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Everything posted by breeze

  1. I love the examples however I really wish a lot of guys who take the time to do this would add the reason they do things, What I mean is I am a Noob and will probably read this 5 times to more advanced players when I see something like this player setPos [getPos player select 0, getPos player select 1, (getPos player select 2) +1000] My mind says 2 things : 1) Fantastic found what I needed and I copy and paste it! 2) I wish I knew how to do that Some examples of what each part of the commands are and why you would choose to write it would be helpful to me. Examples are the best by far and to accompany mission examples are also gold. I also liked the style of Mr Murrays guide however what I find confusing as a new guy wanting to get into this scripting thing is the approach that Mr Murray takes is exactly what I want he explains why he does things and gives a foundation. But some of it is outdated and I am then not sure what to read. The last thing I would note is that you asked for constructive criticism and I think kylania was offering that, I am sure that he as well as all of appreciate and want to see you continue with these efforts as it helps the whole community. I for one love any information I can soak up. I think the point he is trying to make in terms of the briefings and tasks. Is that It would be nice if the noobs could understand the coordination of creating the briefing with tasks and triggers. That would help the overall learning which I assume is your goal. So overall I love your tutorial and I hope you expand on this continually!!
  2. breeze

    Arma 2 server help... (i am noob)

    Ok the min error to send: I have it set to 0.001 and I am still getting some AI jumping occurring any other ways to smooth out the AI?
  3. Anyone know where the min error to send article is?
  4. I choose export on the bottom of the window and then the capture device has some tabs I choose the sqf and restart arma and its all merged in like I used the 2d editor. I was using bunker fortifications seems unrealistic that only the usa can build a bunker
  5. The examples your showing me can both be listed as a trigger? Are you also using the commands that ffur2007slx2_5 listed? !isNil "BIS_fnc_init"; _handle=[“structed text hereâ€,x,y,duration,fade out] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext; Because your not really listing commands are you? Its a description of text? This will have a duration and fade out? I notice yours is showing the seconds to launch, like the campaign I am hoping to use it in a trigger as the regular hints look so cheesy and old, Mastering that campaign new text would give a nice touch for the game.
  6. So lets just say they are shooting at the fortification I supplied to them, If I build out the base first and put up no units lay down vehicles and then add the opfor soldiers at the end with get in driver and get in gunner commands will I get around this and they will play nice?
  7. I have the RTE working and I love it I connect no problem but I am laying out a small FOB throw down some troops a BMP and a tank and they begin to shoot into nothingness and soon my 35 mins or so of a base is up in flames. It is kind of funny but a llil frustrating. Also the save is not working properly But I can merge the stuff right into the map so its not that big a deal. getting the AI to not shoot especially when nothing is there is a big deal any ideas?
  8. Can you show me examples of how you got it to work? I only grabbed that stuff from the link above because its where I was looking to begin with. I really don't know a thing About it I am just picking around. But I would love to see how you got it to work? and you did it in a trigger?
  9. Ok Can I copy that exactly like I see it and replace the "Structured text here" With this parseText format["<t size='1.25' font='Zeppelin33' align='center' color='#ff0000'>%1 lives remaining.</t>",12]; x and y are arbitrary numbers that I have to play with hit and miss to understand where they are on screen? duration is seconds? So it might look like this in my trigger activation field !isNil "BIS_fnc_init"; _handle=[“parseText format["<t size='1.25' font='Zeppelin33' align='center' color='#ff0000'>%1 lives remaining.</t>",12];â€,25,25,5,fade out] spawn bis_fnc_dynamict. I screwed this up, is there a link I can see more examples?
  10. Someone has to know something about this please :=) ?
  11. Ok I have many hours to go I am just getting to spend time with game had it forever but just finished school so now I am trying to pick this up. But thanks I appreciate all the Help I can get.
  12. I didn't know we don't use player, what do we use instead of player?? And what can we use when we want the players actual name to show up in text when we do a hint how do we get it to say hint "Rommel picks up map" if we don't use player?
  13. Hello Mission Makers I was hoping for a little help on a trigger, I want a opfor terrorist to carry a map it is located in empty, small objects, map When the terrorist is killed I want the map to appear next to his body as if it fell out of a pocket or inside jacket. I want the player to pick it up and then I want his map to display the locations of his next objective which there are three markers So I figure Condition 1 !(alive terrorist1) But for the paper to fallout I was thinking CreateOject which isn't there? The markers I saw create marker for an on activation command but the condition I want here is the player to pick up the map any ideas?
  14. breeze

    Trigger help

    Thanks for your help AZ Coder, this addaction your talking about I looked it up and actually I saw this earlier I thought I could use it but this requires me to dump a line into the init of the "EVMap" (which isn't spawned yet?) Is that possible? private["_obj","_caller","_id"]; _obj = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _obj removeAction _id; _caller addWeapon "EvMap"; deleteVehicle _obj; hint "Map Acquired"; /// add to item map init line--- ID01 = this addAction ["Take Map","pickup.sqf"]; Somone else had a laptop they wanted to pick up I thought it would be similar? Can this work?
  15. breeze

    Trigger help

    I am trying to do it with itemMap and it doesn't want to work for me yet? When I use (getpos terrorist3) however he is dead is that why its not giving the position? I cant use player because he could shoot the terrorist from a distance and I want him to lift the map off the body.
  16. breeze


    I dont know if this is the spot But I am very curious as to wether or not any of the talented guys that mod actual models have any intent on making some really good ones now that we can go inside of them. It just seems to me now having that in this game really opens the door to all types of close quarter urban warfare as well as the traditional with really good building sets this game really becomes boundless in terms of the type of content mission makers could then make Anyway I was just wondering if thats happening or where I could possibly download such types of addons.
  17. Does anyone know of any good SAM Site models for the Mando Missle Addon?
  18. breeze

    SAM Site Models

    Yes I saw that and I like them I am hoping to find models that would be like land SAM's to protect bases and things like that usually they look like little boxes really with a bunch of missiles in them. and by the way I love your set up it adds such depth to the game thanks for the time and hard work. Actually I had only seen the one on the boat, I didn't notice your link at first just the movie.. But I am hoping to find a traditional Same site. they would look quite good armed with all a bunch of missiles
  19. breeze

    DLC Standards

    I don't think I am alone when I say that PMC was a very big disappointment to me. The Brit exspansion I enjoyed but this last one not a big fan. Which is why I suggest the following. Each expansion should have a standard set to it so your community knows the bare minimum that the package will contain. For example new expansion of China or North Korea Included with this expansion Map map of China or Asia or call it whatever you like but the expansion should always contain a map and not a cheesy map like proving grounds. A decent map maps are big in my opinion. Then of course the soldiers, and pick some military vehicles be it 1 tank, 1 Jeep helicopter whatever you get the idea. But doing it this way with a standard leaves the fans knowing what they will get it also allows the modding community to react and make things like fighter planes and whatever else your not including well in advance when you announce the start of a project. Anyway that is my 2 cents I would love to see it done this way.
  20. So igneous is saying that the change is made its just not going to be seen by eye?
  21. breeze

    Problem with editor

    Are you using a good mouse driver? What I mean is windows may download any old driver but for instance if it is a microsoft mouse are you using the latest intellipoint? or whatever brand driver u need for your mouse? Outside of that I reinstall when I have the unexplained for any length of time.
  22. Can anyone point out my error as to why this isn't working I am jst screwing around trying to learn this and the setsimpletaskdescription line fails on me.? Player CreateDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Briefing", "ok Boys this is a tough Mission but I have alot of Faith in you<br/> You Only have yourselves and whats in you packs for the 1st part of the mission<br/> Things may change after that depending on your success. God loves the Seals!!"]]; tskobj_1 = Player createsimpletask ["Extract Map"]; tskobj_1 Player setSimpleTaskDescription ["Extract Map from Ahmad Rashir He is well protected leader among his terrorist buddies", "Extract Map", "Objective 1"]; Well happy to say I found my mistake and if anyone wants to know what I did wrong here it was the Player in that line it should have read tskobj_1 = Player createsimpletask ["Extract Map"]; tskobj_1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Extract Map from Ahmad Rashir He is well protected leader among his terrorist buddies", "Extract Map", "Objective 1"];
  23. breeze

    Running Arma2 from SSD

    I just got my second ssd drive giving me 300 gigs of this hard disk and it rocks I will never go back to regular disk drives again except to hold my data for storage.
  24. I have had Arma2 for a long time now but have just graduated and am now just getting the time I want to play the game. My goal is to be a good mission maker but I need to play the game well to make a good mission I would think. So I wanted to ask you your favorite missions that you have played from others One of the biggest things I want to ask about is the use of buildings Buildings that can be entered I don't care if these were separate addons or through using the construct buildings module what missions have you played that brought you indoors if any even is its just for good cover now and then Arma2 seems to lack here so I want to learn of any ways possible to add this to my missions later. 2nd what missions have had the best story line use of camera and text along with animating soldiers and civilians. Best missions for new people that were tutorial based Best use of ambient sounds music that fades off as you leave a building area that's playing it animal sounds that fade etc. I am hoping that besides you steering me to great missions you will help me learn how to do some of these things better to Thanks for the input Please Single player missions, Campaigns and or CO-OP missions only!
  25. If that's true then I am sure they can see through the trees and grass as well? there are no parameters for the AI within the code to make them horribly accurate? If they don't need light then that's not good AI imho