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Posts posted by baddo

  1. Hey,

    the game has "NORMAL" settings! If you use settings above "NORMAL" then you go to an area where your complaints about not being able to play the game because the settings are too demanding for your computer, are ridiculous.

    Think about it now, for a few minutes at least. "NORMAL".

    <span style='font-size:23pt;line-height:100%'>NORMAL</span>



  2. Hi

    I quite like the idea,

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">apt-get install nameofaddon

    apt-get update

    apt-get remove nameofaddon

    oh yes that would be wonderful!

    But it would need an addon repository covering all the possible addons, and possibly also all of the different versions of each addon. No?


  3. Maybe quad SLI is just not supported, or it a driver thing like in some 8800 series, so that you actually LOSE GPU and CPU power trying to dispatch the data to four cards, then get back the information, see that there was a problem, repeat etc...

    I actually believe this is the exact problem with my system. I'm no computer expert but isn't SLI the way forward with regards to ultimate graphical performance. And if so, ArmA will never be able to fully use the power of SLI. If this is the case then surely ArmA is a step backwards in terms of gaming. It doesn't support dual core nor SLI sad_o.gif


    Well if no one promised NVIDIA SLI or multi-core CPU support being in Armed Assault then this complaint is not valid. I am sure Bohemia Interactive Studio is working hard to make their next-generation game engine multithreaded. As for SLI or ATI's CrossFire, it is a more questionable goal as it will not benefit as many users as multithreaded design will. Many people are reluctant to buy multiple graphics cards, me being one of them. But if they can make that too, it's of course even better.

    Best Regards,


  4. Nobody said religious people are stupid, don't put words into our mouths.

    All religions are okay, I don't have a problem. The problem begins only when someone tries to feed their religious beliefs for me. That's what some political leaders are trying to do, among a lot of other people. Religion shouldn't be forced on anyone, if a person wants to believe then he believes by himself. I take it if I want it but don't feed it to me by force, like it seems to be the case in this case of "creationism should be taught in schools because it's the truth" case.

  5. Yes that's how it seems to go wink_o.gif

    It wouldn't bother me much otherwise but unfortunately some political leaders are using religion to support their policitical decisions and reasoning. So that there doesn't have to be any logical reasoning, just "faith" in something to start a war for example.

  6. Quote[/b] ]Fifty studies were reviewed that surveyed opinions on teaching origins in public schools. The vast majority found about 90% of the public desired that both creation and evolution or creation only be taught in the public schools. About 90% of Americans consider themselves creationists of some form, and about half believe that God created humans in their present form within the past 10,000 years. In America, about 15% of high school teachers teach both evolution and creation, and close to 20% of high school science teachers and about 10,000 scientists (including more than 4,000 life scientists) reject both macroevolution and theistic evolution. Although the vast majority of Americans desire both creation and evolution taught in school, the evolutionary naturalism worldview dominates, revealing a major disparity between the population and the ruling élite.


    Evolution vs Creation

    Quite funny, not. crazy_o.gif

    Science vs. Religion!


    It's the old fight going on and on.

    Could you believe, there was a time when scientists were thrown to jail after they had presented their opinions on how things really are, based on their own observations, experiments and logical thinking.

    I once had a chat with a religious person about how things are. I asked a question of what will we find if we go as far into space as possible (possibly no stop in sight). The response I got was that the the Universe must be God's creation as we can't reliably explain how does it look like and how was it formed. My reply to this was: when human beings can't understand something, they say it is God's creation. I think I insulted that person at least slightly. Not by intention, but that's how I think. When human beings can't explain something, it is easy to say it is God who did it.

  7. Please don't do this smile_o.gif

    I am sure there a a lot of idiots in U.S.A. but hey I know those exist elsewhere too. Sometimes we all are idiots


    and don't even try to deny it, you would be just cheating yourself.

    Ah but me thinks, it makes me angry when people come to me and ask me a question THEY ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWER FOR, and then they laugh at me when I didn't know this particular detail they asked. I have been a victim of this, and it is for sure very annoying - those people should get a life and concentrate on something else.

  8. Well I see it as a natural consequence that Russia feels threatened by USA, or should I say "NATO". I knew that right away when I heard the news about the new military bases planned to Czech Republic and to Poland. What else could happen? The Russians cheering for it? No way. I understand their reaction, even though I'd rather not see this kind of reaction at all. Russia is just too close to my home to be ignored. Please do not create more political and military tension for us, it's the last thing we want!

    It is the same thing that can happen while you are walking along the streets of your home town in a dark, late Saturday night. You get surrounded by aggressive people who you don't know, and you have no idea what their intentions could possibly be. Of course you get nervous and start to look for a way out of the situation, either by just running away or by using force. Russia can't run away, it has to come up with something else.

    The same problem is with the question of North Korea and Iran possessing nuclear weapons. USA wants them to not have nuclear weapons - such demands have no effect if you possess a lot of nuclear weapons yourself (and place your radars and missile stations so that you reach the mentioned countries).

    I really hope I do not see a war break out during my lifetime. It was too big prise that my country was forced to pay during WW II, as being one of the small playing cards in the game between Hitler and Stalin lead us having no way out of the situation without fighting. Alternative would have been to just surrender and give our land to the Russians. There is a whole lot more than just the big countries in this game. Think about the consequences to the smaller countries that will have to pay for the political decisions made by the big players. The USA is very much related to these kinds of issues all over the World and I hope they realize the consequenses their actions might have. The same goes for Russia of course.

  9. I must add that the sound of the UAZ has improved compared to OFP - it is now closer to what it is in real life. The sound I mean is the sound that comes from the transmission and everything that is between it and the wheels (can't now come up with the correct term in English, transmission line or something like that probably). Can be quite high sound and for sure not comfortable to listen to it on a longer journey. I were lucky to drive a ZIL-131 (Ural's close family member) most of the time, where the noise in the cabin was not as annoying but much softer.

  10. You can also relocate the whole Windows user profile folder away from its default location. If you want that is.

    Wamingo, by restricting the usage of an administrator account on your computer, you can seriously limit the damage malware can do to your operating system. That is the main reason why you should not use an account with full privileges but instead make the users of your computer use different accounts with restricted privileges. Unrestricted account is meant to be used only for installing programs and doing maintenance work. It was very bad decision from Microsoft to not make this very clear for people during the installation process of Windows XP (they call it convenience or something, but think about all the viruses, is that convenient?).

    Users are of course free to ignore the added security of using restricted accounts.

    I know many many people use their computer as non-restricted user but it shouldn't be so. Not a question of what your family members can do, its a question of what the Evil people at the Internet can and will do if they possibly can.

  11. You can also relocate the whole Windows user profile folder away from its default location. If you want that is.

    Wamingo, by restricting the usage of an administrator account on your computer, you can seriously limit the damage malware can do to your operating system. That is the main reason why you should not use an account with full privileges but instead make the users of your computer use different accounts with restricted privileges. Unrestricted account is meant to be used only for installing programs and doing maintenance work. It was very bad decision from Microsoft to not make this very clear for people during the installation process of Windows XP (they call it convenience or something, but think about all the viruses, is that convenient?).

    Users are of course free to ignore the added security of using restricted accounts.

    I know many many people use their computer as non-restricted user but it shouldn't be so. Not a question of what your family members can do, its a question of what the Evil people at the Internet can and will do if they possibly can.

  12. My Documents is the right place for games to store user-specific data as default setting. Many applications fail to operate because of insufficient folder permissions when they stubbornly try to write files somewhere else. I've seen too many applications which fail to do this right. Luckily ArmA isn't one of them. So ArmA does The Right Thing by default.

    Just a comment, nothing more smile_o.gif

  13. My Documents is the right place for games to store user-specific data as default setting. Many applications fail to operate because of insufficient folder permissions when they stubbornly try to write files somewhere else. I've seen too many applications which fail to do this right. Luckily ArmA isn't one of them. So ArmA does The Right Thing by default.

    Just a comment, nothing more smile_o.gif

  14. I'm just getting pissed at all these idiots who are all "ub3r-1337 PC h4x0rz" who are just annoyed cause they can't cheat on consoles online as easily as on the PC.


    Please don't even try to drag me into that fight, I am really not interested.

    If you interpreted my post as some kind of an attack against consoles or console players then you got it completely wrong.

    Best Regards,


  15. it as good as the best driving simulator out there

    This must be a joke, right?

    The wheeled vehicles are not realistically simulated. My guess is that the forces acting in a car's ground contact points are not simulated anywhere near to how they are in real cars, the cars are just turned around their principal vertical axis to simulate the turning. This makes it so that the car appears to slide on the ground when in reality that would not be the case. That's what disturbs me somewhat but this is not a driving simulation so I accept this. Maybe it is made so that it is easier to turn the car around in tight places like between buildings, or to fit better a console controller.

    My guess is that you mean more of the experience of going along a road and seeing the landscape and not about how technically correct the car is simulated. The sceneries can be quite nice (for a game) that is true.

  16. Get permission from the copyright owner of the files before you start to distribute anything. The copyright owner has the right to say what you can and what you can't do with their files. If it is not explicitly allowed, then it is prohibited. This is always how it is with copyrights (when the work in question is original work and not trivial).

    I must add that, of course, copyright laws vary between countries but this is how it is in Finland.

  17. but the AI shows no sign of deveopment in those years to Armoured Assault today


    I have to disagree with you. There is very noticeable difference between the A.I. in Operation Flashpoint and the A.I. in Armed Assault.

    My observations this far:

    - A.I. flanks more agressively. I have many times been suprised of the direction the A.I. soldiers are approaching me. They often go behind my back, compared to the direction I first saw them. This leads to much more exciting battles as I have to really watch my back and make sure I still have a way out if such need arises.

    - A.I. picks up ammunition from dead bodies without external help. Did you see them doing that in Operation Flashpoint right out of the box? I didn't.

    - A.I. uses buildings more actively. In Operation Flashpoint it was possible that an A.I. unit would enter a building without external help but it was very rare as I remember it. In Armed Assault it has happened often during the one month I have had the game. Now I can't feel safe in buildings anymore, like I did in Operation Flashpoint.

    I am sure this list isn't all because I have played Armed Assault relatively little and there is much more to explore and test. But it shows you some points were there has definitely been improvement over Operation Flashpoint.

    Best Regards,


  18. If you open the mission.sqm file into a text editor, you could remove the references to an unofficial addon by carefully looking where it is used and taking the related chunks of text away from the file.

    Or Macser can fix it for you if you have time to wait.

  19. OK I see now you have edited your first post biggrin_o.gif

    Well initially you only said that you could use some help and you gave us a link to a file with no additional information what kind of help do you need. That doesn't tell us much what you want us to do, or does it?


    You really need to give people more information right in the first initial post you make, other than just "i could use some help". This advice is for your own good, people will help you much faster and better and everyone will be happier. But enough of this already. You are now receiving help smile_o.gif

    Best Wishes,

