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Everything posted by Coogar

  1. Coogar

    Vietnam Mod

    My only hope with Hueys is BIS don't release units from VBS or proper tools to editing P3D models and implementing them in to the game than ... tehre will be not included in mod any UH-1 What a pitty but i can't do anything with this About PBR: yes in game there is no rivers but Navy Seals in Vietnam used them as a support for raids in to a small north vietnamese island (i'm not sure about PBR but for sure they use "NASTY" class boats)
  2. Coogar

    Vietnam Mod

    I post some pics in monday becoause my only contact with net is from CafeNet i have not internet connection in home ( BTW: how post pictures in forum huh ? So work progress will be shown on monday(or maybe this evening but i can't promiss anything about it) and until that time anyone can feel free and post sugestions about mod And one more little thing Sorry for any mistakes but my English isn't wery well
  3. Coogar

    Vietnam Mod

    I making F-4 Phantom II mod it is simple retextured Su-25 with napalm bombs but what can i do more? About Jolly Green - I hope that BIS give us this one from VBS if not than ... well than only Chinook will be only big helo in mod
  4. Coogar

    Vietnam Mod

    One little update i have no e-mail so don't send me any msg via mail.I'm just poor polish student =D Feel free and opst any request or sugestions about incoming mod. Work in progress on units: SEAL ,US grunts & Marines (also Recon Marines),ARVN Army & Rangers I've plan also make NVA & VC units There is many things to do but I will try not to fail all of you