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Everything posted by Bobcat26

  1. I'm having trouble getting any of these scripts to work in my mission removedead.sqs _unit = _this select 0 ~90 deletevehicle (vehicle _unit) exit or killed.sqs _unit = _this select 0 ~0+(random 10) deleteVehicle _unit exit I made a trigger to activate this script with this on the onactivation line [] exec "removedead.sqs" But I cant get them to work any help would be greatly appreciated Or a working remove dead bodies
  2. Everyone is welcome to join us for the Iron Reich 5th Panzer Division Co-op mini Campaign "The Phoenix " http://forum.iron-front.com/showthread.php?1055-***-Major_-Mayhems-***-Iron-Reich-Panzer-Division-Co-op-group http://forum.iron-front.com/showthread.php?1053-A*A*R-Tonight-On-Major-Mayhems-Co-op-Server ~Salute~ ***=Major_Mayhem=***
  3. How to get out of a chopeer when the V key isn't working ??? thanks
  4. Bobcat26

    How to exit chopper V key not working ?

    Confirmed bug in the chopper mission , cannot leave helo
  5. Bobcat26

    How to exit chopper V key not working ?

    No I'm talking about landing a chopper and just wanting to get out , just that simple ,would like to step out of a chopper on the ground, after landing, it doesn't work!
  6. If you can afford it HellJumper, Buy Both, Iron front has better armor. ~S~
  7. Thanks Tay-UK,,, I'm There !
  8. I guess I should have tried the install key before posting. thanks for the help. Wolle , sig fixed ~S~
  9. I had this installed on my XP no problem. I just reinstalled to my new PC with windows 7 and I need to authenticate the game through secureRom. There was never a serial number given with the disk so how can I authenticate ? where is the serial number its asking for ? yes I read through the sticky above and tried this fix that didn't help I do not have the option for only user on step 8# , I only have users-pc-users or administrator-pc-administrator Thanks 1, Run REGEDIT 2, Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 3, Expand Software 4, Expand Wow6432Node 5, Expand Bohemia Interactive Studio Not Bohemia Interactive 6, Click ArmA 2 OA, If you only see 1 file named "(Default)" And type REG_SZ then, 7, Right click the ArmA 2 OA file and go to Permissions 8, Left click YOUR USER, NOT! Users 9, After selecting your user click on Advanced 10, Yet Again click on your username for your pc and click on edit 11, In the drop down menu select This Key and Subkeys 12, You will see allow and deny make sure all allow boxes are ticked then click ok 13, you will be taken back one Dialogue box, Click Apply and OK and the same again on the next dialogue box. 14, Now you should see 4 files sat in your ArmA 2 OA folder, Names, "(Default)" "Data" "Key" & "main" 15, Now play your game hassle free
  10. you must be referring to the installation key , its asking for a serial number not the installation key. correct ?
  11. I used a code to open and close the road barrier gate back in OFP. seems like it was a trigger that activated the object I've searched and searched and cannot find it. I found several posts about the Gates and doors but nothing on the road barrier I would be very grateful if anyone remembers this code for the animation of the Road Barrier
  12. The road barrier is not a pile of rubble. its the gaurd gate that raises and closes at most common road blocks. I've seen this in the game since OFP, its called road barrier in IFL44 and I believe its called the same in the ArmA editor.
  13. https://store.bistudio.com/iron-front ~S~
  14. Bobcat26

    1/2 off Iron Front

    http://www.greenmangaming.com/s/us/en/pc/games/shooter/iron-front-liberation-1944/ On sale again ~S~
  15. Bobcat26

    game support ?

    I feel your pain. I just fired up Inv44 for the first time in ages. they really have polished that mod up nicely. if I could only clone myself. ~S~
  16. Bobcat26

    1/2 off Iron Front

    If your a mission maker their is a work around for the pumpkin head issue that Beagle didn't mention :confused: http://forum.iron-front.com/showthread.php?1092-A-Pumpkin-Head-Workaround ~S~
  17. I used this little program to capture the pics while the game is loading http://en.kioskea.net/download/download-3841-grabclipsave ~S~
  18. Bobcat26

    Cannot open .PAA

    So manually change the File extension to get the program to recognize the file .... well thats a handy little piece of info Thanks WOlle
  19. Bobcat26

    Cannot open .PAA

    I grabbed Gimp 2 and it doesn't recognize the paa file texview 2 wont resave the file as anything other then paa what am I missing here ~S~
  20. Maybe a shame for you ..... It is great ! I been playing this everyday since the patch and having a blast a few bugs but certainly no show stoppers...the real shame is all the people dissing such a great game that adds up to about the same cost as dinner. And I'll be playing this game for years
  21. Hi all are their any scripts or codes to keep the tank crews from ejecting so early most of the time the tanks are still in good shape and the tank crews bail out anyway :-( maybe something like eject = 0 :-) thank you
  22. Hi all are their any scripts or codes to keep the tank crews from ejecting so early most of the time the tanks are still in good shape and the tank crews bail out anyway :-( maybe something like eject = 0 :-) thank you
  23. Bobcat26

    ARMA 2: 1.07 Patch Released!!!

    After patching to from 1.05 to 1.07 Satchels dont work or timebombs or is their a new way of detonating them ? and before I was able to switch my guys in a vehicle from gunner to driver when I disired now that doesnt work also also the radio has a bunch funky codes in it instead of the triggers I apply units at a distance are now missing heads again like when the game first came out I swear the game ran better for me before the patch even without these bugs any advice thanks
  24. Bobcat26

    FDF Podagorsk 1.1

    Is anybody besides me having issues with the Gun accuracy on this map ?? espeacially the m-21... its just unusable :-( I only have a problem on this island everything is fine on all the other islands I use I have two legit installs of the game so that isn't the issue ... what gives ? any Ideas ? I love the island and made a few missions for it but its unplayable I was looking forward to and hoping a updated version would correct the issue but looks like everyone else is just fine with it Total bummer