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Everything posted by breeze

  1. So your saying I can make a trigger that upon activation I have this? "MarkerOne" setMarkerTypeLocal "Location1"; "MarkerTwo" setMarkerTypeLocal "Location2"; "MarkerThree" setMarkerTypeLocal "Location3"; like that?
  2. Watching this thread as I am interested in this myself also. Do you know how to make it so the player can choose loadouts for the balance of an AI squad so he can control all the weapons brought with the squad.?
  3. I cant answer your questions but heres a link to a thread that I started and am hopeful that you bringing this up might actually get my questions answered.. See this link I hope it helps you http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=112321&highlight=structured+text Hopefully we can really get a handle on this with some example missions and everyone understands how to do it. ---------- Post added at 06:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:36 PM ---------- Well I looked at your mission and yeah thats the look I am hoping to find Just want to be able to do it form a trigger an waypoints etc.
  4. Well If someone would be nice enough to help me a little more I was able to follow the video (very helpful) However once I have the path.sqf as a file and I can play it back with a radio call. Now I want to be able to get it to fire off on a trigger or way point. so my question is I set up a pilot and add a get in waypoint to heli1 (I have a co-pilot and a soldier as passengers I play one of them to observe how things are going) then I add a second move waypoint and preview the mission and the pilot never turns on the chopper??? I want him to turn it on by himself and then have the path sqf fire upon reaching the second waypoint... Any ideas??
  5. breeze

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    China is without a doubt the content that I would like to see added to the game. I would also like it better of we had maps that were continents or countries we have heard of. Map of China or Iran USA all good stuff and then we might even see more DLC like Sean units. I just hope this game never loses its size the size of maps in this games makes it.
  6. So Mr Murray, will you be finishing that project? as you see others are willing to pay for it to. I really enjoyed being able to be taught things from a total new person perspective and thats what your good at. Alot of people assume things are understood when teaching. You don't seem to make that mistake. Anyway I am indeed looking forward to it if it is something your doing?
  7. Yeah I would think you should be able to sue for something like that??
  8. Has this happened before? and IS Bohemia the ones who took it? Or the Sprocket?
  9. So this recording is only really used for flying that' s already in motion, in other words a trigger isn't going to activate the person getting into a pilots seat and if it does he wont turn on the heli then the script will run with no rotors spinning. I loved this You tube tutorial it was so helpful, I hope we see more tutorials on how to use this even more effectively.
  10. breeze

    Arma 2 server help... (i am noob)

    Sure I will take a look
  11. breeze

    Arma 2 server help... (i am noob)

    Hmmmm I had been following another post and dropped mine to .001 I will try the xtra decimal place. I tried the MaxSizeNonguarateed to 12 as well and still getting some. What bugs me is I played the game on this PC before getting my new one so I think as a dedicated server it should be fine. not really understanding why this is happening and I am on a LAN. I will try the xtra decimal though and thanks everyone for the help!!
  12. I have read a couple of different posts on this and I understand this to be the same text that we see in the new campaign. I am hoping someone will shed some light here for me. I am looking to recreate the nice White text that fades in an out after a trigger is activated. I am under the impression I can do it this way???? http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/parseText A couple of things I need to understand here I used there example first to see it work and I used this one. hintSilent parseText format["<t size='1.25' font='Zeppelin33' color='#ff0000'>%1 lives remaining.</t>",12]; Now 1st real question I added in the Center parameter and it looked like this hintSilent parseText format["<t size='1.25' font='Zeppelin33' align='center' color='#ff0000'>%1 lives remaining.</t>",12]; and after adding that in it still lines up like a regular hint but quiet. I like the White in and white out effects in title text but that effects the whole screen Can anyone help me with this a little more, As you can see my experience with code is taking others apart and trying to figure it out. My goals are Getting the text to middle of the screen and having the ability to fade in or out, without affecting the whole screen. Thanks in advance!!
  13. Is there any chance someone can post a example mission with this? one or two examples of how to lay text in and get this effect.???? Please.?
  14. How can or do I determine how to stop the loop I am just learning off some tutorials? So in yours how long am I on the plane? can I determine a set time?
  15. I am trying to attach a camera to "plane1" I watched some video by keefygeorge double checked it in Mr Murrays book and I don't see what I am doing wrong? Everytime I try to attach it to a target It looks out into nothing. And yes I did name the plane "plane1" if anyone sees the mistake please help me out here. Thanks Breeze titlecut ["Move the Jeep", "black in",5] _camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0] _camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] showcinemaborder False; #loop ;=== 3:14:56 _camera camSetTarget [plane1] _camera camSetrelPos [2,-2,2] _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700 _camera camCommitPrepared 0 @camCommitted _camera goto "loop" player cameraeffect ["terminate",""Black"] camdestroy _camera end1= true; exit;
  16. OK I watched this tutorial and I follow what hes done here however I don't follow the slow motion he throws in at the end its sudden and kind of makes the shot. anyone know how he does the slow motion?
  17. I would also buy the guide, If you need to sell your updated guide I would buy it. I loved your guide and still use it. Your efforts are very appreciated.
  18. So these cams we have they never really record actions they hop around the map to whats going on? so if we wanted to give a cam mission briefing we have to have each step happening as the cam roles? I was always under the impression I guess by its name that the cam recorded actions and could be played back. this is really not a cam at all then.
  19. breeze

    Running Arma2 from SSD

    Windows should be the first thing on any ssd not games games yeah if you can fit them.
  20. breeze

    house combat

    I would think that a trigger that used setpos with the positions within the house for each unit would be the way to go. there's a utility that gives all the positions here http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11288 good luck.
  21. Once a cam script is made and the maker loves the result can the script be added to any mission? Without the units being on the map? Say I make a trailer for a Squad and I wantr to use it in every map can I add a cam script like I would a sound file. Just adding the script?? Or will I always need copy and paste that part of the map which it was recorded from? Yes I am a NOOB Thanks in advance
  22. breeze

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    Is there a tentative date for the updated release?? Love the guide
  23. Bah I feel dumb I never realized I needed and X and Y coordinates but It makes sence
  24. Pretty sure that shouldn't be seen.
  25. I recently started an Arma 2 Server with OA for myself and learning purposes and I gfot it running ok except the AI jumps a bit they aren't smooth. When I looked up this stuff I found a couple articles on the MinErrorToSend=0.05; and that this setting could be the culprit my setting is as low as 0.01 and I still have some jumping of the AI. Does anyone know of any other settings to smooth out the AI when using a dedicated Server?