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Everything posted by Bunkers

  1. Bunkers

    Armed Assault FAQ

    You're right. It does  However I dont see any higher options that 1280. So can anybody confirm that 1280 x something is maximum resolution? The 20+ inch LCD widescreens usually (always?) have higher native resolution. Widescreens are obviously the future. I think most new lcd's launched in 2007 will be widescreen. And since we probably will play ArmA for several years, I bet many of us will end up playing it on widescreens.
  2. Bunkers

    Armed Assault FAQ

    Does ArmA support widescreen? I see alot of the new monitors for sale are widescreen, and I'm considering buying one. It's only a matter of time before widescreens are standard monitors. 1680x1050 is a typical resolution for 20 inch and above widescreen monitors.
  3. Bunkers

    Arma around the world

    What? So many americans? Let's hope you get a publisher soon!
  4. Bunkers

    Any other (ex) Battlefield 2 players?

    Respawning is ok if u come back as part of a planned reinforcement. Besides that I think dead ppl should wait. You should really fear getting killed, that's an essential part of a realistic combat environment.
  5. Bunkers

    IS 2007 TO LONG ?

    Nice initiative Sobr I'm considering buying a german copy.
  6. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Buy the german version in a month. The community will solve the language issue to make it at least playable. Then we'll get the english one whenever it's out. Or if the demo is really good maybe that'll keep us alive until february 07. Just trying to help
  7. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    I bet the 20 days between czech release and german release (it seems clear now most of us in here will get the german version) will be a real test of my nerves. Reading the "Yahooooo!!" feed-backs of the chosen ones will be very revarding, yet very painful Â
  8. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Well there are alot of free online translators, infact there is loads. But the voices are in english, and i mainly like the multiplayer bit of the game like i did in OFP. So with english voices i dont think ill need to know to much German text. If i do ill just copy and paste it in a translator and print it out. Ok. I hope it will work out fine. Maybe I'll go for that solution myself. I could definitely buy the game in german in a month just to have it, and then in english when it's available. After all, my money will go to a good cause
  9. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    I know how you feel Dudester. I'm with you. Actually I would pay an insane price for getting the game in english ASAP. How do you plan to play it with german writings?
  10. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Oh my! Can you all feel the tension? This release debate is smoking hot! Placebo you've done a great job keeping us informed through this forum. Thank you! And don't worry about us fanatics when we whine, it's just because we all have such high hopes and expectations for this game. IMHO this will be the best PC game ever released
  11. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Since we want to host, and I've been waiting/watching...I can confirm......NO Well It will be available for download at some point, but don't expect that to happen until it's released in UK/english.
  12. Bunkers

    Latest screenshots available

    Dammit I knew skipping german in school would come back and bite me one day! What a punishment ArmA special edition looks great! Now I'm stuck with my french pick-up lines..
  13. Bunkers

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Indeed an interesting thought. Hope some1 with knowhow can answer that. However I hope posting the idea here wont make the dev's think of some way to stop it  BUT, having the game in czech/german and the demo in english would make it alot easier to translate/learn the menus and textings.
  14. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    What if, when the 505 site comes back up, it includes a link: download ArmA: Armed Assault! Available for download from november 10th. Just imagine all the dancing bananas..
  15. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Quoted for truth. But let's try to keep our spirits high. There must be some way of playing this game in english before next year.
  16. Bunkers

    Where to buy ??

    If I was 505 I would definitely provide the english version through download distribution. That way they could release it much earlier than Q1 07. I really hope they're not going to translate it into Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish etc etc.. almost every1 here would prefer an english version anyway. Do you hear me 505? ONLINE DISTRIBUTION and ENGLISH language ASAP!
  17. Bunkers

    Arma internet release?

    But 505 and BIS could still arrange it. It requires very little resources compared to the box/dvd distribution. The game is ready in english november 10th so there's a slim hope they will go ahead with online distribution then or at least before next year. I can't see any good reasons why they should not, besides maybe the czech distributor complaining. But they wont get to distribute an english version anyway, so they shouldnt complain.
  18. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    No, it HAS to be available for download in english. Come on now, all sing: WE WANT DOWNLOAD! WE WANT DOWNLOAD!
  19. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Count me in! We know it's there. Now we just gotta take it! The Free ArmA Clan is founded.
  20. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    The pope will pwn us all
  21. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Spoken language will be english on all versions. AFAIK. If 505 is part of the online distribution solution then there is nothing to loose on releasing it november 10th. It's a simple concept of distribution and there should be a good reason if BIS and 505 cant work this out.
  22. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    In school I had to choose german or french as 3rd language. I chose French. I chose wrong. Now look at me  Merde.
  23. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    That's what makes it kinda twisting the knife in the wound.
  24. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    This is the perfect moment for a hero (Placebo?) to announce that Armed Assault will be available for download in english from november 10th *hint hint* ..if that happens I'll use my first dancing bananas!
  25. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    I really doubt that the german version get optional english texting. Then the czech would have it as well. An english version distributed online seem more and more like the only slim hope for the core of gamers to have a copy next month. But I gotta say, I'm getting pessimistic here I wont be angry. Just depressed.