis one to create a named vehicle. Cheers GC
  14. I have sorted it now. I was using create vehicle to create parachute, and what ever height i gave it, it didnt work. So i just added and large west cargo parachute(flying) to the map and set its pos on init to 2000 and the just set it pos to where the c130 was when i need it, and it worked. Of course this only really works if you want to use it near the start of a mission, unless you set its height to 10000 and kept setting it high until you needed it. Cheers GC
  15. Cloughy

    Doors on buildings

    Depends, at least it is referencing a actual object, where as the nearBuilding can pause missions if the game logic is placed too far away from a building or the name in the nearestBuilding command doesnt exist. I had a 10sec pause once, back in the Arma days. Cheers GC
  16. Cloughy

    Doors on buildings

    Good post, that util really helped me. Cheers GC
  17. Cloughy

    Taskmaster 2

    My bad, I had only updated my other mission with the latest script, the one im still making which was giving the error was still using 0.29. Cheers GC :)
  18. Cloughy

    Taskmaster 2

    Worked like a charm. Just another note, i get this error in the rpt file when testing my latest mission, Error in expression <erpos _dest) }; case "ARRAY": { _handle setsimpletaskdestination _dest }; }; _h> Error position: <setsimpletaskdestination _dest }; }; _h> Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected May be something im doing wrong, but i only use your script in this mission, and dont call 'setsimpletaskdestination ' Cheers GC
  19. Just a note, in MP i found i had to use the AddMagazineCargoGlobal commands rather that the older local ones. Cheers GC
  20. Cloughy

    Taskmaster 2

    Cheers mate, will give it a try. GC
  21. Cloughy

    Taskmaster 2

    Just a quick one, I have 4 objectives, 2 created at the start and 2 created during mission. Everything is fine during coop mission on a dedicated server, ie objs added and updated correctly, also after respawn everything is fine, the problem is when you JIP into the server, i (this was near the end of the mission) get 4 objectives (correct) and obj4 is currenttask(correct), the problem is obj 1,2,3 are not marked as complete on client JIP machine. All my setting of task complete done through triggers. Anything i should do for JIP players? Cheers GC
  22. 14km/h is 8.75 mph, which is way slower than a professional marathon runner. Thats about a 6:51 a mile, pros do about 5:00 ish mile. But, that said, if this is the speed of a jog for a soldier with full kit, then this does seem quick. Cheers GC
  23. I am having issues running the arrowhead beta dedicated server. I get the following error when trying to join on all clients, No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FxCartridge.artilleryTarget'. I in my -mod path i specify the full path to expansion\beta; and expansion\beta\expansion; Any ideas? Cheers GC
  24. Anyone know if its a bug or a different command is needed. But in SP in the editor the backpacks are loaded out fine, but then in the coop mission, they are not loaded, they have there default load outs, even though i have cleared it out first. Im using BAF back packs if that helps. Cheers GC
  25. Cloughy

    Backpacks in MP

    Will give it a try. Cheers GC