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Posts posted by baddo

  1. Once you can model in O2 it is easy.

    Yes, but if you try some other tools you will see how much more efficient and easy 3D modelling can be, when there are more advanced (but still easy-to-use) features available.

    Oxygen is a simple program so it is a very good starting point for beginners, that is true.

    Best Regards,


  2. O2 beats them all on price - cause it's free but the funtionality and useability in comparision to above products is not good. (and b4 you disagree, just don't)

    Yup that is very true... somehow when I brought that up some time ago, people jumped on my throat. I don't know why that happened as I only said a fact. There is no need to be so protective over Oxygen when we say non-arguable facts. We can argue about matter of taste but not about obvious facts, I think. In facts there is nothing to argue about icon_rolleyes.gif

    What matters is, Oxygen is free, and unavoidable at some point. I don't know what this http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/GateBuilder Oxygen clone/copy? can do, but that is an option too maybe.

    Then there is the free http://www.blender.org/, which is a powerful program but harder to learn compared to Oxygen. Blender has, in my opinion, a significant flaw in its ideology though; they refuse to support closed-source 3D navigation devices (like the ones from 3dconnexion), even if they could do it so that no GPL'd source code is mixed with closed-source code. Well many other tools too don't support 3D navigation devices so Blender doesn't lose anything to them in that aspect.



  3. Well the game played in this thread is "How to force Windows to use more of the RAM we offered to it?" With the streaming system in place in ArmA I think it is quite hard for us to get it do what we want; it is a BIS programmer decision to decide how much RAM ArmA asks from the operating system. They can tune it up or down, to decide to keep stuff in RAM instead of dumping it and loading it again in a few seconds.

    My opinion is, unused RAM is wasted RAM when we are talking about a computer game that could fill the RAM but doesn't. The BIS programmers might have, ahem, a bit more experience and knowledge in programming, so maybe they have a really good reason to keep the amount of utilized RAM down. Some say it is wise use of resource to not take all into use, but I think when it's about a computer game which we normally do not use at the same time with many other RAM-hungry programs, then it is questionable why RAM utilization is low and then we have the problem of textures and models not loading fast enough from the HDD... I have only 768 MB of RAM and I certainly would like to see it almost full when playing (there's plenty of it free when I play ArmA with maxmem=512, ArmA uses something around 250 MB I recall), as clearly the constant loading of resources from the HDD does not happen quickly enough on this computer.

    Let us fill our RAM!

  4. Well obviously ArmA does not try very hard to realistically simulate driving, the cars and the motorcyles have unrealistic driving characteristics at least.

    I've never driven a tank but I know the principle of a tracked vehicle and how such vehicle turns in general. If you try to make a 180 degree turn with a tracked vehicle very quickly, by braking the other track (possible even putting it to reverse) and by throttling the other track, it is possible to make a tracked vehicle to turn in its place (no advancement into any direction happens). But under higher speed there is an unavoidable slide into the direction the vehicle was originally heading (law of physics and thus unavoidable). Such a quick turn would require that the vehicle is driving on an easily-slideable ground. Otherwise the vehicle might not have enough power to make the turn so rapidly; too much contact forces caused by friction to overcome. This could be the problem with tanks, I don't know. With lightweight tracked vehicles it for certainty is possible to turn around 180 deg very quickly. If a tank has enough power then should be possible for them too to turn quite quickly into opposite direction.

    So, what I am saying is that you can turn a tracked vehicle very sharply in short amount of time. Put the other track full speed forward, the other track full speed backwards (even if vehicle going forwards, the track can slide to other direction already and make the turn quick). It will not be nice to the driver/passengers but it is possible in theory and in practice, I've done it many times myself with other tracked vehicles than a military tank. I'm not saying it is realistic for a tank, only saying it is possible, as I've done it many times on an appropriate surface with a lightweight tracked vehicle.

  5. Hey Olle Stolpe,

    if you are serious about 3D modelling, then I suggest you take a look at 3D navigation devices too. Of course you need to use a program which supports one. This rules using only Oxygen out. We'll see if there is support in the next version release of Oxygen by BIS. With a 3D navigation device the rotating you normally do with your mouse, will change into the 3D navigation device making your modelling work more efficient and a bonus is that the strain on your mouse hand will reduce which can be quite significant gain (at least for me it made a big difference in how much my hand hurt after a working day).

    At least http://www.3dconnexion.com/ makes good 3D navigation devices. They also offer a SDK to integrate support into your own programs without fee, so BIS could provide this in their own modeling program as well.

    Best Regards,


  6. I would say that your next step could be to examine the files the game has.



    and download the "ArmA Tools" package. There you find programs cpbo and unRap. When you go looking in the ArmA directory, you will find files that have extension .PBO. cpbo opens these packages. Think about them like the ZIP packages you have probably encountered. If you've unpackaged a PBO you will get a directory containing files and possible subdirectories. The config.bin files are the configuration files. You use unRap to make those files become config.cpp files, which are readable in a text editor.

    That's a start. Texture files have extensions .PAA and .PAC. 3D models have extension .P3D.

    For more information about the file types etc., go to http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Main_Page and of course, search this forum!

    Oh yes, almost forgot, one place you MUST read through is http://www.ofpec.com/. There's a whole lot of information in their forums and elsewhere in the website, be sure to spend lots of time there. Don't mind if some documents there are for OFP, chances are very good you are reading information that is still valid for ArmA.

    Now, go explore!

  7. Hmmm... surely there are more of these old people who are over 50, who are OFP/ArmA fans... it is quite fascinating that OFP/ArmA has fans of so varying ages, think about a multiplayer deathmatch: a 53-year-old, probably a senior manager at some company: "KICK THIS XXXXXX HE STOLE MY JEEP!!!", a 10-year-old replies "you n00b! your mother is a xx!!11"

    ...I am 28. Started playing computer games first with my friend's Amiga 500 (Populous, Test Drive etc... friend fell asleep many times when sitting next to his computer, me playing there... if you think you are this friend then drop a message!), then got my own Commodore 64 and later, after getting a 386 DX 40 MHz PC it was so exciting, 120 MB hard disk drive etc. luxuries! Even a math co-processor!

    Thinking of the best games I've experienced during the years (that I would still enjoy playing), maybe F1GP (the first version) by Microprose, Monkey Island I, OFP. ArmA maybe but we will see after some time if I still play games and if I bought a computer that can play ArmA like it is meant to be played. Currently ArmA is a promising title to belong to the all-time-favourites list but it is too early to say.

    Best Wishes,


  8. Just disable the signatures altogether, that's a solution and a good one indeed. No signature problems anymore.

    Two questions:

    1. Why do you want to disable everything on this forum?

    2. Why do you hate freedom?


    1) I don't want to disable everything on this forum. Do not read from my posts something I did not write into them.

    2) I definitely don't hate freedom. Do not read from my posts something I did not write into them.

    3) Freedom, in my way of thinking, includes the freedom of giving suggestions here about how to get the actual valuable content, the discussions, have more weight in proportion to the non-valuable content like for example post count, member titles and signatures.

    From a moderating point-of-view, signatures are a major headache. Just think about it for a moment please. Moderators must constantly view what kind of signatures people have. They must look if a signature follows some rules. Often the signatures do not follow the rules and moderators need to react, which then prompts angry responses from the people in question, possibly leading to a long-lasting unjustified hatred towards moderators. Great way to spend an evening right? I don't think so... The suggestion to disable signatures is certainly aimed to help moderators do their job. By disabling signatures they can direct their efforts into monitoring the significantly more valuable content on these forums, the discussions. I see moderating signatures as a giant waste of time. Some other people might see differently and I give them that right (as I appreciate freedom very much).

    For me the signatures are not a problem as I can log in, select not to view signatures and thus get rid of all the crap in signatures. It is a much more pleasant experience to read the discussions that way, try it some time if you haven't already.

    The suggestion to disable the signatures is meant for the administrators/moderators of this website to reduce their workload in maintaining the website, direct their efforts into something much more valuable and at the same time make the forums a much much tidier place for visitors to take a look at.

    Best Wishes,


  9. Just disable the signatures altogether, that's a solution and a good one indeed. No signature problems anymore.

    "Your Control Panel" --> "Account Options" --> "Do you wish to view members signatures when reading threads?" --> "No" = Another happy person smile_o.gif

    I did that already a long time ago, thank you anyways.

    I meant, disable signatures COMPLETELY, so there is less crap visible when not logged in, and ESPECIALLY less crap for the moderators to moderate. I guess they can't make that change as then they would have seriously less work for them and would that be good? It is not difficult to do so, it is just a question of do the administrators want to do it; you would only need to delete code from template files, this does not do anything to what is in the database, only affects what is shown. Of course that's the way to do it if this forum software doesn't have a button for the admins to disable it, which I assumed to be the case as I can't remember if there is that button and am not going to check now...

  10. Please BIS fix the bug that when switching to full fire mode than to another item the weapon is again in single mode. This really shouldn's be that much work but it's a very annyoing and very old bug!

    Well, seeing how it only takes 0.0000001 seconds to switch back to auto, I see no problems there... you can cycle through fire modes instantaniously (even while firing) if you haven't noticed.

    There could be a bit of realism in there too?

    For example the main assault rifle used by the Finnish Defence Forces, RK-62, works so that if you want full fire mode, you must first switch the weapon to single fire mode and then back up one notch to full fire mode. So that when you prepare the weapon for firing, you can't avoid switching first to the single fire mode. I don't know about other rifles but that's how it is for RK-62. Maybe we could imagine that in-game, if you switch away from your weapon to some other item, your character automagically switches the weapon to a safer mode...? Imagine now, real hard smile_o.gif well of course we could say that BIS should let us be completely in charge of when the fire mode is changed. So that you could leave your weapon into a very dangerous mode and shoot yourself in the leg or something while looking through your binoculars, holding your weapon on your lap.

    Best Regards,


  11. I submit tons of tickets to ATI support, cause the crash of the whole OS (and the PC restarts) after 15/20 minuts of play with ArmA

    they continue to answer:

    -update the bios

    -update the drivers

    -change the DX refresh

    I continue to respond: bios, drivers and other are ok, is not a my PC problem, is a your drivers problem!!!

    and they answer:

    -update the bios

    -update the drivers

    -change the DX refresh

    now I ask to myself:


    it seems that no one in the ATI knows it...

    The problem is how do you verify where the problem is?

    ArmA bug?

    ATI driver bug?

    Some other driver bug?

    Operating system bug?

    A faulty hardware component?

    Multiple hardware components faulty?


    How can ATI say something else than update your drivers, or check your hardware, when the problem is that your PC restarts? That's the info you give to them and to BIS? How can they know what is causing it? How can you help them to know? Do they look from a crystal ball?

  12. Well I played this mission on probably the 1.04.something version and it annoyed me like nothing else... it was in that version for sure a bugged mission, no matter what I did the mission failed, and no not because I didn't make it back in time but because the waypoints and the objectives didn't seem to work right. I got objectives marked "Done" which for certainty I had not done yet! And that was enough to make the mission impossible to complete. Possibly this is fixed in the latest version but I think I am not trying it again, just to not lose my temper as it is otherwise a beautiful, windy day.

  13. You could contact the person I gave you info about if you didn't do it already. You could all team up so we could see something usable someday. As far as I know there was certainly quite a lot of thinking done in that project (even a prototype of some sort was produced, as a proof-of-concept) and it would not be good if it is all left unused.

  14. Hi

    Thumbs up for this idea!

    I happen to know that some people over at www.ofpec.com were working on the idea of writing a syntax-checker program for OFP scripts. That is quite the same as what you have in mind. I have no knowledge how far that project realized in practice. I will send you a private message in which I tell who you should contact if you want to know more about this project. The person has not been active for some time now but it is worth a shot.

    Best Regards,


  15. Yup me too very disappointed with the motorcycles in ArmA. One of the first things I had to play with when I got the game but oh boys was I disappointed... waiting for FDF Mod ArmA version to fix it, hopefully *crosses fingers* if BIS doesn't have the motivation to do any better with the motorcycles that is.

  16. this post is dedicated to all the Vista users who now whine as much as Mac Os users when things don't work on the brand new sexy looking flakey MS OS. So please don't whine here no more or be branded a MAC user...

    Let them whine, it is not your problem if others can't read or understand system requirements and recommendations.
