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Posts posted by Banderas

  1. I agree with PuFu. I really don't give a damn on what armies with what equipment will be seen in A3 (so far I saw a lot of "fantasy" things other than the F2000), you can't ask them to make recent US Army and USMC with Russian Army over and over again, so a little fantasy breaks in with a futuristic setting. I'm sure within a reasonable time there will be more than enough mods covering realistic armies and equipment. If they arrange physics, AI and optimisation in the right way I won't mind if they'll make it into Jedis fighting Aliens vs. Predators :)

  2. Whislist....

    1. believable physics; I don't wish to see 40mm HE grenades punching man-sized holes into walls, but large caliber cannon rounds should. Bad Company with moderations. Also I don't wish to see overdone character physics like in HL2. Also beleivable speed, acceleration and braking for vehicles is requirement.

    2. plausible customization; don't think that changing weapon attachments in the field is really necessary, have a system like in GRAW series or America's Army, customization before mission. I don't think one should really need to take on and off the flashlight and/or vertical grip continously, also in real life when applying a new optic -be it M68, EoTech or ACOG- the weapon have to be zeroed with it. Crysis system excluded.

    3. wound system: which takes character armor and hitting bullet type into consideration; also a little more detailed body proportion, like chest area shouldn't mean a certain death for a character with one shot (either player or AI); vital chest spots like heart, liver, spine; also body armor and helmet should protect to some degree against small caliber rounds, depending on distance. Also heavily wounded that gone unconcious rather than just the agonizing stance (both to have is good). And a small chance (2-5%) of surviving a headshot.

    4. different bullet types with different ballistics and hitting behaviour: FMJ, JHP, AP, incendiary. Bullet behaviour depending on the weapon (differences like with M4 and M16) and it's caliber (7,62*39mm: curved trajectory, bigger efficient range; 5,56mm: flatter trajectory on the first 300m, less lethal on bigger distances, etc...)

    5. More plausible AI: don't just make them over-smart. but to have some human like capabilities - stress under suppression (less accuracy, worse observation capacity) paired with a kind of morale system. Also a wider range of training level between factions; different tactics used by different armies. Also their accuracy downgraded from the Simo Häyhä level.

    Oh and before I forget....

    Don't go COD! :)

  3. Maybe it's been answered, but there's this list on Armaholic's post

    2003 belarus duffy bielski

    2002 nogova bohemia troska

    1991 nottinghamshire reynolds hood

    1962 ottoman lean lawrence

    1958 clara guevarra casillas

    1943 neretva lohr tito

    1814 madrid goya spaniard

    1462 targoviste vlad mehmed

    in 1991 there was a Robin Hood film released with Kevin Costner and Morgan Freeman and Alan rickman as antagonist - the director's name is Kevin Reynolds. In 1962 the film "Lawrence of Arabia" with Peter O'toole being the title character.

    Casillas is a city in Guatemala, where US Marines were fighing against guerillas in the 1920s

  4. Lukáš' statement is correct, GAME 2 was a very different looking game at one point

    However, Cole's statement is also correct: GAME 2 became Arma 2.


    Seemed to me it was to contain more diversity, it had desert US Marines in MARPAT, US Army in both DCU and woodland BDU fatigue (corresponding for that time), Russian Armed Forces and some kind of neurtral forces, seemingly a kind of RACS dressed in woodland. Also it seemed that both woodland and desert environments were planned. Seems like BI undertook too much for their capabilities.

    It's a similar case with Oblivion Lost, which was announced to be a sci-fi FPS with changing planets, then it became STALKER: Oblivion Lost then after further degradation STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl was released.

  5. Whoa, bro, forgettin an "Airborne" tab there . . .

    Maybe they don't wear every patch when deployed on combat missions, just the very necessary ones. Although there could be cases when they don't even wear any patches either (black side ops or something like this?). Anyways I don't think we'll miss them so much like some extra ammo in a firefight :)


    I beleive there were some unsolvable weight proportion issues with the Marines, so I fear they won't be available for a long time :(

    Nice units Binko, there was a long time since addons were released by you, hopefully soon we see some of them paired with a DL link.

  6. besides, in this day and age with games like bad company 2 having everything being able to be blown up with ragdolls everywhere, the reality engine was starting to look a little dated.

    arma has always been good when it comes to statistical realism (weapon ranges, textures, etc) but the engine is terrible at simulated realism (destruction, physics, AI). a new arma game MUST offer more of the latter as opposed to even more parallax mapping on sand textures.

    Don't want to stray too much offtopic, but I only partially agree with you. Of course the VR engine in its current form gets outdated with every passing day, and it lacks the eye-candy, mainly visual "physic" features, which might be good to be taken into consideration whenever a new ArmA game will be deployed. But BC2 and lookalikes are mainly going for the visual pleasure when it's about physics; they are way too much overdone - I don't think it's possible to put a 3m big hole into a brick wall with a 40mm HEDP grenade. Just like ragdoll is very much overdone in HL2 for example. So hooray for physics, but in a more moderate way than we see in these 5 hour long interactive movies.

  7. I don't think Arma II's faces have explicit hispanic faces. Also there was a fix back then with which you could disable black faces for RACS, or add them to SLA as well. It seemed illogical that a de facto one nation has black minority only on the south part, while there are none in the northern.

  8. Quite amusing. First off, was more of an inside joke. Second, I am from OFP times as well but with different account because the forums changed since then. I left after Arma came out but I just recently bought Arma2 and I am checking out the community again. Context is everything, so why you mad tho? Asskissing "highly respected addonmakers" won't earn you a early beta, if you nomsayin'

    Disregard and carry on with original thread. GJ Combat!

    In this case sorry. It was my mistake I beleived some 14 yo guy showed up and started spreading idiocy & discontent - like it happens almost every day.

    In writing I cannot express my real feelings but it wasn't meant to be hostile. Second I don't wish to have early betas, considering I'm working my ass of at my workplace and I try to have more time with my Girlfriend, so no time for any beta testing, and I think combat has an infinite supply of would-be beta testers. And I hardly have time just to play Arma2 nowadays.

    And no ass-kissing. I really highly respect them for their jobs in OFP.

    Once again sorry for being rude, twas my mistake.

    Back on topic

  9. Owwwieee one of my favorite vehicle makers from OFP days are back with a surprise, full-sized flanking assault :yay:

    Seems slowly ArmA 2 will rejoin the good'ol CWC addonmaker groups in time

    You need to make the windows transparent, I can't see through them. :j:

    Dude, your first post and you totally make a fool out of yourself. First you're smartassing with a highly respected addonmaker who returned from the OFP years, makers of one of the best quality addons of those days. Second you don't seem to know too much about modelling (me neither but a little more than you it seems). But most importantly, it's a Work In Progress model, I guarantee you'll be able to see through the windows when it'll get released for public ;)

    Caution & respect are essential when you're a newcomer to a circle.

  10. But is a mistake of mine, or the AFMC UH60 have not the flares ???

    Maybe it's not only yours, because AFMC tanks don't have smoke grenades for me, but it has the "ammocount", and plays the sound when pressing R, it's just doesn't fire anything. Only CSLA tanks work with own smoke system. But I didn't report it because I use other mods :)
