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Posts posted by baddo

  1. About my original point: I still think that the rules are written too negatively, you could get friendlier behaviour from visitors of this forum if you use a friendly tone yourself where ever it is possible. In the rules it is definitely possible as a new forum member has not yet done anything bad in the forums and must not be made feel threatened in the moment they are joining this forum. Unfriendly behaviour is really a major problem of this forum and efforts should be made to reduce and discourage such behaviour. As I said before, it all starts from the rules as the rules are an entry point for new members.

    Can I make a suggestion Bado? How about you altering the wording of the rules to what you would consider 'more friendly' and then presenting it to Shadow? I would like to help but I'm stuffed for time these days. PM me though if you need.

    I have a feeling that these boards are moving towards a more friendly attitude now anyway wink_o.gif ... I've seen some changes for the better already. thumbs-up.gif


    One example of rules written in a friendlier tone:

    Quote[/b] ]Please respect the following rules when you post on this forum.

    §1) Do show and encourage goodwill.

    §2) Do respect the opinions and origins of other people in the forums.

    §3) Do tell others Your relevant, useful, constructive and legally sound information and opinions.

    §4) Do post in well-constructed and spell-checked English.

    §5) Do give Your posts a second thought before submitting them.

    §6) Do search for an answer first before posting a question.

    §7) Do post in correct section of the forum. If You are unsure, ask a moderator first.

    §8) Do keep in mind that there can be very significant age differences between forum members.

    §9) Do use one and single account for all Your actions in the forum.

    §10) Do respect the will of the moderators.

    Just a quickly written example, but I am sure you see the idea I am after. Of course this is up to the forum administration to decide what to do, if anything.



  2. Hello NSX

    I can only clarify my own writings here, and my intentions.

    I never think about Russians as evil communists. I want to give you the right to choose your political system as you wish, and I expect the same in return. Similarly as I think USA should not tell Iraq how their political system should look like.

    When I think about the terms NATO, Russia and my home country Finland (Karantan might see discussing subjects important for Finland as selfish, sorry for that but the subjects mentioned in my previous post really are important for me as Finland happens to be the place where I was born and raised and still live in. NATO must take the same subjects into account when deciding how much to expand towards Russia.), I must take in notice the historical facts of my country when I form my opinions. It would be insane not to do so as we should learn something from our history and try to act now and in the future so that repeating the hard times of the past could be avoided. There was some serious mistrust between Finland and the Soviet Union during the World War II, which lead to an unnecessary bloodshed of Soviet soldiers. Our side lost good men too. I certainly hope such bloodshed won't happen again, as I see it benefits no one. As a consequence, I am naturally worried of what happens between Russia and NATO. I can become even more worried if Finland joins NATO and Russia and NATO don't get along with each other. Currently I don't know what would be the right choice for us; to join or not to join. In that question Russia has a major part, even though many politicians do not want to say it out loud as they are afraid of Russia's reaction (the pressurizing towards our politicians, which I mentioned in my previous post, is present all the time).

    To summarize my thoughts: Russia can greatly influence Finland's decision to join NATO by showing us there is nothing to worry about from their side. Currently the trend is the opposite. Even if our politicians don't say it out loud, Russia is the reason why my country is considering joining NATO. The more aggressive words the Russian leaders throw towards any country (like has happened with this case of the new radar and missile sites), the more worried we become as a natural consequence.

    I certainly hope USA and other NATO members understand that there are much more at stake than just their own businesses when they expand their military influence.

    Please do notice that I am not saying it would be Russia starting a conflict, but if a conflict starts no matter who started it, then it is Russia which we are keeping an eye on. There is the one country which seems to go on rampage from time to time, and even be proud of it. Yes you read my words right, I am more concerned of what kind of trouble USA will cause around the World.

    Best Wishes,


  3. That would be a trial of those who falsely lead us to war.

    That's what I said before in another thread, too. It would be a justified consequence for the people who are responsible for the false claims, to explain what they did in a court of law. No matter what the outcome of the trial, it would show people in high political positions that they too must have something reasonable to back up their actions. It's even more important than for average citizens as their actions can lead to a World-wide catasthrophe.

  4. Hi

    Well I think a link to the rules should not be individually in each section of the forum as it looks to be so currently. One potentially good place for the link could be in the top bar where we got the links:

    Quote[/b] ]Welcome Baddo

    [ Your Control Panel :: Log Out :: Notes :: New Posts ] Forum Rules

    if it is possible regarding the space available in that bar (forum admins probably have more links in that bar?). The basic idea is to put the link to the rules into a "base template", into a file which is low in the template file hierarchy so that the link is always there no matter what section of the forum is currently viewed.

    This is just an attempt to make everyone's life easier, really. Putting the link individually into some subsections of the forum creates inconsistency for the users and maintenance difficulties for forum administrators and as such is in my honest opinion not even close to an ideal and easy-to-use solution as getting the link to the rules depends what section of the forum I am viewing. Every now and then moderators are reminding members of the rules; wouldn't it be easier for you if the link to the rules was more visible for users?

    When the forum software is updated then you'd need to make sure the link to the rules won't disappear from the template but that's not really a big thing to check and fix if needed (I suspect you have to do it already with the current position of the link).

    This is really not a question of authority and power, you do not need to give up any of your power if you go and improve the forum as suggested.

    About my original point: I still think that the rules are written too negatively, you could get friendlier behaviour from visitors of this forum if you use a friendly tone yourself where ever it is possible. In the rules it is definitely possible as a new forum member has not yet done anything bad in the forums and must not be made feel threatened in the moment they are joining this forum. Unfriendly behaviour is really a major problem of this forum and efforts should be made to reduce and discourage such behaviour. As I said before, it all starts from the rules as the rules are an entry point for new members.

    Best Regards,


    Edit: Well there you said it Kronzky, that is exactly how it was for me when I tried to find the rules. But I'd put the link to the rules to the top of the page instead of the bottom, as it is more often so that we have the top of the page visible and have usually no need to look at the bottom of the pages. The link in "Help" is an improvement but yes it could still be better.

  5. You had plenty of time to review the rules when you signed up. You can not automatically sign up to the forum, you have to read the rules and then confirm that you read them - ignorance is no excuse, never has been, never will.

    So does this mean that I need to de-register and re-register to read the rules? This is exactly the attitude of what I am talking about. The users of this forum are not here for the moderators, the moderators are here for the users. A link to the rules is not for the forum or for the moderators or ex-moderators, the rules are for the users of this forum and as such a link to the rules should be much easier to find than it is now, especially when moderators are all over the place reminding people of the rules. If you disagree with that then what else can I say than the basic principle is completely wrong. If moderators want people to respect the rules of this forum they then better make sure the rules are never more than one click away. Now it isn't so.

    I very well know and understand that when I register, I get to read the rules. The situation changes significantly when time passes. People forget the rules. Moderators revise the rules. The rules have changed since I joined this forum, or do you disagree?

    perhaps some people are more attentive and have no problem spotting it

    This is exactly the behaviour I am against and why I made my suggestion in the first place. You start to make unfriendly remarks when I propose that the forum rules be improved to create a more friendly atmosphere, and to make it easier for people to find the rules. Why you speak with that kind of tone is hard to understand, as I am not trying to create anything evil and I for sure do my best to respect the rules, and the moderators who deserve to be respected.

    Do you really think you do not need to make it obvious for users how to find the rules? The current link to the rules is NOT easily spottable.

    Either way, the important fact is that people that want to contribute positively will set out to find the rules. For such people, the rules are easily accessible, even though they probably read them anyway when signing up.

    This is just unbelievable - are you trying to imply that I don't want to contribute positively? The rules were not easily accessible for me, as the rules were some time ago posted as a forum thread if I remember correctly. Now the link to the rules is somewhere else than as a sticky topic. Your comment is just unbelievable to be honest - this is exactly the behaviour I do not want to see in these forums... sorry for making a proposal into better, I obviously wasted my time.

    Edit #1:

    Couldnt have said it any better myself, Ex-Ronin. thumbs-up.gif

    All hope is lost.

    Edit #2:

    ...and where did I say that I hadn't read the rules? When you say "you had plenty of time to review the rules" what do you mean, other than I have not read the rules? Did I say I have not read the rules? Show me where I said so. I have not been reminded of the rules, so I really wonder how you came to a conclusion that I had some trouble reading or understanding the rules?

    All hope is definitely lost.

  6. Why are the rules of this forum written in such a negative tone?

    Wouldn't it create a more positive and friendly atmosphere into these forums if there would be no negative words in the forum rules?

    I am sure it would benefit this community if there would be a more positive and friendly attitude towards new members, from day one. It all starts from the rules.

    You can express the same rules as sentences using no negative words.

    Also the number of rules is quite high, I think some of them could be combined or removed without losing anything.

    Just my opinion of course.

    One more thing: You MUST make it easier to find the forum rules! If you want people to follow the rules of this forum then why it is so hard to spot the link to the rules? Why there is no link in the frontpage of the forum to the rules? You don't want people to read the rules? You don't want people to refresh their memory about the rules? I suggest you make it so that no matter what page a user is viewing, a clearly visible (appropriately coloured) link to the forum rules is always on the page.

  7. I support the idea of stopping the war in Iraq as soon as possible - but it must be done carefully so that all hell won't break loose, as is the danger if your troops are just pulled out of Iraq quickly. In that sense Mr. Bush is right that the troops cannot be pulled out of Iraq right now. The damage is done already, now it must be ensured the end result does not become a total catastrophe.

    Quote[/b] ]it is time to admit a tragic mistake

    This is what I said in another thread here in this forum: U.S.A. must admit their mistakes so the situation can start healing. Then it will be significantly easier to get help from other nations. If the leaders of U.S.A. ignorantly just keeps telling us they are always doing The Right Thingâ„¢, they will not get much sympathy.

    One comment from the website showing how well the people of U.S.A. are informed:

    Quote[/b] ]We sholud have nuked them when they hit New York why did we have to send our troops away

    Yeah right... WTC towers are down, go nuke Iraq as a solution!

    Thankfully there seems to be more people who choose their words better.

    I remember some European countries told U.S.A. not to start a war in Iraq and yet they did, along with calling French Fries Freedom Fries *sigh* among other childish behaviour like making fun of French and German people (ad hominem at work when reasonable arguments are all used up).

    You are now paying the price for your leaders not listening to people who knew better and saw further.

    You know what to do: vote different kind of people to be the leaders of your country. Your country has way too much military and economical power to be lead by people like Bush and his neo-conservative advisors.

  8. and Baddo... our point is that licensing is only going to complicate things for most people. Even the supposed "easy to use" open source licenses.

    Well I will just quote myself so you will see that I agree with you:

    It doesn't need an EULA of many pages, just a short sentence stating the license so that we know the author's opinion on the subject.

    By "license" I mean any kind of license, not just the commonly used in open-source scene. One can make a new license just by writing a short sentence, no need to take GPL and the friends into it.

    ...and I agree with you, the open-source licenses are not ideal in many situations, I for example would probably never use GPL for any of my own work. Or BSD, it's even worse just look at how the OpenBSD project cried some time ago for lack of donations... pathetic... they are giving code away and it is free! For all! I am a Linux user so I take advantage of GPL'd products


    Of course, if someone sees the need to use a more complicated license for their work then Just Do Itâ„¢ it is not a problem for me. Be sure to check that the agreements you have made with BIS are not broken by your own license though.

    I am more concerned of the fact that in most cases there are no statements at all about the license in documentations. If your work is in public domain please tell it and don't assume we can guess it is. That's my main point here, I am not that interested in introducing long legal texts or similar like standards, I have read such texts enough in education and work that I'd rather not have to bother in a hobby.

    Also I must add about the legal side: an "international" law is only effective if the local legislators have made it to be in effect as a local law. If it is not, then we do not need to care about such law as no one can enforce it on us in our own country. And about agreements: in my country an agreement which does not follow our legislation has no value, a contract has to follow the legislation or otherwise it is an invalid agreement. Just some points which can have effect when you try to force "agreements" or "international laws" on people.

  9. and Baddo... our point is that licensing is only going to complicate things for most people. Even the supposed "easy to use" open source licenses.

    Well I will just quote myself so you will see that I agree with you:

    It doesn't need an EULA of many pages, just a short sentence stating the license so that we know the author's opinion on the subject.

    By "license" I mean any kind of license, not just the commonly used in open-source scene. One can make a new license just by writing a short sentence, no need to take GPL and the friends into it.

    ...and I agree with you, the open-source licenses are not ideal in many situations, I for example would probably never use GPL for any of my own work. Or BSD, it's even worse just look at how the OpenBSD project cried some time ago for lack of donations... pathetic... they are giving code away and it is free! For all! I am a Linux user so I take advantage of GPL'd products


    Of course, if someone sees the need to use a more complicated license for their work then Just Do Itâ„¢ it is not a problem for me. Be sure to check that the agreements you have made with BIS are not broken by your own license though.

    I am more concerned of the fact that in most cases there are no statements at all about the license in documentations. If your work is in public domain please tell it and don't assume we can guess it is. That's my main point here, I am not that interested in introducing long legal texts or similar like standards, I have read such texts enough in education and work that I'd rather not have to bother in a hobby.

    Also I must add about the legal side: an "international" law is only effective if the local legislators have made it to be in effect as a local law. If it is not, then we do not need to care about such law as no one can enforce it on us in our own country. And about agreements: in my country an agreement which does not follow our legislation has no value, a contract has to follow the legislation or otherwise it is an invalid agreement. Just some points which can have effect when you try to force "agreements" or "international laws" on people.

  10. I think this conversation got sidetracked into some odd direction.

    I think the original point was that authors should declare their work to be under some sort of license, instead of the usual case of not declaring any kind of license and thus implicitly prohibiting any kind of redistribution or redistribution of modified works unless an explicit permission from the author is received. So basically, as I see it, every mission, every addon out there which do not give permission for redistribution in their documentation are not allowed to be redistributed without asking and receiving permission to do so from the author (which in most cases is not what the authors want I am sure of that).

  11. I think this conversation got sidetracked into some odd direction.

    I think the original point was that authors should declare their work to be under some sort of license, instead of the usual case of not declaring any kind of license and thus implicitly prohibiting any kind of redistribution or redistribution of modified works unless an explicit permission from the author is received. So basically, as I see it, every mission, every addon out there which do not give permission for redistribution in their documentation are not allowed to be redistributed without asking and receiving permission to do so from the author (which in most cases is not what the authors want I am sure of that).

  12. Friendly AI units which are in your team, you as a leader, are tied to work as you order them. That's why they are stupid, you didn't make them do any better. A completely-AI team is not tied to what you do and as such they can perform better than the AI units in your group.

    So practice giving your AI team mates some orders, you can get good results by understanding how you need to command them effectively. I know it can be a hassle in an intense mission to use the command menus to give orders for AI soldiers but if you don't do it then your AI soldiers will look stupid no doubt about it.

  13. I've played CTF missions and I never noticed players going prone to be a problem. It was actually nice to have a fight in an alley with sandbags, you and your enemy could crawl behind the sandbags towards each other, until getting scared to death being face-to-face. Your script makes such cover objects useless as you can't hide anymore, like you could in real life.

    Well it's an idea but I hope it doesn't spread too much. Maybe it fits into some mission types but I wouldn't like to see it in a CTF I am playing. In CTF you are not getting anywhere in the mission if you are prone all the time, so that kind of already does the work you are trying to do with the script.

  14. Well I think it would be good if more people would state in their readme's if their work is public domain or not. Usually that info is missing. Readmes in general are very badly written, unfortunately. It doesn't need an EULA of many pages, just a short sentence stating the license so that we know the author's opinion on the subject.

    It's true that you will be granted copyrights automatically for a work which can be considered "original", it doesn't need to be mentioned anywhere. That's how it is here where I live at least, I see no sane reason why it wouldn't be so in other countries too.

  15. Well I think it would be good if more people would state in their readme's if their work is public domain or not. Usually that info is missing. Readmes in general are very badly written, unfortunately. It doesn't need an EULA of many pages, just a short sentence stating the license so that we know the author's opinion on the subject.

    It's true that you will be granted copyrights automatically for a work which can be considered "original", it doesn't need to be mentioned anywhere. That's how it is here where I live at least, I see no sane reason why it wouldn't be so in other countries too.

  16. This writing was initiated by thread Local conflicts are coming ? My fears of a conflict in and around Finland are closely related to NATO, Russia and the possibility of Finland becoming a member of NATO.

    One very important but also very problematic question for us Finns is, should we join NATO to get security guarantees? It is quite certain that we will not form any kind of military alliance with Russia, and the European Union alone is not a sufficient guarantee for military support in an event of war. It has been indicated by NATO officials that Finland will be accepted as a member if only we want it to happen. Some key questions:

    1) Will we join NATO?

    2) How will Russia react if Finland joins NATO? There has recently been increased tension between Russia and NATO because of NATO spreading its influence towards Russia, as already discussed here. My fears are that Russia would take it not lightly, but would concentrate more of their troops close to the Finnish border, which in turn would force us to strengthen our defence. As Finland has even been part of the Russian Empire, it is understandable from the Russian point-of-view that they would not feel happy if NATO expands to Finland.

    3) In an undesirable but possible event of war between a NATO-member Finland and Russia, would other NATO member states really help us? Is USA ready to bombard Russia if Russia attacks only Finland? What would Germany and other NATO member countries do? Sit by and watch or come to rescue?

    4) Is the possible threat from Russia great enough to justify our NATO membership? As a member of NATO, Finland would be required to help other NATO member countries in conflicts. That includes also conflicts far away from Finland, possibly no relation to a threat from Russia, which would have been our number one reason to join NATO in the first place. NATO and Russia could even be fighting on the same side. Such situations would just drag us into wars not our own, with the possibility that the biggest fear we had did not happen but we became best friends with Russia instead. The war in Iraq is definitely such a war which is not ours, and many many people are already angry in Finland about it. How would Finnish people react if we were demanded, as a member of NATO, to send troops into such unjustified and idiotic wars?

    5) Would it be wise for NATO to have Finland as its member? Regarding the historical burden and geographical location of Finland being, if not in Russia's front yard, at least very close to it.

    6) How can Russia assure us not to join NATO? By their actions. Reducing the pressurizing of our politicians in various subjects. Limiting the presence of their military in the Gulf of Finland. Making sure their military airplanes do not cross the border of Finland, as has happened many times during peacetime. Making sure their submarines do not cross the border of Finland, as has been suspected to happen during peacetime. Reducing the amount of military troops located near the Finnish border. Making sure journalists in Russia are not murdered to silence them from making unpleasant arguments. Making sure they do not cencorship any of their media. Making sure they allow free speech for everyone in their country. Making sure the political lead of their country is not in the hands of a few people only.

    This is so tough and problematic subject for us that our politicians are having a very hard time with it. They either try to avoid the discussion altogether, or try to get us into NATO as soon as possible. Some politicians have the same feelings as I do, not sure yet what we should do. Our primarily goal is obviously to maintain peace in and around Finland and thus our decisions should never be seen as provocative by anyone, do we join NATO or not.

  17. Well as long as other countries understand to keep their militaries away from our soil then this place will remain peaceful.

    Due to our history and geographical location, our fears come from the East only. Best way to avoid any military conflicts in Finland and surrounding areas is to maintain a constant dialog with Russia and make sure they know that we have absolutely no evil intentions towards them whatsoever, or intentions to help other nations attack them. A fear of military threat amongst the leaders of Soviet Union is what caused them to attack us during World War II, along with an agreement they made with Hitler. The same goes for the Baltic states, they must also maintain a constant dialog with the Russians to avoid any misunderstandings from either part.

    As I see that my writing fits better into the other thread Should Russia fear NATO expansion?, I will put it there.

  18. I don't think so... it would be a giant waste of time for the magazines, to keep track of every patch for every game they ever reviewed and write a new review every time they see a patch changed the game more than just a little bit. A computer game magazine can only review a product in its current state. If a game developer / publisher wants better review scores then they better do something about it on their side before release date.

    If the system was like you describe, it would encourage developers / publishers to publish even more unfinished products and make customers feel even more disappointed.

    Also I must add about customers getting used to download patches for games. It shouldn't be so. The whole computer software industry is doing the same thing; their products are so complex and so difficult to get right the first time that they just have to release patches. Which is sad but that's how it goes in this industry.

  19. Try disabling your possibly installed firewall program and then try again. If that fixes the problem then you need to adjust the settings of your firewall program.

    Your post does not contain much information, you'd need to provide us with some details like do you have a firewall program running, what version of ArmA are you using etc...

  20. Hey,

    I think BIS made a mistake.

    The mistake is this: Users are able to choose settings too freely in ArmA, or at least without guidance in-game regarding what settings could be appropriate. There should be warnings with big red letters stating what will happen if settings are selected too optimisticly for the user's hardware. It seems that many people just ignore the fact that their hardware is not made in the future and thus has only performance of current level. If you go read the postmortem article in gamasutra.com about development of Operation Flashpoint, you can clearly see that one of the mistakes BIS admits they did with OFP was that quality of graphics was too low at time of release and they indicated they will not make that mistake again in their future products. I think it is very wise to make a game scalable so that users can get even more out of it in the future when there are more capable hardware available. It is in my humble opinion a good thing that you CAN adjust the settings higher (even if your current computer cannot handle it) AND get visual benefits with future hardware.

    One can wonder why is there not an automatic procedure in the game which measures in some way the performance of the user's hardware, and then recommends some settings based on the results of the measurements? Wouldn't those kind of measures bring some sanity to these discussions? People just put their settings to "high" or "very high" and then complain, like there is no common sense in this World at all.

    Of course BIS needs to optimize their game engine, of course they need to tweak the settings of Armed Assault to make the game perform better, of course they made a lot of mistakes, of course they could make it more obvious for the users what their hardware is capable of, of course, of course, of course. All this talk about how un-optimized the game engine of Armed Assault is, do you seriously think that the folks at BIS don't know that they need to make it even better? Do you seriously think that they don't want their products to be the best of all and to perform like an insane monkey? I honestly think that they could very much improve the setting-up process so that users are more aware of what their hardware is capable of. A good question is, why on Earth do we have so many options to change? Do you want to change anti-aliasing? Do you want to change anisotropic filtering? Do you even know what those terms mean? Do I need to become an expert on computer game development or on computer graphics hardware in order to understand what settings I am tuning? I think that I should not have to even think about anti-aliasing or anisotropic filtering or anything like that, that's tech talk and completely unnecessay terms for the end users (who are nto hardcore geeks and absolutely want to adjust exactly anti-aliasing and the friends.

    Of course we all want that the games developed by BIS are the most attractive when it comes to visual quality, of course we want their games to have top performance, of course of course of course. I have never seen anyone on this forum say the opposite, fanboy in your eyes or not, we all want the same from BIS products, to be the best games in every possible way.


    Best Wishes,

    Your friend Baddo.
