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Everything posted by beton

  1. beton

    Kudi Island (WIP)

    Very nice... it reminds me of the sauerland...keep it on
  2. beton

    Kudi Island (WIP)

    Hi Hotze, nice work You could also have a look at this... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=97752 the vegetation looks like this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=97347 if you have any questions... ..may save you some days of stupid work. keep up your good work
  3. beton

    Brik Map

    Hey very nice... keep up that work.
  4. Thats very sad news... his name was one of the first whom i used to know when registering here. Condolences to his family & friends.
  5. beton


    Very well spoken Bushlurker, it´s always better to have a native speaker explaining things. About the concern regarding Arrowhead i think i read somewhere arma2 can be started as a mod. If Bis does not change their attitude towards using content from older games there should be no problem using this plants addon as it has any data needed to be used. At least this addon should work. I don´t know what will be with the rest of things used on our islands. maybe bis will give away arma2 for little money then and the arrowheadusers go and buy arma2 as a kind of extension... but this is all speculation. So best would be now to say your opinion and maybe think about contributing your stuff to make this a success... Concerning the rar/7z discussion: I have not tried 7z yet but if it has any advantages or is prefered here i have no problem to switch, sorry Bushlurker really forgot to change to 7z
  6. beton


    Hi icebreakr.. as this pack contains all arma2 vegetation the size is about 398 mb at the moment. As stated before the aim of this addon is to be a base for more than just one island. I think it is kind of unnecessary when every island carries it´s own bunch of vegetation which is/could be used by other islands too. Of course not all vegetation is needed by everyone but it would be nice if there was one big pack of vegetation every mapmaker can use and know that it is accepted by many servers. If people want to contribute their work to this pack to make it easily accesible to other mapmakers that would be great. I could think about berghoff´s and mikebart´s trees or your ibr_plants inside this one big plantspack. Therefore this pack is not called beton´s or bushlurker´s summervegetation but just summervegetation and with everycontribution added we can give a new versionnumber so a mapmaker can state version xx or higher is needed for the map and he can rely on compatibility for the future. The servers on the other side just have to make sure to have the latest version and everything will be fine. Thats the basic idea behind this effort... so you and every other mapmaker can use this addon and be shure it is provided with an accepted key and none of the plants inside will be removed in the future so compatibility is guaranteed.:)
  7. beton

    Arma road generator

    +1 As far as i can say we are just a few mapmakers and making a map takes ages. If you make a tool for mapmaking it might be used just by 30 people ending in 20 maps. According to the downloads one might think the tool is useless but it is not because maybe thousands of people may play the maps your tools have been used for. These tools may not be so well known as ACE but they are a very important part of the whole thing. I for example have spent ages on my maps so far and have not played one single minute in multiplayer on one of them... but i think that there are some people out there who enjoy the result of my work... hopefully
  8. U can use the "export terrain into picture" from visitor... you will get a new .png file and a new .pbl file. I never used v3 smoothing options since it took ages of calculating, how do you do that?
  9. I´m using the script, but you have to make shure that the roadparts are not too long. Otherwise the script will hang. You also have to save before and check after the script. The ugly spikes have to be edited by hand afterwards. meanwhile i mostly use the "relative height" option since it seems to give the best results... ---------- Post added at 09:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:54 AM ---------- Maybe it could be done in Photoshop or any other like gimp. You might use the exported roads to create a mask and blur that area... have not tested that yet. This might at least give you a good tendecy which could be refined in vistor then..
  10. ... and there are also: FlatAreaCitySmall = ? StrongpointArea = ? What does the "neighbours" stand for and the angle ? Well i´m going oftopic i think.
  11. I ave already ported over the cobblestone roads from arma1. At least in visitor and ingame they work as usual. Sorry homer is still have not tested your outrageous work yet... lack of time atm.
  12. As we are talking about the keypoints.... has anyone an idea about what each keypointclass is used for? If you have a look in the chernarus config there are many keypoints of which i don´t know what they are good for.
  13. beton

    Problem with... roads :)

    Well i have to admit that i never use crossroads...
  14. Thank you Homer... willtry asap...
  15. But for a complete roadnetwork the copy paste method works nice... you can copy it from one to another map or from a backup to a newer map. You just have to define the roads you want to use before, otherwise visitor will reject them.
  16. beton


    Yes, just put all pbos and keys in one @whatever\addons folder..
  17. Pff... i can´t believe what i see there...had the same thought as shezan, but no i won´t redo all of my islands. This is an awesome masterpiece... I´m wondering if this tool could be used to create walls, fences and plants too in the future? Nice to hear that some of you guys are working together and share your knowledge, thats what community needs. great....
  18. beton

    Arma forest generator

    Wow... there is really big progress in all of these "little heplers" But i wonder if it would be possible to put some or all of this generators together and give them a nice and handy gui. Maybe some Cooperation between you codingguys could end up in a very cool editing suite... but anyway... keep up the work
  19. beton


    Well it´s not tested if it´s compatible... but it should be since the proper mod only changes the usage of the lods which are present in both... the original and the replacement. Maybe you test it and report back?
  20. beton

    DAO Crashtestevent

    Well...maybe it was because of the pinglimit, Easterholiday...sadly berzekstyle pvp isn´t more popular. I think it is ideal to get used to Arma2 for people coming over from other militaryshooters or to have a one or two hours game in the evening. but anyway.. it was fun for me as always..
  21. beton


    Ok... first of all i have to say i´m very sorry about the problems with the trees. I have now split the archive in three parts and uploaded the whole bunch about 6!! times to provide a not corrupted download. I have tested it twice... the download works. I´ll assure ill test my links before posting them in the future... So now everyone who still wants can try and maybe enjoy the summerfeeling n chernarus. Feedback is very welcome... as stated before.. and anybody with knowledge on how to tweak the satmap of chernarus should please share it... happy Easter....everyone:) @ bushlurker... you should not play down your role in this project... without cooperation nothing would have happened yet...
  22. beton


    I have now split the large file in three parts. Reuploading again, should be ready soon. sorry for the inconvenience...
  23. beton


    @ Bink: maybe filefront is a bit busy atm? If not i suggest you check your harddrives... last time i had this problem with corrupted downloads was shortly before one of them died....
  24. beton

    Script / Tool suggestion box

    Well, that sounds like it has to be a plugin for Photoshop or Gimp. If someone has knowledge about that... do it please. Maybe this kind of calculation could be done best with masklayer in bmp format, i heard the data from bmp is quite easy accessible. I don´t think visitor3 is capable to handle more than 4 textures per segment... bis is using some kind of transparency for this... just have a look at the chernarus mask_lco...
  25. beton

    Script / Tool suggestion box

    I just had a quick try... especially the 3d version is cool...i simply redefined some pipelines as pink roads and used the corkscrewgeneratormodule ... and voila.. this previewversion of my secret V4 is able to fire 7 whole trains filled with explosive at once over 1000 miles. Maybe we need some bigger maps soon. It will be available in 255 different versions.