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Everything posted by big

  1. big


    Armaholic mirror updated: - M1114 Up-Armoured version Alpha RC4 (<28MB packed with 7zip, anyways u can also use winrar to extract it)
  2. big

    Vilas' addons

    Armaholic mirror updated: - Weapon holders and P'85 teasers
  3. big

    Vilas' addons

    Armaholic mirrors updated: - Weapons pack - Polish weapons pack
  4. big

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    Ok, i added them to Armaholic.com, i hope it's ok: - ZGB FFARs Code Fixes - RHS Hind Fix ArmA v1.14
  5. big

    Vilas' addons

    Armaholic mirror updated: - Vehicle Pack (vibi) - RACS Abrams
  6. big

    OFM Uhao

    Here u have it from Armaholic.com: - Warfare - PIP - Uhao (@)
  7. big

    XtraMod for patch 1.14

    Armaholic mirror updated: - Xtra Mods v1.05
  8. big


    Armaholic mirror and news: GDT Mod Hellfire
  9. big

    Al Kfrir - Afghanistan

    Armaholic mirror and news: - Al Kfrir - Afghanistan
  10. big

    Mercs and Civilians

    Armaholic mirror for the replacement: - Mercenaries Replacement
  11. Armaholic mirror and news: - CMF (Canadian Military Forces) (<40MB packed with 7zip, anyways u can also use winrar to extract it) The link has some screenshots [MCF] Frantz took.
  12. Armaholic mirror updated: - GDT Mod Satchel v1.02
  13. big

    Co16 Neptune

    Preparing the Armaholic page here and i have some questions: the FFAA mod is it the full package? the ofrp mod, what packages are needed? Thx.
  14. big

    Mercs and Civilians

    Armaholic.com download page updated: Mercenaries v0.2 Beta (<27 MB packed with 7zip,a anyways u can also use winrar to extract it)
  15. big

    OFM Uhao

    Armaholic mirror and news: - OFM Uhao Island (<79 MB packed with 7zip, anyways u can also use winrar to extract it)
  16. big


    Armaholic mirror updated and news: - M1114 Up-Armoured (<25MB packed with 7zip, anyways u can also use winrar to extract it)
  17. big

    Real Artillery 2 final

    Armaholic mirror and news: - Real Artillery 2
  18. big

    Wip-m4a1's pack v1.0

    New version frontpaged at the Armaholic.com homepage. The Armaholic.com download page can be found here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2526 (<15MB Packed with 7zip, anyways u can also use winrar to extract it)
  19. big

    Armored Traktors

    Armaholic mirror and news: - Armored Traktors (<3MB packed with 7zip, anyways u can also use winrar to extract it)
  20. Armaholic mirror and news: - PROPER World
  21. big

    1-30 C&H Avgani Iraq

    Can't u remove that addon dependence? I'm waiting to make the armaholic mirror till u solve this.
  22. big


    Armaholic mirror and news: - M1114 Up-Armoured
  23. big

    Jonny´s Marines

    Armaholic mirror updated: - Jonny's US Marines v1.6
  24. big

    Real artillery 2 beta

    Armaholic mirror updated: - Real artillery 2 Beta
  25. big

    Airwolf is updated

    Armaholic mirror updated: - Airwolf(packed as 7zip, anyways u can also use winrar to extract it)