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Posts posted by baddo

  1. Hi

    I really don't care much if the U.S. Army or whatever isn't completely accurately represented in this computer game. Of course it would be nice if everything was just like in real life but I think that is a practical impossibility to achieve. With this I mean that you can get different opinions on what is accurate and what is not even from inside your own Army (How do I know this? It's how human beings work.), so how can a foreign game developer get it right? It's the information they have acquired and have been given by others that makes them do what they do, in the time frame and resources they have available for the work.

    Also are you absolutely sure that throughout the whole U.S. Army the used vehicles and other equipment, order of battle etc. are exactly the same everywhere? I doubt it very much, that would be a practical impossibility too.

    Don't get me wrong, I prefer realism and accuracy to real life but it's really not a disaster of any kind if your opinion of what is accurate enough and Bohemia Interactive Studio's opinion of what is accurate enough don't match.

    I must add, aren't the U.S.M.C. and U.S. Army never co-operating? Maybe you could imagine that in this case there is co-operation and because of that the equipment is mixed. Isn't that a possible scenario in real life too? In the event of war it doesn't matter much for a country whom's motorcycle is being used and by who, all it matters is that it is possible to use it.



  2. Cmon guys, no need to have him read a veritable encyclopedia of info to find the answer to a simple question, we all started in the same place and we know how frustrating it can be to have to do that.

    The problem was, there was no questions asked. It is quite a difficult task to answer a non-existant question.

    bennie1983nl, I suggest that in the future you state more clearly in your posts what you want to know or what you want to get done, so it is much easier for others to help you. We want to help but it is very hard to do so if you write like your first post in this thread.

    Best Regards,


  3. Please try to avoid this type of mission designing - do you really want to hunt the last enemy for many hours just to finish the mission, especially if that enemy soldier went hiding under a rock?

    Find alternative methods please. Like check if enemy is fleeing scared to death already, check how much enemies are alive (if only 1 or 2 is alive do they pose a real threat anymore...), do the enemies have weapons and ammunition to pose a threat, can enemy vehicles shoot at you anymore or move anymore, etc. There are a ton of better approaches.

  4. Hi,

    just a comment on should you be able to keep your ArmA settings at the highest level or not.

    There is an article Postmortem: Bohemia Interactive Studios' Operation Flashpoint at gamasutra.com written by the Spanel brothers. It is a thriller story about the development of Operation Flashpoint. If you want to read the full article just create an account and login, it's free. Some quotes from the article:

    Quote[/b] ]First of all, some technologies in the game were a bit outdated after more than four years. We didn't know at the outset that the game would be still in development after so long, and we hadn't left time at the end to rework parts of the engine. Some of the criticism of Operation Flashpoint addresses the amount of detail in the textures and some models — and we have to admit that these could have been better.
    Quote[/b] ]The main problem wasn't that the development cycle was too long per se, but that the development was so much longer than we'd expected. Next time, we will work much more diligently to better estimate our development time — and we will probably try to aim higher with the detail of our artwork, even if it seems insanely detailed for present and predicted hardware capabilities.

    As you now think of it, it really makes sense to target current and future hardware, if your plan is to have a long life for your game. In my opinion ArmA can be sufficiently run on current hardware as I can run it sufficiently enough for me on very low-spec hardware mostly dating back to year 2001; Athlon 1.4 GHz, GeForce 6600 GT 128 MB VRAM AGP 4x, 768 MB 133 MHz SDRAM, old and slow hard disk drive, need I say more? ArmA also has potential to be even much better on upcoming hardware as many people here have acknowledged that they can't run the game in the highest settings. Which is of course perfectly fine if the game is not meant to be used for just a couple of months but for many years instead. A real problem with ArmA is the lack of multithreading in the game engine, that has to be acknowledged. That takes a lot of the growth potential away.

    Best Regards,


  5. Hi,

    just a comment on should you be able to keep your ArmA settings at the highest level or not.

    There is an article Postmortem: Bohemia Interactive Studios' Operation Flashpoint at gamasutra.com written by the Spanel brothers. It is a thriller story about the development of Operation Flashpoint. If you want to read the full article just create an account and login, it's free. Some quotes from the article:

    Quote[/b] ]First of all, some technologies in the game were a bit outdated after more than four years. We didn't know at the outset that the game would be still in development after so long, and we hadn't left time at the end to rework parts of the engine. Some of the criticism of Operation Flashpoint addresses the amount of detail in the textures and some models — and we have to admit that these could have been better.
    Quote[/b] ]The main problem wasn't that the development cycle was too long per se, but that the development was so much longer than we'd expected. Next time, we will work much more diligently to better estimate our development time — and we will probably try to aim higher with the detail of our artwork, even if it seems insanely detailed for present and predicted hardware capabilities.

    As you now think of it, it really makes sense to target current and future hardware, if your plan is to have a long life for your game. In my opinion ArmA can be sufficiently run on current hardware as I can run it sufficiently enough for me on very low-spec hardware mostly dating back to year 2001; Athlon 1.4 GHz, GeForce 6600 GT 128 MB VRAM AGP 4x, 768 MB 133 MHz SDRAM, old and slow hard disk drive, need I say more? ArmA also has potential to be even much better on upcoming hardware as many people here have acknowledged that they can't run the game in the highest settings. Which is of course perfectly fine if the game is not meant to be used for just a couple of months but for many years instead. A real problem with ArmA is the lack of multithreading in the game engine, that has to be acknowledged. That takes a lot of the growth potential away.

    Best Regards,


  6. - more bugs then before

    Hello Boby666666,

    can you please tell what kind of bugs you have encountered? Otherwise your post does not do any good.

    Familiarize yourself with the ArmA Community Bugtracker, search for the bugs you have found and make new bug reports if you can't find the bugs from there. Thank You.



  7. Note that I have not tried this for ArmA, but I recall in OFP you could use an empty sound to stop an existing sound from playing.

    That could be something like:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_unit say "myspeech"


    _unit say ""

    would make _unit say myspeech for 5 seconds.

    This is a distant memory, it might work though (I can't test now).


  8. Hi

    ArmA has received quite a lot of patching already - actually so much that it is unusual and even questionable in my opinion.

    We can all draw our own conclusions why this massive patching has happened. Was the game released a bit too early? Probably. Is this game the only game I have been keeping an eye on during the recent years? Yes. Am I happy that I have the game? Yes. Am I happy that there are bugs in the game? No. Do you have the right to complain? Yes, as much as I do. Has BIS done anything to make the situation better? Yes. Can BIS fix all bugs in one patch? No, that is a practical impossibility. Will there be more patches? Hopefully.

    Please make sure you use the ArmA Community Bugtracker to report the bugs you have noticed. Thank You.

    There is also a Wishlist in the Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki for things that don't qualify as bugs.

    Best Regards,


  9. Hi bennie1983nl

    Sure people here want to help you, but you would need to first tell us what you have in mind - just throwing a mission file at us is not enough to get us doing anything, really.

    Do you mean we should test your mission and tell what is good/bad about it? Then a better place would certainly be at http://www.ofpec.com/ where beta testing missions is a standard procedure for all incoming missions.



  10. player

    is the command you need. In every player computer in the multiplayer session, player has a different value. The value is of course, the player in that particular computer. So all you need to attach an event handler to each player unit is:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">player addEventHandler[...]

    Run the command in init.sqs or init.sqf so that it executes only once for each player.

  11. Hi,

    one thing to consider about waypoints: do not use them for playable units as they are unreliable.

    Example? One good example is in Armed Assault 1.04.5121 a single player mission "Delivery boy". I played it two times, in the first attempt the waypoints went simply wrong for the whole mission and the objectives in the briefing ticked off in the wrong order. In the second attempt the waypoints seemed to work but objectives in the briefing ticked off in the wrong order. Now that I tried that mission for the third time, I am 100 % sure that mission is broken. I get a waypoint at the start called "Rendezvous point" or something, which is under 100 meters from the start position, which can't be right as the real Rendezvous point is in totally different place. If I go into this wrong waypoint at the start, I get the second objective marked "Done" which is not true... that's one horrible mission!

    The lesson from this is, don't do it like that, don't use waypoints for player units. I don't know what BIS did with that mission, there is something wrong in the waypoints/objectives but that's a good example still how it's better to design your mission so that player units do not get any waypoints, other than words in the briefing "go there, pick up fellows, kill enemies over there".



  12. smile_o.gif

    Well... when I started that mission, after reaching to the briefing - it was a disgusting experience already at that point... that's not really a mission which you should start playing as your first missions. Maybe not even after you have more experience. I really wonder what was on the mind of the person who wrote the briefing, it is simply put awful. Maybe its related to the design of the mission, but still... Sorry whoever made it but that's my honest view of it.

    Edit: Forgot to mention, I get the most fun from the mission editor, as the single player missions are not well-made I have to make my own fun.

  13. smile_o.gif

    Well... when I started that mission, after reaching to the briefing - it was a disgusting experience already at that point... that's not really a mission which you should start playing as your first missions. Maybe not even after you have more experience. I really wonder what was on the mind of the person who wrote the briefing, it is simply put awful. Maybe its related to the design of the mission, but still... Sorry whoever made it but that's my honest view of it.

    Edit: Forgot to mention, I get the most fun from the mission editor, as the single player missions are not well-made I have to make my own fun.

  14. You'd need to script it pretty good though ...you dont want ai appearing out of know where inside the viewing distance (thats what let the script idea down in ofp).

    One more reason for BIS to add a getViewDistance function into the scripting language. Or does someone know how to find out the current viewdistance? A way around is to set it in mission start to some value and then hope that the player doesn't touch the setting or set it again to the same value like every couple of minutes.

    Edit Added getViewDistance request into Biki wishlist.

  15. Could this be a problem with the translations? Try switching into another language like English and see what happens. I assume you have the 505 release 1.04.5121 where this is possible if I recall correctly.

    If you have installed addons then of course remove them first and see if it helps.


  16. Yes there are these "floating" licenses for example, which are in great use in educational institutes and companies and such; be it a 1000 installations but only the number of purchased licenses, like 10, can be in use at any one time. But this is of course not a similar situation to those kind of situations. A person buys one copy with one license of the game and thus has only one license to use.

  17. Hey,

    just point the mouse cursor over what you want to delete and press "Delete" on your keyboard?



    Edit #1 ah should've refreshed the page, there seems to be already the answer for you.

    Edit #2 Don't worry about asking these kind of questions, the editor is not immediately clear on every aspect. I myself didn't have access to Internet when learning the mission editor and scripting language in OFP, and it was frustrating to see that it was so poorly documented in the game package. There is some improvement in the docs I received with the 505 release, but could be much better still.

  18. Hi,

    I think it is more fair to require every player to buy their own copy of the game. Otherwise, there would need to be a limit of number of players, who could tell what number to put in? How does a LAN party with only one purchased copy of Armed Assault but 100 players sound to you? To me it sounds like, very unfair towards the folks who did the product.

    Edit In general I think it is one purchased copy per installation(player) and not per household is right in my opinion. You could of course try to negotiate a different licence, but if you are not willing to do that then just accept what you get.



    P.S. I have no problem in buying multiple copies of the game. I am sure it is not a question of money for you either, just the principle.
