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About Battousai567

  • Rank
  1. Battousai567

    How do I make units invincible?

    this allowDammage false;
  2. Battousai567

    How do I make units invincible?

    this allowDammage false;
  3. Battousai567

    Evolution - Single Player

    Score is by mini-map. Radio call zero-zero-zero I believe.
  4. Battousai567

    [Campaign] Resistance Sniper

    All your weapons go to the weapon loadout during briefing under the group tab before the mission starts.
  5. Battousai567


    All I've done in a level like this is have an AI set a satchel then run off and hide. Then set a trigger by the satchel so when a unit walks past it, the AI detonates it. Works rather well for player convoy ambushes.
  6. Battousai567

    Sniping in ArmA

    I find the SPR to be somewhat inaccurate for long range, so that might not be your shooting thats the problem. Â But the M24 and M107 are more than accurate enough for 1000 meters (and over? probably my own error for greater distances to an extent).
  7. Battousai567

    Advanced Combat Element

    Sounds like exactly what I'm looking for.