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Everything posted by breeze

  1. I just want to be able to use it in waypoints and or triggers to loadincargo for a chopper or a truck then move them as a group into different objectives.... So what you posted so I do not miss it my array is a global array? This array has to be global to be used in a trigger or waypoint? and an array can be declared anywhere within the game? so I could also place it in the init field of any of those ai fields,
  2. Ok so to create a squad that I can launch from a trigger or waypoint requires a global variable... sq1 = [tom,dick,harry] <------ that is proper use of a global variable which can be used by any trigger or way-point? That is what I have in my mission folder with an [] execVM sq1.sqf (which is the file name) in my init.sqf however this is not working I get an error
  3. breeze

    Fast Travel Script

    I have seen a few missions made with static objects created that are teleports maybe you can implement static teleports within the mission
  4. I have a trigger that is checking for my helicopter height to remain under 50 foot or it displays a warning message. I was wondering two things instead of the regular game hint, in the upper right corner can I get a large flashing text in middle of screen?? Secondly can I make the trigger go off after a set time of of remaining over the height withing the parameters for a set time of 5 seconds? Because I have second trigger that ends the game after going over 75 feet. However this trigger ends the game and I need to have some cushion of time to reduce height while traveling through hills etc. Then if it is ignored end the game. Thanks in advance here is what I am using currently Trigger size Zero condition: ((getPos heli1) select 2) >= 55; on Activation: hint "You're flying too high!"; on deactivation: hint "All good now."; Thanks in advance guys!! Sorry this was posted in the regular section not editing my mistake
  5. breeze

    Trigger for mission

    Thank you so much I never understood the min max mid
  6. breeze

    Trigger for mission

    Thank you to everyone who have respond this is coming along well however the only problme I have now is my second trigger which if the pilot goes over 75 feet ends the mission however I want that to be goes over 75 feet for like 7 or 8 seconds and when I use the timer on trigger it just delays the end for 7 seconds as soon as the player goes over 75 feet for the first time right away that's not going to work for a beginner mission so can anyone help me with that part of the second trigger?
  7. breeze

    Trigger for mission

    Can you explain what those numbers mean? I am new and trying to learn I recognize the brackets create a variable that can return three parts however because the variable is a string due to the quotes it is different and just displays the text, however the numbers after that are what? They are still part of the variable because they are within the brackets? and spawn BIS_func_dynamicText; is a command? And what is the 0= part?
  8. breeze

    Trigger for mission

    Well is there anyway to bring the Hint To center of the screen? I found the timer setting for the trigger, I just want to see if I can get hint to center of screen?
  9. I have a trigger that is checking for my helicopter height to remain under 50 foot or it displays a warning message. I was wondering two things instead of the regular game hint, in the upper right corner can I get a large flashing text in middle of screen?? Secondly can I make the trigger go off after a set time of of remaining over the height withing the parameters for a set time of 5 seconds? Because I have second trigger that ends the game after going over 75 feet. However this trigger ends the game and I need to have some cushion of time to reduce height while traveling through hills etc. Then if it is ignored end the game. Thanks in advance here is what I am using currently Trigger size Zero condition: ((getPos heli1) select 2) >= 55; on Activation: hint "You're flying too high!"; on deactivation: hint "All good now."; Thanks in advance guys!!
  10. I have tried everything and I can not get this to work that includes trying to load it with hardly any other mods for compatability It does not show up as an addon when trying to configure so I go to custom keys choose the 4 and 5 key bind them to a , and a . try going in and using it no dice. Also doing this in the editor
  11. I am not being snotty at all I attached everything I could so you could see what the tutorial was trying to teach me, I understood that this part of the question was not clear in my first post and you were answering with the info you had. I should have placed this with all of the info the first time. So I am sorry if my post came off that way it was not my intention at all I am aware of the fact you are helping and I appreciate it greatly, especially as these forums seem to have much less action on them then when I used to play. ---------- Post added at 22:40 ---------- Previous post was at 22:37 ---------- If you are still ok with helping I am still trying to find out what i did wrong in regard to his tutorial and understand the three parts of the variable.
  12. But let’s say we wanted to hint who was calling the script. At last a Variable can be used, you didn’t read all that crap for nothing. The addaction technically sent the following to the hint.sqf script… _this = [Mikie J,Mikie J, 1]; It declared its own MAGIC variable of “ _this †and gives it three parameters to give to the hint.sqf script. It never shows in the script as that, as we can’t see it. It just as happens that I know what my player name is, and that I am also the caller. “_this “ is a magic word used by BIS coding structure, and IN THIS SPECIFIC CASE it is an array of things. Again not going into too much depth but in this particular usage it’s a variable that holds more than one value. Just remember when you want to choose the first Mikie J/or target – it is in position 0, not position1. Yes there are three items in the array, but they are in the following sequence. [0,1,2] We need to create three variables to assign each of those parameters to. Type the following in the hint.sqf _target = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; The variable _target has been given the first passed parameter from the addaction - the value Mikie J. POS = 0 , 1 , 2 _this = [Mikie J,Mikie J, 1]; What you technically have done is accessed “_this†– which is an array or list containing (Mikie J , Mikie J, and 1) , and you have asked it to select position 0 from that list. Well in position 0 of this particular array is the first Mikie J. So looking at “_caller†variable – you have asked it to select position 1 from the array which contains (Mikie J , Mikie J, and 1) and selected the second Mikie J. And then for _id you have passed the third parameter number 1 to it, by selecting position 2. Ok, so now we should have _target = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; Add the following.. Hint format [“Target = %1â€,_target]; Save the hint.sqf, Alt-Tab back to the game and preview or restart the mission. Now when you load in scroll to the addaction, call our hint script, and select it. You should have a hint on the screen. Which says something like… Target = A1:1-1 [FOCK]Mikie J Go back to the editor, Alt-Tab into the hint.sqf file. Now change the hint line in the hint.sqf to the following… Hint format [“Caller = %1â€,_caller]; Save the file and Alt-Tab back into the editor. Preview or restart the mission Now when you load in scroll to the addaction once again, call our hint script, and select it. You should have a hint on the screen. Which says something like… Caller = A1:1-1 [FOCK]Mikie J This is Fockers tutorial ---------- Post added at 22:26 ---------- Previous post was at 22:22 ---------- And see in your example you are defining the target in his he is trying to illustrate the variable having three values target, caller and id; I am trying to learn this where when you guys explain something with terms it doesnt fly over my head which it normally does. I hate to continually ask for things to be made that I should be able to do. I just need to find moire things like this that explain it and don't just give me a listing of commands.
  13. So then how do I get the return hint I am supposed to here?? The objective to this is to illustrate the use of the variable so when the player hits the addaction in his menu it returns the name mike j as the target where is mike j defined? or should _this be _player?
  14. I Have to say I do not know why this is not the most popular mod out there at the moment. This is terrific I just think people really need to understand it better to make the best use of it. this is very similar and missions can now be made kind o flike the tom clancy series with raven shield and other great games. But the squad play that this allows is just wonderful. Now I do have a question or two I am having some issues trying to get my pilot in a harrier to see through his helmet cam. I added the harrier to the class list in my config file and he shows up in the tracking screen, but not in the helmet cam. I added a move in driver pilot with a this additem additemhcam... I did not check though if the pilots helmet is on the list of helmets in the config file? Assuming I answered my own question while writing this post is there anyway to just enable all helicopters and planes for a vehicle cam like the UAV streams?? Oh and how can I find the accurate class names of all modded planes and other vehicles. Lastly one other thing that stumps me is when I look at the helmet can it does not list names that I give to the squad they come up with these other names I do not know where they get them.
  15. I have several mods that I have added to my game for a wide selection of guns ASDG_JR FHQ_Accessoroes FHQ_M4_a3 HLCmods R3f_Armies RH_acc RH_m4 STI UUA3a_scopes My question comes in when I use the virtual arsenal I am able to load some really nice combinations but I don't always get the flash light or the laser to work. In fact I hardly ever get the laser to work, Which should just be using "L" right?? I have noticed a post in the stickies for the clas names but that does not include the mods where some of the nicer combinations can be made. Any help is appreciated.
  16. Hey thank you so much this worked for me immediately. I have always loved this game played it since Operation flashpoint and have never really been able to get a mission of the ground. The problem being I am an older guy and I don't get the time I need to do these things I think I often have spent hours trying to do things as well before asking which ate up a lot of the time. So I was hoping to ask a couple more questions about this. This is from Kylaina site {this addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"} forEach [1,2,3,4,5,6]; this addWeapon "M4A3_CCO_EP1"; {this addMagazine "17Rnd_9x19_glock17"} forEach [1,2,3,4]; this addWeapon "glock17_EP1"; {this addMagazine "HandGrenade_West"} forEach [1,2,3,4]; My question is can I use this type of code where he is using the brackets and the foreach command to dictate the number of magazines or grenades? Can I add that to my script? Also If I wanted to take this script a step further and say I like a particular type of squad Can I add multiple load-outs to one script for a squad load-out and then how would I call it to each member? Say I wanted a medic load-out and a sniper load-out, with 2 other assault rifle load-outs and so on. Thanks for the help though it is very much appreciated.
  17. Can anyone tell me why this isn't working?? Script is called loudout.sqf This is the script in its entirety, this is my first script also. _breeze = _this select 0; removeAllWeapons '_breeze'; removeAllItems '_breeze'; removeAllAssignedItems '_breeze'; removeUniform '_breeze'; removeVest '_breeze'; removeBackpack '_breeze'; removeHeadgear '_breeze'; removeGoggles '_breeze'; '_breeze' forceAddUniform "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam"; '_breeze' addItemToUniform "FirstAidKit"; '_breeze' addItemToUniform "Chemlight_green"; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {'_breeze' addItemToUniform "hlc_30Rnd_9x19_B_MP5";}; '_breeze' addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_rgr"; '_breeze' addItemToVest "16Rnd_9x21_Mag"; '_breeze' addItemToVest "SmokeShell"; '_breeze' addItemToVest "SmokeShellGreen"; '_breeze' addItemToVest "Chemlight_green"; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {'_breeze' addItemToVest "HandGrenade";}; '_breeze' addItemToVest "hlc_30Rnd_9x19_B_MP5"; '_breeze' addHeadgear "H_HelmetB"; '_breeze' addWeapon "hlc_smg_MP5N"; '_breeze' addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_L"; '_breeze' addPrimaryWeaponItem "RH_SFM952V"; '_breeze' addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_SOS"; '_breeze' addWeapon "hgun_P07_F"; '_breeze' addHandgunItem "muzzle_snds_L"; '_breeze' linkItem "ItemMap"; '_breeze' linkItem "ItemCompass"; '_breeze' linkItem "ItemWatch"; '_breeze' linkItem "ItemRadio"; '_breeze' linkItem "NVGoggles"; Then in the mission folder I have a init.sqf with execVM "loadout.sqf"; Then in the player name breeze init line I have this nul = [this] execVM "loadout.sqf" I do not get the loadout at all. And I do not know how to add a hint to see errors.
  18. Is it possible to load the virtual reality area within a building say I want to build s VR shooting range and I want that to load when walking inside of a building can I do that?
  19. breeze

    Forward-porting ArmA 2 content to ArmA 3

    Kinda new to this again been away for awhile I never get to play as much as I would like. So I will google cup and arma but any links you know of for ports or cup I would appreciate.
  20. breeze

    Next DLC poll what would you want it to be??

    Honestly I would pay money for a patch that allowed us to use all of the stuff in arma 2 in arma 3
  21. breeze

    Forward-porting ArmA 2 content to ArmA 3

    Why does it say user received warning for this post? Also where can I get anything that helps me move or use arma 2 models for arma 3 mostly I want to use the OA terrorists
  22. Are there any medical systems I can run as an addon that will work in missions already made that I do not have to depend on the author of the mission to include it.
  23. Can anyone tell me is it ACRE I need to learn or Task force radio or another program to create radio chatter the way it is used in a campaign the messages come across where they are readable yet the sound is also heard as ordwers etc.... Is this done through recordings or can it be typed in and generated using a voice that we pick? any guidance is apprecaited
  24. When we do custom load outs, is it more efficient for the coding and easier to process if this is part of the mission.sqm or a separate script?