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About Chuckie

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  1. Chuckie

    Scud launch zip

    this addon is great but how do you use it inside the mission editor?
  2. Chuckie

    Question about the civilian police

    I tryed to create a fire fight between the civilian police and russians but it seems the police are the only ones that fire the russians just crawl and die same goes with the americans. Â Is it possible to make the other units fire back at the police does anyone know any tips? or editing codes? Please help I've always wanted to fight the police
  3. thanks alot jap works fine
  4. Well thanks for the replys but I have no idea what you both are talking about I have made a million missions but they have always been just basic waypoints and some copying and pasting scripts so I really have no idea what you are talkin about So if you could be more specific I'd appriciate it thanks
  5. How do i make other units follow through with their waypoints when a certain unit or units reach a certain spot?
  6. Nm i am an idiot sorry for the waste of space.