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Posts posted by baddo

  1. 0311, you are blaming Iraqi troops of not behaving like you'd want to see them behave.

    That's really not the problem in my opinion. The problem is that some country decided to start a war (with no acceptance from United Nations and from many independent countries, thus even many US citizens say the whole war is illegal and totally unjustified) against Iraq and decided to put Iraq into a chaos.

    A solution to this problem in my opinion is not to get the Iraqi troops to behave like you want to see them behave. There is some good reason behind their behaviour. In my opinion that reason is not lazyness or cowardness of the Iraqi people, but it is mostly unwillingness to cooperate with US military and government. There is little reason for an Iraqi citizen to feel good about US military or government. If they don't feel good about you being there, can you realistically expect them to work with you with good motivation? Do they see that the current-day Iraq, where USA tries to control the country, is something the Iraqi people want to be part of, want to protect it? Want to protect US interests in the Middle East? That's what you are basically asking from the Iraqi people. What reason they have to do that? I am sure many people around the World would try to drive invaders out of their country, no matter the reason the invasion happened in the first place. You would do it too if it happened in your country, no matter if your previous President was a cruel dictator.

    First step of the solution is that USA apologizes the Iraqi people, and the whole World, its mistake of starting the war. That in my opinion is the first step of healing the situation. People are angry at USA and for a damn good reason.

    I am definitely a friend of the USA. Friends can criticize each other and still be friends. I would be very very happy if the USA would start spending the huge amount of money that goes into keeping its military at the pointless war in Iraq into something else than a military. Like really helping the Iraqi people, not by pointing a gun at them but asking them, what do they want? How can you help them? For sure you wouldn't feel like you were helped if some foreign people walk past your house, holding an assault rifle and a couple of hand grenades, plus a knife in between your teeth. That's only going to get you offended I am sure. That's how I would feel if it happened here. I would feel offended and I would want the foreign troops out of my country as soon as possible. It wouldn't help if the foreign troops gave me candy and smiled at me. I would still tell them to get the hell out of here. This is my country, we take care of our business and you take care of your business, but in your own country thank you very much for doing that. Don't you think the Iraqi people think the same? Even if they are in some Iraqi military, that's in my opinion the basic feeling they have in the deepest of their hearts. They don't want you to be there.

    Instead of spending ridiculous amounts of money into an illegal and totally pointless war, why not spend the same amount of money in the American continent? Why not truly make the USA the greatest country of the World by improving its infrastructure with all that money? Improving health care? Making sure people in the USA have jobs, other than in the military or in businesses that benefit from USA being in a war? Starting to show the World what the ideologies of freedom and democracy were really meant to be, inside your own borders?

    I so much would like to see a President in the USA who turns your country around and stops going on rampage around the World and starts to concentrate on making USA itself a better place to live in. I think there is just too many things not right inside your borders that you really couldn't afford to throw all that money into something that really wasn't your business in the first place. I really don't believe USA is a safer place now after the wars in Afghanistan and in Iraq. It's the opposite. The more you point people with your weapons and kill them and the more aggressive and bully behaviour you use in your foreign politics, the more fire you draw into your own country. It's as simple as that, someone said in another thread that if you live by the gun, you die by the gun and I think it is totally true also for a nation, not just for individuals. I'm sorry to say this but the USA is living by the gun and its going to die by the gun, if someone isn't going to step up and put a stop to it.

  2. I hear ya Granq , i went to that irc @ ofpec last month and wow was it a let down ,the main topic of conversation was some guy swearing his head off and typing in broken english,which was akin to a mixture of latin american and leet speak whitman or something he was called.

    I hope maybe they do use irc and then publish the minutes so to speak, would make a nice read i am sure.

    I know who you are talking about. You are talking about the mascot of #ofpec


    You can always put him on ignore if you don't like what he writes.

    oh yeah hi wippie whistle.gif

    Many people got lots of OFP mission editing help from #ofpec @QuakeNet. Okay most of the talk isn't about mission editing, but come as a friendly person there, ask a question and you'll get advice. It happened before and it happens again if needed, I have no doubt about that. The friendly people are there too, you just need to ask your question and ignore the people who try to get you to show the little devil in you by spamming like there is no tomorrow.

    Hey I think a voice recording is better, but maybe a written transcript could be made? I'm sure not everything is easy to figure out what was said, especially if the speakers are a random bunch of people all around the World English as their n-th language. Jerryhopper speaks English with a Dutch accent, I understand him well, I already did business meetings with Dutch people so I recognize the accent from there. But a transcript wouldn't be bad.

  3. Well it's nice to get a Hotfix Release Candidate. Thank You BIS.

    I don't get what is wrong with the people who complain about getting only a small Hotfix? And that you got it now but not on day one? Do you want a huge multi-gigabyte patch instead? This Hotfix, it was fast to download and fast to install. Probably the people who have had some Securom problems are very happy now. I am happy for them if this Hotfix fixes their problem. I can take this Hotfix too, as I see it should fix the 'stuck on ladders' bug which I encountered a couple of times.

    Anyways, happy Monday evening for all of you, sun is shining here and I hope it shines for you too.

  4. Especially when using some 3rd party addons I have found that quite a lot of warning/error messages get generated into this file. A sign of not properly made addons, as the BIS units do not generate the same warning/error messages. But as there is so little official documentation and official tools for ArmA addon making published to date, it's no wonder.

  5. @Baddo - I just hope your involvement in development project is not in bridge or building constructing, because I would never like to cross the bridge or live in a building where you have been involved/worked in developing project e.g. such way of 'working'.

    You seem to not understand what I was talking about. I'll try to make it more clear this time. Project plan and schedule have the main priority in determining how the project work proceeds. If a problem arises, its priority is weighed and a decision is made if the problem needs fixing or not. This is everyday life in any kind of project development work. A bug in a computer software product gets a priority too.

    My previous post was to tell that I understand the reasons why a development team might do what Sputnik Monroe's example tells us. In a perfect world everything would be perfect but somehow I have a feeling that it is a too ambitious goal to have everything perfect, especially if projects have to end some day. A project does not end at all if you go around asking people if they think it is completely ready.

    Your example of bridge development. 'Bugs' are always prioritized, no matter what kind of project. For example, if the materials chosen for the bridge smell bad (very non-critical), versus wrong type of steel is planned to be used in main supporting beams (very critical). The steel type is going to get changed of course. But the smell... maybe people living near the bridge just have to deal with it, as our project is already too far in schedule to make a change to the smell possible.

    It's going to be very chaotic if you let outsiders affect your work too much. That's my main point, you have your plan, schedule and resources and you have to keep working with what you got. If a couple of hunded outsiders suddenly come and try to change your whole plan and schedule, but resources stay the same, what are you going to do? Best thing is to keep working according to your original plan and schedule, and filter the noise out from the input signal in the best possible way. And then you go and fix the problems that can be fixed with the resources and time you have available, non-critical problems have a lower priority and might not get fixed. In Sputnik Monroe's example, as I already said (but you didn't notice), this filtering of input signal seemed to go too far.

    Your remark towards me is insulting and only shows that you have neither experience or understanding of development projects. Please get some experience and think about my words again, maybe you'll then understand what I mean.

  6. I'm sure if there actually were any of those claimed Weapons Of Mass Destruction in Iraq, I would have seen it by now as I keep a close eye on global news. I only saw a presentation made by the USA which showed some mobile lab (this was created on a computer, not real footage). I'm sure the USA has done everything it can to prove that there were WOMD in Iraq, but as they have not been able to show actual evidence to me, I have to say there wasn't any, and that the people who claimed there was, were simply put, wrong (or just lying to me).

  7. Quite interesting.

    I think anyone who have worked in some kind of development projects can imagine why this kind of things happen. I have worked in development projects (not software, but it doesn't matter as development project basics are the same in every project). I can easily imagine (remember) how a working day is completely ruined when someone comes up with something related to my work, brings major changes to a significant part of my work, and how my whole schedule goes absolutely crazy, or impossible, after that. When a development project is started, a plan and a schedule is written. Project manager then invites everyone from time to time into a project meeting, and checks if we are in schedule. If you think about how many hours you have in a typical office working day, you can easily see how the whole day can be quickly ruined if there is distraction from your work, for example as in form of someone showing you what is wrong in your work in their opinion and that you should do it their way, starting to work on it right now. The only sane way to approach this problem in my opinion is to keep the 'bug list' organized but it is not possible to let the 'bug list' to decide what kind of schedule and plan you have for your work. You just keep working according to some pre-determined plan, on the way filtering the noise out of the signal as best as you possibly can.

    It seems that in your example a lot of input were seen as 'unwanted noise' which disturbs the work the developers are trying to do (according to their original plan and schedule).

    There is only so many hours per day and that is a big part of the problem, everyone who has worked in any kind of development projects understand this. It is practically impossible to keep on the schedule if you listen to all of the people who have something to say about your work, which would require you to change your working plan all the time. I know that in many projects I have participated in, a lot of things could have been done much better but it was not possible in the given time and resources. A project has to end at some point and it isn't doing that if everyone is asked if the project is ready.

    So, on one hand I understand why things like in your example happen, but on the other hand I of course wish it wouldn't happen. Sometimes the balance shifts too much to the other end.

  8. You didn't get my point pal, I meant, The game should be completely open to mod, Crysis states that it is, and Crysis is not just an engine. Thats what I meant by community made, I SHOULD of said Community Accessible.

    And are you kidding?! BAS', Laser's, etc are 50 times better in quality, and usefulness than what BIS supplied in OFP, and already ArmA Addons WITH OUT THE TOOLS are becoming better than Bohemia's. If you can't see that, then im sorry too.

    Yes you used wrong words friend smile_o.gif That is why I say I got your point exactly like you said it.

    And no I am not kidding about the quality of addons. I said "general rule is" and I stand behind my words. Trust me I have seen enough addons to make a judgement that I rather take the stuff BIS makes than wait for community created content, as I know which gives me a better game. I should've said in my previous post also that even if the visual quality of an addon is better than the visual quality of original BIS units, it does not automatically mean that the addon is better than the BIS stuff. There is more to quality than just the visual side. One major problem is that the configuration values are chosen for user-created content as those individuals wish, and cooperation between addon makers is non-existant. As a result we get community-created addons which are not good when used against each other, or against BIS-created units, because of inbalanced configuration values. This is a well-known problem. Inside BIS that problem should not exist as they can actually have some organization and standards, which is unlikely to happen between a random bunch of independent addon makers. To summarize my point in this post, a significant problem with user-created content is that in general it doesn't fit well together to original content or to other user-created content.

  9. BIS, again imho, should have the goal for their games to be community made, developer helped

    Hell no!

    Sorry if I sound blunt but that's just not going to work.

    I've said this earlier and I say it again: you either buy a game engine or you buy a game. I buy games, not game engines made by BIS. Changing their business plan so dramatically now could very well end up in a disaster.

    If game development is really what you want to do then there are for example free open-source components which you can use to start making your own games, even commercial games, if that's what you really want to be doing.


    I'm sorry to say this but so many of the addons released, even if people worked very long and hard on them, are nowhere near the professional quality which BIS is able to reach. There are exceptions but the general rule is that addon makers do not reach professional quality level. I certainly do appreciate a lot the work people put into creating addons, but quite often the content doesn't fit well into the game OFP/ArmA because quality is not good enough and the quality difference to the original content is too big to be acceptable. Solution is definitely not to have all content created by the community.

    Again, I'm sorry I had to say this but that's how it is in reality.

    About the topic physics. I think ragdoll physics could fix a problem I have been somewhat annoyed of when playing ArmA: dead bodies can have their feet high up in the air or something similar, depending on the location they happen to be in. Does not look natural at all. More natural would be if the body would follow the ground. This could maybe be achieved with a ragdoll-type death, restricted and dampened movement so that it doesn't look stupid as others here have said can be a problem, and then the body would settle to follow the ground and after that the whole ragdoll physics for the unit could be turned off.

  10. Well this whole Operation Iraqi "Freedom" is just propaganda in my opinion and not a realistic setting to happen.

    Propaganda from the year 1939: The Soviet Union will "free" Finland and its citizens, who want to actually be part of the Soviet Union, or so the Soviets said. Result of this "freedom" operation for the Soviet Union: official death count for them after the three month operation is ~127,000, wounded ~265,000 (for Finland ~27,000 dead and ~40,000 wounded, source for the numbers Wikipedia.org). I thank my grandparents every single day that no "freedom" was brought to the citizens of my country as a result of this Soviet "freedom" operation.

    Soviet ignorance and incompetence were important factors in the Finnish success during the war. The attackers were not expecting much resistance; General Kirill Meretskov estimated it would take only 10 to 12 days for his 26 well equipped 14,000 man divisions to reach Helsinki. Their propaganda had been so convincing that it was felt that the Finns would be waving flags and welcoming the Red Army with open arms.

    I see this quote speaking about the Winter War having similarities to how the Operation Iraqi Freedom went (it is still unfinished even though G.W.B. already declared victory). Strong resistance was not expected, war would be quickly over and the Iraqi people would be delighted. Not one of those expectations have realized in Iraq.

    It might be a whole lot different kind of setting in modern-day Iraq, but the basics are the same. A foreign, not welcome army steps into the soil of a smaller country and the people of the smaller country defend their soil with every kind of weapon they can produce ("sticks and stones", "improvised" devices of all sorts) and the moment when the fighting stops is when the bigger one, the invader, gives up and gets the hell out of there.

    I don't accept terrorism. I gave USA a lot of compassion and support on 9/11/2001. Like many others here in my country, I cried when I saw what happened in New York. I still do if I see the videos, the horrible memories of 9/11 are so strong. The events of 9/11/2001 definitely had an effect on me as a person. I give absolutely zero compassion for people who fight against civilians and don't take it on against an army.

    But I understand very well if someone wants to drive foreign soldiers, who were not invited, out from their country by any means possible. That's what I would do and you would do it too. I am sure you would definitely not like it if in such a situation you were called a terrorist. That would make you even more angry, I am sure of that. And then you would fight back even harder.

    I wonder if the average people in the USA are able to look at the war in Iraq from this point-of-view? Or do the average USA people just believe whatever their politicians and media tell them.

  11. In my opinion, if you want AI soldiers to react to dead bodies somehow, you would need to script it.

    For OFP people made such scripts, if you go to for example to http://www.ofpec.com/ you could maybe find such a script and try if it works out-of-the-box for ArmA, if not maybe modify it so that it does.

    For example a search for "bodies" at OFPEC Editors Depot returns function guard2.sqf http://www.ofpec.com/ed_depo....earch=1

    a function which could be usable.

    Quote[/b] ]Allows guards to react to dead bodies. First parameter is an array of the guards, second parameter is how much the live guard must know about the dead body before the function returns true.

    I am sure there is something else for this too out there somewhere, like some hidebody script by someone (I don't remember details about it) but guard2.sqf is what I could find fast.

    Best Regards,


  12. crazy_o.gif

    Nutty_101 thanks for the heads-up.

    Doesn't sound good at all.

    It does sound right to me that no clients need other peoples' ID's, if the ID's are known to the server then that should be sufficient IMHO. But hey I didn't code ArmA so what do I know.

    The playing on public OFP:R servers was getting quite ridiculous on the last times I played OFP:R online, a good time before ArmA's release. It sounds like ArmA is already there, or even farther when it comes to hacking/cheating in multiplayer.

    I'm sure this is an issue that requires attention from BIS, or otherwise multiplayer on public servers is a big no-no for many people including myself.

  13. I don't know of any tutorial to convert a solid model into a surface model.

    I've used a CAD program to convert a solid model into a surface model. You could look if there is a surface model format available in the modelling program you are using, and try saving your model into that file format. I am afraid that the end result will not be good with a complex model, you will probably have to clean up the model manually after the conversion.

    I've brought solid 3D models from a CAD program into 3DS Max, then from there to Oxygen 2 Light. The end result is a surface model. The path I went was:

    CATIA V5: Save As... STL

    3DS Max: Import STL, Export 3DS

    Oxygen: Open 3DS

    The end result was good in my opinion, I didn't do any cleaning up to the model in Oxygen 2 Light and I saw no errors at all in the 3D model when it was in-game in Operation Flashpoint: Resistance. The 3D model wasn't as optimized as it could have been but it worked well.

    Look what options your 3D modelling program has for file formats and see what kind of results you get with different file formats.

  14. To me your model looks like a solid model. You should make surface models for ArmA. In solid modelling you basically have something solid (like you are working on a piece of metal), which you manipulate to look like the object you are modelling.

    In surface modelling you only create the surface of the object, leaving the inside hollow.

    It is possible to convert a solid model into a surface model.

  15. There's a difference between being blinded by technology and not being able to find the "any" key. Those are the people I am talking about.

    Certainly it wasn't Fallschirmjager who asked where the 'any' key is.

    Ever read comments at youtube? You shouldnt be allowed to operate a PC if your IQ is equal to or lower then a potato.

    I have read no YouTube video comments written by Fallschirmjager. If you can point me to some very stupid comments on YouTube that he wrote about computers then I'd be interested to hear about it.

    It is of course true that operating and maintaining a personal computer requires some knowledge and skills. It is an undeniable fact. The point Fallschirmjager made in his first post was that getting ArmA to work without problems and with good performance requires more knowledge and skills about setting up, operating and maintaining a personal computer than what can be reasonably required from him. And I agree with him. But I think it is not the fault of BIS. It is the fault of the whole technology. The whole personal computer technology is flawed in this aspect. It is way too unreliable, complex and unstable regarding from what hardware components and software programs a personal computer consists of to be called a good technology. Don't take me wrong, I have fiddled with computers like there is no tomorrow. I have spent way too much time using computers, setting up and adjusting all sorts of things that really could just have been let as they were. Now, the technology blindness is that if I now go to other people and tell them to do the same that I have been doing, because that is what needs to be done in order to be succesful, now that is certainly technology blindness. Here Fallschirmjager has a very valid point. He should not need to know about overclocking. He should not have to know how to fine-tune a computer so he could get the last 5 % of performance out of it, in order to play a game. He should not have to know what exact driver version has to be used for ArmA to work the best. He definitely should not need to know those kinds of things in order to be able to enjoy a computer game. As you can read, Fallschirmjager already stated that his computer fulfills the minimum requirements that BIS thinks ArmA requires.

    This is not the fault of BIS, it is the fault of the personal computer technology. I already said at least two times in some other threads that games for consoles might be a good idea after all, after spending lots of time throughout my life using a personal computer and fixing all sorts of certainly un-obvious problems, and after reading what problems others were having while trying to get ArmA at least running without a Crash To Desktop.

  16. To my opinion; Using computers without a Computer License should become illegal. Just like driving a car.

    Not saying the game doesn't have bugs...

    People who say things like you just said really should think again. You are blinded by technology and by your own geekyness. I have seen enough of this disease to tell right away if people have it. I had it too but one day I realized how stupid it was to think like that.

    Quote from Wikipedia about "geek":

    Quote[/b] ]The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word geek as "1: a carnival performer often billed as a wild man whose act usually includes biting the head off a live chicken, bat or snake 2: a person often of an intellectual bent who is disliked 3: an enthusiast or expert especially in a technological field or activity"


    lol it seems my 8800GTS is in really good health after all as most of the time its running under atless 78 when playing ArmA, need to find some ways to cool it down b4 its starts burning huh.gif

    Well I'm not 100 % sure of the 70 deg C, the temperature goes down quite fast when I switch away from ArmA so maybe the temperature while playing ArmA was closer to 80 deg C when the problems appeared. No matter what the temperature was, one thing is for sure: ArmA causes my graphics card to heat up to a level in which visual problems start to appear. It is the first game to do that on this hardware.

  17. Well I have a 6600 GT 128 MB VRAM and I noticed ArmA can heat it up so that visual glitches start to appear after playing for some time. I now don't even think of running ArmA without having a large extra fan blowing to the graphics card. Problems can start at around 70 degrees Celcius of GPU temperature and ArmA puts the temp up to that level quite easily.

    My computer is old and slow, 1.4 GHz (Athlon XP 1600+) and 768 MB 133 MHz SDRAM. The graphics card has an 4 x AGP bus. This computer really is not good enough to run ArmA, but I can play ArmA in most missions with a performance level I can accept.
