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Posts posted by Banderas

  1. Well it's not very likely China would ever invade the US. Most of the Chinese export is going to the US, why would you go and make war in your own market?

    But well, not every story has to be absolutely realistic.

    by the way. why these north-korean minions using m4 carbine assault rifles?

    There are 200.000.000 Guns in the US but the primar weapon in this Game is an M4 with an Red Dot Aiming System that cost 20 Dollars?

    Koreans are also using other US equipment in the trailer (UH-60, Humvee), maybe they conscripted part of the surrendering US military into their ranks along with their equipment

  2. I have some similar problem...I reinstalled ArmA recently and tried to run it, but on startup it gives an "ArmA has stopped working" fault message.

    details are following:

    Problem signature:
     Problem Event Name:	APPCRASH
     Application Name:	arma.exe
     Application Version:
     Application Timestamp:	4b1915cf
     Fault Module Name:	MMDevAPI.DLL
     Fault Module Version:	6.1.7600.16385
     Fault Module Timestamp:	4a5bda29
     Exception Code:	c0000005
     Exception Offset:	00018c7d
     OS Version:	6.1.7600.
     Locale ID:	1038
     Additional Information 1:	a7aa
     Additional Information 2:	a7aa91f17ea749d42a4de3b390fa5b3d
     Additional Information 3:	a7aa
     Additional Information 4:	a7aa91f17ea749d42a4de3b390fa5b3d

    recently it worked with win7 ultimate, now it won't work with win7 professional.

  3. I would sum up my thoughts about that in one sentence: No Soap Opera in Arma :D

    I like the different additions as something that rounds up its own story. The only game I forgive to have such end ever was Half Life series, but in those the main storyline gets closed down to a level and something new will add the "cliffhanger". No if something like "To be continued" would show up in an ArmA campaign ending, I think I'd blow my head off :D

  4. @Landdon

    Before you rip my head off...

    I'm not an expert, nor I try to pose as one. All the knowledge I know is from books/magazines/internet. Most of the times I only try to make careful statements, and also I listen to people who have direct experiences.

    Also I agree with the points you make, and I'm not entirely against the idea of an AC-130 added into the game, but I'd like them to have it in the event we might have such big maps as whole Chernarus - not just the "tiny" South Zagoria, and also a dynamic view distance feature would be seriously needed for this.

    I just simply don't wish to see a scenario where all my job is to lay back in a sun chair and watch the movie where the Spooky wipes the whole Takistani Army within 30 minutes from the whole Takistan map.

    It would be nice in a DLC, but bundled with other SOC units, new features like the dynamic view distance and (unlikely to happen) a reasonably big map.

    But I think DLC for this is not necessary as it is being made by community members. Speaking about that, I think I download it and try :)

  5. Didn't even notice the update how is that possible?

    I like the new sound for the CH-46, the CH-53's for me is a little crackling, but also nice. Nice that at last these birds land on helipads.

    Small bug I think is that seemingly the SeaKnight's two main rotors are spinning in the same direction. Aren't they suppose to turn against each other's directon, to equal the torque?

  6. 3. How to command AI pilot to fly low and slow? I think AH should always keep itself safe, rather than crash into the center of battleground. I really don't know how to control the AI when I edit my mission.

    Another solution for this might be the new "unitcapture/unitplay" script command. With this it is said possible to drive/fly a vehicle around by the player, capture its movement and "copy" the route for the vehicle in another mission, controlled by AI.


    Here's a demo mission


  7. They have counter-measures now for AA.

    Counter measures are only part of the defensive against incoming AA missiles, pilots have also to make extensive evasive maneuvers.

    I don't see it's going to be added into A2 officially by BI for the same reason dedicated fighter planes or high altitude bombers aren't added: the very limited visibility range (by flight standards of course), also the relatively small size of maps can be another factor - you could easily cover the whole South Zagoria region with only one .

    As far as I know, AC-130s nowadays employed not only at night, but as far from the enemy as possible, often only within the range of the 105mm howitzer, in rarer occasions at the edge of the range of the 40mm Bofors cannons. The 25mm Gatling-weaponry sees very rare usage because of this, and as far as I know older H models even have the 20mm Vulcans removed from their equipment.

    Also, realistically the Spooky would only fit into a campaign involving the over-hyped Tier 1 operators or other US SOCOM units, as they are usually used in conjuction with them. Regular foot sluggers have to rely on A-10s, F-16s and Apaches for close air support. As BI campaigns/games are mainly focused on combined arms operations, this asset right now falls out of their scope.

    Although it might be nice if it would be added into a "Tier 1 DLC", but I doubt such will see the sunlight.

  8. Of course I'm not the first one to talk about these:

    1. I don't know how real AH work, but Rockets being controlled by gunner is real ineffective.

    Use the "Manual fire" command in the action menu.

    2. I haven't tried OA yet, and I just try some mod which add flares to AA2 (firstly I say THX to those friends). Flare is attached as another weapon, which make it impossible to use it in time. ( It is same for smoke of tank).

    OA flares/smoke is working with the R key when in the pilot/commander position for a chopper/tank. Community made flares are usually made either automatic or have a hotkey. For a nice flare system I would recommend Mando's Missile script suite.

    3. How to command AI pilot to fly low and slow? I think AH should always keep itself safe, rather than crash into the center of battleground. I really don't know how to control the AI when I edit my mission.

    Currently there's no way for an AI pilot to hover at its location far away and use standoff tactics with its weapons. Maybe try to give it a simple "move" waypoint and sync it with a trigger that prevents it to move to the next waypoint until specified/general enemy units are pacified.

    If you give it a "Search and destroy" WP, it will circle around that point in random, seeking out possible hostiles. "Guard" WP also makes them move onto enemy targets, when discovered.

  9. Sorry, I meant generic 1980s bad guys. :D

    Generic 2010s bad guys would be Russians.

    Only in stoopid railshoot'emupperz :p

    and by the way. "Secret Agents" don't blow something up and shooting out like in James Bond Movies.

    In an realistic simulation like ARMA2, James Bond will have a very short trip bevor get killed.



    Hope to see some super-agent in a cool suit with bow and a Jaguar :D

  10. Hey, nice release, I can't wait to see your vehicles ingame...

    Which brings up a question for me at least; As your mod seemingly overlaps ANZAC mod, I'd like to inquire if you're planning to make heavier equipment of the Australian Army (ASLAV and M1A1 SA I'm thinking of momentarily) of your own manufacturement?

    Also is the "double empty launchers" & "bouncing empty launchers" caused by the parallel use of Inko's and ACE2's disposable system is in your spotlights?

  11. Well the case is that current anti- or counter drug traffic operations are more resembling a "full-scale" guerilla engegament than a "Miami Vice" scenario, I remember I saw Colombian special police units operating in the jungle in full military equipment (in documentary of course). So I'd say it'd be a nice idea for a DLC. Anyway NAPA supposeldy products drugs in the northern mountains of Zagoria, according to their backstory, so some DEA or Russian FSB guys dealing with them might be believable, or poppy growing "Takibans"....

  12. Well OFP/ArmA series aren't simple games, they have a learning time to take. Either the newcomer will get to the taste of it, either he/she will be like "ArmA suxxx" and will be going back to good ol' rail shooters.

    The command UI made a big evolution from OFP times, some of the newcomers may don't know this, but it became better in some ways, although at the same time more difficult because of added possibilities. Honestly I don't know what system would be the most ideal, but keep in mind CM also couldn't make a significantly easier command interface for their own incarnation of Flashpoint. It's hard to make it at this level.

    In R6 Raven Shield, the case is much different, as we had the pre-mission planning phase, where you could put the waypoints with the commands before playing the mission, also you could control a max of 8 operators (if I remember well) in max. 3 fireteams. In A2 you can have 128 soldiers in one group.

    Tactical games on smaller scales also have a lot of key-combinations and complex command interfaces which have to be learned (SWAT 4, Ghost Recon, Combat Mission series, ect...) simpler "tactical" games aimed mainly for the console market can have extremly simplified command systems, which are designed for their 16 button controller (R6 Vegas, GR Advanced Warfighter).

    High command is a nice addition to cut a bit down on micro-management in my opinion.

    I think that only either voice command or a mind control device could solve this problem :)

  13. @Robalo

    I don't know if it has been mentioned, but the addon seems to generate depedency in missions, at least when I tried to open one of my missions I made in the editor -without enablig aiskills-, it said "asr_aiskill.pbo" is missing. I'd like to ask if this is intentional or a mere coincidence?

  14. @Banderas I know a expansion- pack ( I meant expansion-pack not addon) takes a long time and it would be released not until Summer next year, but a new one would be nice^^

    I agree with you, a new DVD expansion would be nice, but within the next year, because time is passing and Arma 2's technology will slowly go outdated. Although I hope BI won't drop the title for a few years, as we could see in the case of Dawn of War series, expansion can come many years after an original release (DoW - 2004, Winter Assault - 2005, Dark Crusade - 2006, Soulstorm - 2008 release). I still have very high hopes for at least one more DVD expansion pack, with some new VBS features to come with that (render-to-texture, fully working 3d editor, dynamic view distance, ect...)
